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Everything posted by MAVERICKS CHOICE

  1. I could be wrong though maybe too early to tell but going on what I have read & from what Martin has expressed on this board it seems that the only way @ present to do this is by way of sysprep with a second unattend.xml... Thats why so far I use a Super admin acc. only & make this autologon with no specific user designated in UA, as I posted a few threads up the page. This way you get the shiny desktop you need & manually setup another account if you require it. I did get annoyed setting up users in my xml only to find on first start up windows asking me to setup another etc. Hope that sheds some light on it.
  2. @Martin Thats a wonderful guide dude, surely appreciated to many here. Mind you have guided me most of it here one thread or another... :thumbup EDIT: Looking through your guides I think thats more than good enough to become the new MSFN Vista Unattended guide????Whaddya reckon guys??
  3. Yes what your saying is correct using modern hardware & believe this is why MS have gone the wim.imageing routine.
  4. Ok then Pls post your entire xml edited for the sensitive info of course.
  5. Just as a side note, not all but many tweaks used in XP can also be applied in Vista.
  6. Slightly OT guys but does anyone know where to get my hands on add Lang packs? scoured MS site no luck??
  7. Hey Marc try this & this This will prevent the new user screen pop up & create a single super admin account only.
  8. This is very helpful, pretty well nailed.
  9. @spacesurfer Yes exporting add book from xp to reimport into Vista, Thanks thats something to start with.
  10. Hello MC! Thanks for the honour! But the driver injection method is not my method! It's described in WAIK help. The only thing I did is, that I've made these instructions more detailed and with some pictures. That's enough work... but it's not my method. My method is described in thread here. Thanks & regards, Martin @ FireGeier Maybe I should have said " example" instead.
  11. Thanks GSM you're very much known for spoiling us. Mailstore doesn't appear to be in any recognizeable format? not .csv or .wab??
  12. Hey Guys had a fair Google/Search with this one. Basicly trying to export my add book then reinstall the Vista with the csv file installing unattendly? I can manually do this no probs, but having problems finding where windows stores this info?
  13. SpOOf, you say nuthin works for you but you fail to say why??? or post your methods??? or ans files etc??? Button pushin progs are only helpful if you know what they do & a basic understanding on how to manually do the task. Martins example above does in fact work & will produce the log file to prove it... Vista pnp drivers however are another story, manufacturers ware will tell you they work fine with Vista etc. However I know better than to believe them. Not all of them mind you. .....Statements like, "Still no go", "It doesn't work", do not help us or you to sort your problem.......
  14. All very interesting & look forward to that, thanks.
  15. Thats great. I'm sure Martin could clarify this further the translation is good but far from clear.
  16. Know slightly ot but does anyone know of the method to directly inject drivers to the wim? I have Googled briefly & found some snippets? It however does not go into detail as far as naming convention, placement etc. If this is possible would this method overcome driver signing issues on install??
  17. Well the driver issue thing is a real sticking point. I have known manufacturers drivers for vista but install still complains?? When I integrated with Dino's VLite, setup complains & pops up re driver signing? there doesn't seem to be a workaround this issue to date?
  18. Thanks Shawn following a rebuild of the source now appears the pnp driver was @ fault, strange message though? This was definetly working previous? It is one printer driver only? removed that from the ans file & working as expected. The hard drive formatting/partitioning & extending works well. Basically creates a windows partition as C & installs the OS, then creates a second partition F, extends the rest of the drive to fill etc.
  19. Thanks Max, retracing my steps even if that means starting afresh.
  20. Experiencing this boot message when running my Ult Vista Ua, If i remake the source its sometimes works ok. The message attached below shows approx 10 secs into Install just following loading of files etc? I haven't removed any folders or files, nor have I added any drivers in this image. Anyone possibly point in the right dir. to where may there might be the prob??
  21. mc: I use a modded version of prathapml's autounattend file, set network as "home" and never get network page on 1st startup. And now that I use sysprep with a second xml file with network set a "home", I don't get it either... Tell me if you need more information. Taken on board, will incorporate. EDIT: I also found a sharp reboot after install at first use gets rid of that page & doesn't pop up again, quick & dirty I know...
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