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Everything posted by nuhi

  1. hehe nice Regarding partitions I made the Unattended cd with Autopartition command...booted it on my main rig...you can figure out the rest Good thing that some recovery software undelete function worked but I'll never forget the horror
  2. nuhi

    Unsupported OS

    Well since I don't have it and it's limited in many ways (parallel processes limit?) I don't see it supported that soon or ever. It uses some Vista deployment routines so I'll check that later on when Vista is final.
  3. Carl_50, you don't need to use the integrator, instead lets find out what went wrong. Prepare clean windows cd with sp2 in it, then try again, only that, just to see was it something else in combination.
  4. On their forum they talk about MDAC and their startup problems without nlite too. So I guess keep MDAC and it's dependencies...check out MSJET too.
  5. nuhi

    Printer Problems

    Did you maybe disabled Printer Spooler service? Did you use Printer Compatibility while removing components? (it's probably something with removed drivers but lets first do this)
  6. oioldman, oh...seems like I've been too long without a floppy...haven't seen one in a year or two.
  7. cmdlines.txt is needed only if you rename admin and use autologon.
  8. nuhi

    Last Session.ini

    When you select Yes for Apply changes then it is created...or in your case should have been. Really weird...maybe your nlite folder or preset folder is read only or something...but then your manual save wouldn't work too, hm.
  9. lol so simple, be sure I'll try that and I'm ashamed for not taking that into account before. Thx
  10. Remake it then, from scratch, integrate sp2 and be sure to keep ASMS compression disabled...or maybe even try enabled instead. But be sure to report if you find out the pattern as it always works ok for majority.
  11. nuhi


    It's not RVM pack, but you can try newest nlite 1.0.1 and rvm 2.10 And try not to add any more until you confirm which is it.
  12. If no customized line then you probably haven't. But another simple way is to check is there an nlite.in_ file in i386.
  13. Can you open winnt.sif with a notepad, is that sif file compressed or just there as a text file. Is it unicode or ansi? Also what is the line 1. Thx
  14. RJARRRPCGP, you again with your taunts...how many times I have to explain that your issues were yours only and that I can't fix phantoms even though I tried your setup many times, it always worked...no praying involved.
  15. ricktendo64, this is nlite forum, go to driverpacks if you have nothing to say. shumshum, when you select a certain folder to integrate it integrates that folder and it's subfolders. If you put your lets say display drivers on your desktop full of other files it's your fault. Or who keeps a movie in a sound card driver
  16. True, this is a tricky one and nlite updates the i386 folder correctly with that file but that file has to be copied on two places. Will check it, thx for reporting.
  17. You said it yourself...you do more than nlite so how can i know that it is nlite mistake. When you find out what is causing it let us know if it's something I can fix on my part.
  18. nuhi

    Nlite 1.0.1 Error

    Well if you read more careful you'll see that you're missing the Tahoma font. Install it. I'll see about using other font since this 'issue' was reported 2-3 times.
  19. Oh...the old nemesis. Why not boot from it? I tried several times to recreate the issue but it was ok for me...probably I would need that PXE environment and all...I tried by booting from virtual floppy and then running winnt.exe.
  20. Yeah I can confirm this issue and it will be taken care of. For now just don't worry about it, nothing serious.
  21. How lond did you wait on 'starting windows'? Sometimes it can get up to a minute or two. For me no but I've seen such issues and waiting solved it. Also check your HDD cables, use ata66+ (if that is the name, the one with double the leads).
  22. How can Windows read from a floppy if you haven't pressed F6? That simply isn't possible...or someone else can confirm this?
  23. nuhi

    Last Session.ini

    After you run nlite once on some installation it will create last session. You may be more clear what is confusing, I'm listening.
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