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Everything posted by jvidal

  1. Thanks for your patience tommy, I'll mod the script and get back to you. In the meantime, I can tell you that the files missing during txt-setup ARE present in the source in compressed form, i.e. i8eprops.pr_ and yes, I AM installing from a boot CD on a VM. It seems the problem is with txtsetup.sif referencing the wrong file names. BTW, windows-kb890830-x64-v3.1.exe /x doesn't work, says "it's not a win32 valid application". (that's what I have been saying, that the script tries to run the file. How about using expand to extract it? ****, it doesn't work either, only winrar can handle it. How about having the user manually extract mrt.exe and mrtstub.exe and placing them in a folder? BTW, it's line 1062, not 1035. Adding the code as we speak. Off to run it again. i'll report later.
  2. Alright, tested it. Unfortunately, not much of an improvement over 1.1.3 Here are the details: During the TXT-based phase of the setup, the following files can't be copied: - iesettng.dll - iesettng.mui - ie8props.propdesc - triedit.dll - wiesttng.dll - wieunatt.mui - wiesttng.mui Then, in the graphical part of the setup, the following files can not be copied (apparently missing fromt he source): - iecleanp.exe - wieclnup.exe - wiedw.mui Nevertheless, windows boots correctly and seems to work fine, Ie8 also seems to work fine. Finally, MU still wants these: KB954155 KB968816 KB952069 KB973540 KB951376 KB954154 KB974112 KB890830 (this one is handled incorrectly during the slipstreaming. hfslip tries to run Windows-KB890830-x64-v3.1.exe instead of extracting its contents and/or just copying it to the sourcess folder) Well, that's about it. Oh, almost forgot, my log is attached
  3. Thank you VERY Much, Tommy. I'll test it and get back to you. But why does hfslip try to run it instead of just copying it? I know it's uselees, but I like MU tu shut the F*** up!
  4. Some more info, Today I rebuilt the CD with yesterday's round of patches, and I also added IE8 to the mix, with all IE8 HFs as well. The slipstreaming went fine, but during install, I got several "file can not be copied" errors. mainly IE files (and triedit.dll, of course) Still, windows boots and *seems* to work fine. IE8 works fine too. MU still wants these: MRT (890830). Like I said, it seems HFLSIP64 tries to exec the file instead of extracting its contents 954155 974112 968816 973540 952069 954154 951376 ALL of which were present in HF, plus the script processes them, but for some reason they don't make it to the final outcome... bye!
  5. Nope, tommy. Xp-x64 is based on 2k3-x64, they're at SP2 level. No SP3. BTW, I made an updated flash 10 plugin for x64, I can send it to you if you want to upload it to hfslip.org/64. bye! Thx again, I hope you can work something out.
  6. Update, I rebuilt, now MU wants WM11: 954155 968816 952069 973540 954154 other: 938127 951376 974112 890830 Like I said in the other post, this is weird, these HFs appear to be handled by the script, but for some reason, they're not slipstreamed after all. BTW, triedit.dll error is still there. plus IE8, 971961 and 974455 (I'm not counting these ones, they'll change after installing IE8 to the IE8 versions...) log attached HFSLIP.zip
  7. First, thanks for answering, tommy. Problems? well, a few. first, IE8 support is lacking. Second, several updates are not slipstreamed (mainly WMP11, plus a few others). Third, MRT is not slipstreamed (gives a message complaining that windows-kb890830-3.0-x64.exe is not a valid win32 app). Running HFSLIP64 on a x64 host resolves this error. fourth, during the txt-based phase of the setup, I get an error saying that triedit.dll can not be copied I tested with an SP2 source and all the latest updates, here's my log: Edit: this is the list of updates that MU wants after installing from the slipstreamed CD, even though the Hotfixes were present inthe HF folder (and are processed during hfslip64's run. I looked at the script while it was running): WM11: 954155 968816 952069 973540 954154 other: 938127 951376 974112 970653 (this one in HFSVCPACK_SW1, nevermid, I placed the wrong file, should work, i'll rebuild) 890830 (it seems hfslip64 tries to execute the file instead of extracting its contents) There are a few others, but I'm not considering them, because they'll change after installing IE8... HFSLIP.zip
  8. Is hfslip64 dead? My interest in xp-x64 has grown up lately...any chance it will get an update?
  9. Weird, beta t works just fine for me
  10. Forget that "Addon", just put legitcheckcontrol.cab instead (plus the other cabs: muauth, muweb_site and mucatalogwebcontrol). After that, WU only wants that useless crap, WGA notifications.
  11. You don't need to buy an external drive, just buy an ide/sata to USB bridge (about USD$20), and use any old IDE CD you might have lying around (it's what I did for when I need to install junk to Netbooks) You can use it to plug any IDE/SATA drive when you need to back stuff up or recover stuff from a disk installed on a dead PC, etc... bye!
  12. Tomalak, you need three utilities to achieve that: - PeToUSB - USB_prep - Bootsect I have a tutorial, but it is in spanish, I don't know if you can read spanish...(I doubt it) Wait, here's the original tutorial in english: http://www.eeeguides.com/2007/11/installin...-usb-thumb.html bye!
  13. It is? I have it installed, but I did so manually, I do not put on my slipstreamed CDs. Maybe I should...now that it is handled correctly... thx!
  14. yeah, like including unneeded/obsolete/redundant hotfixes. Just for kicks, I rebuilt using beta q and everything went just fine, no errors whatsoever. Although I didn't include MSI 4.5 (is it really necessary??? I don't think so) bye! (and thx again, tommyp)
  15. jvidal

    Windows Updates

    Hi, everyone. BTW, The XP list is outdated, IE8-KB972260 was replaced by IE8-KB974455. And several others... bye!
  16. No, they won't: KB974455 is a cumulative update, it REPLACES KB972260. PLEASE recheck your HF list.
  17. p version fixes the wpdshext.res problem. works 100% for me (though I'm not including MSI 4.5) Although that's weird, rev m and rev p work fine. it's rev n and o that give the wpdshext.res error. You should re-check your HF list and clean it up.
  18. Also, clean your Hotfixes, you have redudant ones, eg: 972260 and 974455...
  19. Well, I tried Beta p and I must say it works just fine! Nicely done, Tommy, thanks again! bye!
  20. But why does it work fine with rev M and not with Rev O? It obviously can handle weirdly-named files, so that shouldn't be an issue. Something got screwed in Rev O.
  21. Tommy, read my original post, it only happens with beta o, beta m is fine. 974455 works fine for me. WU is totally happy. BTW, you should use IE8-WindowsXP-KB974455-x86-xxx.exe if slipstreaming IE8, NOT WindowsXP-KB974455-x86-xxx.exe bye!
  22. Sorry, but I DO want wmp11 slipstreamed. Plus, it works just fine with beta m, something got screwed up in beta o...maybe the MSI4.5 code? All new updates are correctly slipstreamed with beta m. any ideas?
  23. Hi! There's a bug in the latest beta (oct 12). I rebuilt my CDs with yesterday's round of updates and although the slipstreaming goes well, while installing I get an error in the text-based phase of the setup. Setup can't copy the file "wpdshext.res". Even though setup finishes correctly, it is kind of annoying. I rebuilt using beta m and the error didn't appear. What gives?
  24. plus, what are modifype's SOURCE files doing in HFTOOLS? You only need modifype.exe. period.
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