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Everything posted by bonedaddy

  1. just tried to download and it said "invalid file".......... BD
  2. @Felix thanks for the tool, works great...You might want to change the d: to c: in the winrar path........used 7-zip but said couldn't find winrar?? Just changed to c: and all was well........ BD
  3. here's a couple of bugs that need to be checked, using latest nLited iso during install throws a couple of popups, one stating uxtheme not compatable with this version. Also, cdimage would not work. I had to uninstall command window color changes ect. Over all very nice work and a great uninstaller...... BD EDIT using XP Pro sp2, nLite 99.8b5 , WAIT installer, made one change went back to xpize 2.5 and all problems were gone..........
  4. Bug fixed with v.13. The backround bmp, very nice, just wondering is it's possible to use a jpg in the future, (2mb bmp vs 20k jpg). Great job, thanks all is working well........now that I found my problem was corrupt nLite settings.ini, which of course was my fault........... thanks BD
  5. There are 2 programs that won't install, well one does but causes the same problem as the other. That is they trigger the desktop to appear and WAIT to disappear. Of course that raises havoc with the rest of the programs. This is with RunOnceEx, moving the apps to different install points ect. Any advice would be a great help...... Thanks BD
  6. That's odd, I had the same window popup. Just rebuilt the sfx and unremed cmdow and it installed.......just having trouble with getting the correct info in the folders but I'll get it........thanks SS BD By the way I left all text in sfx as SS had it.........??
  7. well this will blow your mind, I had the same problem with Office 2k and to fix it not only did I have to remove the - I had to add + go figure? BD
  8. @ a06lp Congrats dude, nice job............. BD
  9. not so, they have been downloaded 5 times and 1 time, make sure and scroll the page and give it the one minute it requires........ BD
  10. Well if you want to install from the cd as you have indicated you will need to move installapps to the root of the cd and not under $1, thats my guess.......... BD
  11. Hi bryanh Well I got it to work, I had alldvd.txt wrong place, changed and worked very much better.......I would say my fault, sorry...... While I was at it I tested your built in installer and some problems, it would not start a .js file and I have many programs that extract then install, well, they just run all over each other or don't run at all......But RunOnceEx worked fine so I will stick to it. Liked the way each catagory installed on runonceex............very cool thanks............ BD
  12. I tried it with %systemdrive% and it worked very smooth, so it just needs the cdrom variable fixed and should be fine..... Wonder if anyone has gotten it to work from %cdrom%??? BD
  13. well I finally got around to trying it out but no luck, says can't find; j:\0\boot2\root\software\\prepare.cmd or something like that........... what is the alldvd.txt about? BD EDIT MY cd's are on e:\ f:\
  14. Ok found the reason for the multi instances of CAT..... I was copy and pasting from another program and even though I used just portions of the c\p it would corrupt CAT to the point of creating another of itself.......... BD
  15. Ok I just downloaded the latest and all I did was add this; and it did not work? BD
  16. You know that made me think, I'm trying to set up the cfg and get it ready and applying button1 as I do this. I think I had better get all CAT's set up then add my button1 and 2 ect.....yeh I bet that's the problem......I'll let you know thanks for your time.. BD
  17. Great answers thanks, here's more info on CAT and button1 problem... Required app1 app2 app3 app4 app5 Required app7 app8 ect... should not there be just one Required? Also had to make UID numbers for them to work with button1 01 02 03 04 05 06 ect.... would not work with names of apps.......... hope this explains better BD
  18. Just a couple of questions, will or are we able to run multi cmd's like; cmd1 then cmd2? So we can run a reg. tweak with the program... The new button addon is great but after 5 programs it starts a new cat with the same name.......... and could you change button 1 and 3 around? If I'm going to use one button should be near the rest, I don't know, looks better.......thanks for great program, will we ever be able to add a jpg or bmp back round? BD
  19. @ blinkdt tried your method in wpi and works perfect, thanks....... BD
  20. I don't understand the problem here, I use this and many like it; BD EDIT This program is very forgiving compaired to RunOnceEx, most of the quotes can be done away with, I just copied from ROEx and left them, but I experimented in the past.......
  21. Towards the end of the second page and finally a positive response for the guy, aren't we a great bunch??? BD
  22. @ Snarfonz thanks for the hard work and useful programs and links, I like the detail, just perhaps an attachment next to save bandwith or something like that, also makes a long haul scrolling up and down............... BD
  23. are you sure you did not change anything within the program? if you are, just download the program again or PM and I will send the original that I have......... BD
  24. @ ripken204 here's how I do it......... remember what ever folder is in nlite997bi will be the folder copied to prOgram files..... BD
  25. Scorp, Sorry didn't know if this worked with theme, I know it works with default.....
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