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Everything posted by prx984

  1. i should go check my computing.net post, i havent done so in a little while. the last time i checked someone had responded in a positive way
  2. http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=121806 Romanthats so mean, why would they go and delete something like that? it was a worthy cause. oh well, their forums, they can do what they want
  3. im having the same thing happen on my end. i hope it gets sorted out soon, i dont like the fact that you have to sign in to read a topic, i always clear my internet cache files so i always have to type my pass back in, then it asks if i want to save it each time. its so annoying. i hope it isn't permanent, and if not, i hope it gets fixed soon. edit : shoot i didnt read through the rest of site and forum issues page there. (stupid 800X600 laptop lol) your topic has already been answered, and even my own question as a matter of fact. its posted here http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=78928
  4. hi welcome to the forums hope you enjoy it here as much as i did when i first started off here. theres a lot of cool stuff to look at too. a quick jont through the forums and youll know what i mean. happy posting
  5. Windows 9X: Guide to Performance Windows 9X: Guide to Security (i cleaned it up and spell checked it too, hope you like it)
  6. if you want, ill post it on my website and spell check it and stuff for ya. then you just post the link to it on a few forums. then i can make a table of contents for it and stuff like that with links to take them to that part of the page. if you want that, let me know, and ill be happy to do it.
  7. well, right now im running 98 on a measly little PII 233 with 64 mb of ram and a PII 366 with 383mb of ram and its running great on both computers, so im just going to stick to that. i use XP on the latter as well, and both OS's run fine imo. both very usable. anyway, im going to listen to pearl jam for now. good night all.
  8. i know it sucks, but its kinda the price we have to pay to run the older stuff, not that its a bad thing, its just how it goes for us right now. thats all. just rise above it and just be happy your computer is stable, because most likely you introduce a skin of some kind, you can say goodbye to that.
  9. i believe someone already said it, windows 98 was based on colors, there isnt really a theme inside anything in it. the actual GUI is all based on colors. im not 100% sure on it, but its the only thing i can really think of. windows 98 came out before themes were really in use like the XP one because computers fast enough to handle it were very expensive back then. your best bet (to retain system stability) is just to use the old GUI, ill admit, its boring, but very functional. newer isnt always better.
  10. thanks for the tremendous amount of information there galahs mdgx has started something similar to this, you can read up on it here. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=78600 theres a lot of people willing to help in this campaign, its a bit farfetched, but if we get enough people, we can keep it going. regards, cygnus
  11. iv got about 15 invites left, if you want one, PM me or leave a message here and ill be more than happy to let you have one, or two
  12. if he can find a way to get it working on 256mb of ram, then more power to him. anyway, in my personal experience vista beta 2 ran horribly on my computer (AMD athlon XP 1800+, 640mb ram, ATi Radeon 9200 SE) so i doubt that a laptop with a lot less power will run it any good at all. the best thing to do is just play around with vista, see if you can get it to work, and then when you get it installed, see how it runs and go from there. but i think your just going to go back to XP. its the best OS for a machine like that right now. maybe if Vista comes out in full and its the home edition or what not, then it might work quite well on your laptop, but i dont think beta 2 will. anyway, guys, dont discourage him, he might find it works quite well (i doubt it, but you never know) and he likes it, so just let him play around and give positive advice you have. anyway, regards, cygnus
  13. thats what i was wondering, timeless keeps posting these things. almost as if to boost his total post count. if thats not the case timeless, please let us know whats up.
  14. i wish i had a burner in my laptop, then i wouldn't have to go upstairs to burn this to a cd lol i dont like my room during the summer, gets way too hot. right now its above 80'F, down here, its a cool 70'F im glad my dad is an HVAC mechanic
  15. hey guys, you might want to take a look at this, its a guide with windowblinds and objectbar to make your 98/ME/2000 box look like XP. i would take a look at it, its worth it. edit: i thought i put the link in, but it didnt go in i guess. i cant seem to find it again now, if i do, ill let you guys know when i do.
  16. oh, my bad man that thing was weird when i heard about it. but now that i know what it is, it doesnt strike me as odd anymore.
  17. well, i think that 98SE is going to keep living for a long time. i give it maybe 5 more years before the people still running it now start to consider a new computer, and maybe 10 years before we can lay 98 to rest. its a good operating system, just in 10 years time its going to be fairly old the internet might not even be the same by then. who knows we'll wait till then, till then lets keep 98 alive
  18. usually just by deleting the active partition then creating a new one, your good. that will restart the setup when you get past the part. if you need help on installing XP, let me know. you can contact me on msn or aol or yahoo. its in my profile, hope this helps
  19. im not sure about this, but if you do a reinstall of windows you still have to reinstall everything. i dont know for sure because i just wipe the drive and start fresh. which, in your case, isn't exactly a bad idea. usually when i change a piece of hardware that major, i do a reload of windows. my theory is, when your installing windows, i think it kind of optimizes itself for your computer. so really, if you take a new motherboard and just drop a drive with XP loaded from another computer, your going to risk stability issues garaunteed. the best bet, is to back up all your data, and reinstall the OS. but also, keep in mind, your going to have to do it eventually if you continue with that same install of windows, your going to have stability issues. so, for the long run, i recommend a clean install of windows. your going to lose all your programs you have installed either way (i think)
  20. Actually,no this trick has been on may eastereggs sites and on http://www.mdgx.com on the easter eggs section,sorry to rain on ur parade MDGx may have posted that there after reading what citizenman said. keep in mind, his post was made in april. MDGx's site is updated a lot. just a thought
  21. here you go, try this. http://rapidshare.de/files/26080032/aim_triton_slim.exe.html if you want the file deleted, go here. http://rapidshare.de/files/26080032/aim_tr...code=2692225784
  22. i think you can, im not sure. i have a few drivers for my laptop that run under 98 and when i install them it extracts the files somewhere (i think its a winzip SFX) then it runs setup.exe. give me a min then ill get back to you.
  23. just get winzip or winrar and make a zip file out of the files. then right click on the zip file and goto "make an SFX archive" it might even be the same with 7zip. im unsure because i dont really play around with that program.
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