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Everything posted by nuhi

  1. Network - Enable Remote Desktop But be sure to have Terminal Services and that they are unchecked for removal.
  2. Checked it and this component is in the IIS already. Just remove IIS with nLite and it will be gone.
  3. So in 30 times you didn't try disabling page by page and by that pin-point what is that that makes you problems so that we can see is it nlite bug or your mistake. For starters try without any of the addons, then the Options page, I see you're using Services page, that's quite dangerous if setup wrongly. Don't forget to report if lets say one of the addons is causing that so that I may check. Of course every time use clean xp with sp2.
  4. That is great for full Windows. Mine, trimmed to the bone, installs in 5-10mins depends on drivers integrated and their detection/installation.
  5. Don't use ASMS compression. You can disable it in the Options page. It rarely fails for some reason on specific Windows version, I think xp sp1 home edition or something, which is yours?
  6. Did you use driverpacks after nlite and no more nlite after it?
  7. nuhi

    my own background

    http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/76/ Don't expect from me to read it, this is nlite forum, good luck
  8. Hm it integrates fine with me...probably MCE special thing then. Lately more and more MCE posts and every time I have to say that nLite doesn't support it yet. While that is a fact, it's also a fact that with your reports it will be supported some day...when I download a trial, currently at a slow connection. Saved this in todo...until then either replace that file by hand or someone else will confirm it and we'll see the reason.
  9. Randomly? That is not possible except in corrupted cds. Anyway are you sure you didn't overwrite txtsetup.sif somehow after nlite? Maybe some tool or something you used?
  10. Well which version does nlite use, be sure, don't just guess default windows file? It may be that xpize changed the file checksum then all would be fine you would just need to ignore the hotfix or skip that file with xpize (probably overwrite with clean file after xpize).
  11. nuhi

    my own background

    If you're wondering can nlite do this the answer is no. For guides search the net and the forums on msfn.
  12. If integration went well except that file that's no reason to panic. And it's easier to mantain personal list of only needed hotfixes. What could be is that some other hotfix overwritten that file with his newer version, are you sure you're using only public hotfixes? I will try that file just to be sure. edit: Please post a version of the installed file on your windows with mistaken file (olecli32.dll). If you already reinstalled that hotfix manually then extract the olecli32.dl_ from the nlited cd.
  13. Hehe I never played Zork, seems like I missed something fun, just checking it on Wikipedia.
  14. nuhi

    900MB install ?

    I'll just barge in here and say that size doesn't matter, what matters is that you remove what you don't need. I however remove so much that my cd with hotfixes and drivers is ~140mb (**** big nvidia display driver ). Main thing that may ruin all is IE Core, never remove that unless you know what to expect, all other are expendable...of course use Compatibility options, read descriptions and be careful with red ones.
  15. First of all attach (don't copy paste) your preset and tell me at least 3 files which were missing for me to try, thx.
  16. Too bad no one else posted in this topic with same issues, thus I don't have enough information to track it down.
  17. Please check that nvidia textmode driver topic in this forum, but before that I think that you shouldn't have integrated 2 folders from your sata driver ...legacy\nvatabus.inf,BUSDRV ...legacy\nvatabus.inf,RAIDCLASS ...sataraid\nvraid.inf,BUSDRV ...sataraid\nvraid.inf,RAIDCLASS Only one is needed, it may be sataraid. Anyway before you do any more testing be sure to get a CDRW and read that topic with a guide.
  18. nLite itself wouldn't do this so it's up to you to find out what did you do extra.
  19. I don't understand the part "However, when windows starts up it still reads the file from the disk." Does this mean you pressed F6 again or what? You are supposed to just boot from it, if it's not working then post the link to your driver and attach (don't copy paste) your preset, thx.
  20. Do you have a SATA or RAID hdd, maybe try to test your chipset drivers, maybe you missed some folder to integrate...I really don't recall anything changed except that Textmode problem which could only solve things, not complicate it.
  21. Ut\Collector, yeah but he asked for a lazy-automated thing which I want too...happened to me million times to forget to backup before reinstall and I reinstall a lot
  22. Works for me and I remove almost all except IE core...did you remove that?
  23. Only DHCP compatibility will be enough. Dependencies are (but better to use compatibility because I could miss few) are Firewall and WMI. DHCP maybe but maybe not if you know how to setup all IPs manually.
  24. nLite is only for personal usage, you're not allowed to distribute modified Windows.
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