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Everything posted by jvidal

  1. BTW, your hfanswer.ini file has a ton of empty entries. i.e: "mbootpath=" "Xpizesw=" If your not entering any value for those, you might as well remove them...
  2. that is a pretty old version...no newer version available? Maybe someone could add official support for oscdimg to hfslip and upload a new test ver... bye!
  3. Well, it seems something is not quite right then, because IT IS THERE (I'm not making it up...why would I?). Anyway, after switching to cdimage.exe and adding "NOLOGCOPY=1" to hfanswer.ini, none of those 3 files are present now (just like it should be). oh, PD: just before starting the iso building process (Or is it after??? not sure right now), I see a "file not found" error mesage in the DOS BOX. I have always ignored it. since everything works just fine. bye! In case you're wondering, check out my log... HFSLIP.zip
  4. how about just renaming oscdimg.exe to cdimage.exe? Do they use the same command line parameters?
  5. yeah, maybe that's it. I use mkisofs. I'll try cdimage. thx!
  6. FWIW, i put legitcheckcontrol.cab MUAuth.cab MUCatalogWebcontrol.cab muweb_site.cab in HFCABS and WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe in HF and mu/wu is completely happy.
  7. I have boot.bin in hftools, there's no need to copy it to the sourcess folder (totally useless). Boot.catalog is not needed also. thanks on the nologcopy tip, btw!
  8. since we're talking about leftovers, why does hfslip leave some unneeded files in the sourcess root folder? As far as i recall, the're boot.catalog, boot.bin and hfslip.log. These files shouldn't be there...I always delete them, and never had any trouble. hfslip.log is also stored in hfslip's root folder and the other two are absolutely unneeded. bye!
  9. wait, I can't make the cab file, makecab only works for individual files...How can I add several files to a single cab? Ok, I found a free utility that did the trick. Now, where can I upload it? I DO NOT have a rapidsahre account...
  10. yep, that's right, can someone make an updated swflash.cab. I'll try myself, but I don't how that will turn out. bye!
  11. No, it doesn't (yet). You could manually add the line. I tried it, but it didn't work either.
  12. Try this. seccentericons.zip
  13. It's missing in my Installation too. Anyway, it's completely irrelevant. Plus, I think it's supposed to be missing. There's a tweak that can make it appear, though.
  14. Well, this confirms what we already knew (or suspected). Not HFSLIP's fault.
  15. Yeah, maybe "someone" is trying to register that dll and it fails. But it doesn't matter, it works anyway. Just let it go (at least for now) BTW, I tried beta M with tuesday's round of patches and it works just fine. The only issue is the occache.dll-not-registered-error in setuperr.log. bye!
  16. Exactly, it works fine AND it's not hfslip's fault.
  17. Never mind. We've already established that occache.dll is a "non-registerable" dll. So no problem there. Live with it. Everything works just fine for me. Event the Show Desktop icon is present now. bye!
  18. works for me. You're probably including something you shouldn't. Check your files vs this: http://www.vorck.com/windows/hotfixes_xp.html @sabregreen Sorry, I did see the Occache.dll error in setuplog.txt, but it's absolutely irrelevant. everything works just fine. (I had already answered this in a previous post). It seems you don't read as throughly as you should. I also told you I was not going to re-slipstream a CD until I had some free time (which I just had tonight). bye!
  19. jvidal

    Windows Updates

    new updates for winXP: IE8 compatibility update KB971180, replaces KB969497 and rootsupd.exe also just updated.
  20. Ok, tested it. Slipstreaming went fine. Installation went fine, no problems. (except probably the occache error, which is irrelevant) IE8 works IE8 desktop icon works as expected, no problem there (after restoring it via registry trick, obviously) Show desktop icon IS present in Quick launch. WU is happy, except for WGA, which I intentionally didn't include (why on earth would I want that junk???) WMP11 works fine. The problem with Task Scheduler is that if your user account has no password, then scheduled tasks don't work because of insufficient priveleges. Set a password for your account and they work fine. I don''t know if this is a bug or it works this way for security reasons. c ya! BTW, in case you want it, attached is my hfslip.log HFSLIP.zip
  21. @kenlau KB929399 & KB951376 go in HF, NOT in hfsvcpack_sw1. on the other hand, kb955839 goes in hfsvcpack_sw1 and not in HF.
  22. nice! will test it as soon as I have a little free time. thx again, tommy! Will also add the line for (IE8 for W2k3) and test that as well.
  23. I already answered you. Please read carefully. I'm,not about to re-slipstream a CD again, I'm kinda busy with real life at the moment. But, like I said, My source is at SP3 already. I slipstreamed WMP11+IE8+WUA3.0+all necessary HFs+WU/MU cabs/Flash/890830.
  24. Well, good luck then, tommy! We'll wait for the next release. bye! thx again for all your work!
  25. Tommy, that means IE8 support will vanish? Maybe you could leave beta "k" for us who slipstream IE8 and have no problems with it (except the missing "show desktop" icon, which can be easily restored)
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