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Everything posted by jvidal

  1. jvidal

    New flash player

    Ok, that's fine by me...just wanted to help others who DO use it...that's all. c ya!
  2. Usually games and other stuff will ask to install directx version x.x even though you already have it...(it seems they don't even bother to check first). This happens to me all the time when installing games.
  3. jvidal

    New flash player

    Hi guys, Flash player was updated to ver I made an updated swflash.cab for use with hfslip. Anyone interested? any place I can upload it to? bye!
  4. link for hfslip 1.1.4 is still broken! The rest are working now, though.
  5. Tommy, link for hflsip64 1.1.4 is still broken. As well as the link for the updated HFSLIP64_POST_DelObsBin_v4.zip (none of them exist). On the other hand, the link for the swflash 10 package works fine.
  6. Done! Perfect. I burned the iso to a CD and installed on a real machine (X2 4600+, 3.5GB RAM ) and everything went fine. No errors during setup, no updates wanted by MU/WU. nicely done, tommy. Again, a zillion thanks for your good work and your patience! PD: Tommy, you should update the first post to inform everyone that MRT.exe has to be manually extracted and then placed in HF. PD2: I made an updated swflash 10 package for HFSLIP64. I can send it to you for uploading @hfslip.org PD3: Link to hfslip64 1.1.4 doesn't work. PD4: Link to HFSLIP64_POST_DelObsBin_v4.zip still points to v3. bye! One last thing, is it possible to slipstream MSI4.5?
  7. I know. You're right, it's just to keep MU quiet. I still have to test the very latest CD I slipstreamed, but I think everything should be fine. Again, I can't thank you enough. (maybe now that we made such a good team, we could look into IE8 support for win2k3 in regular hfslip :-) ) bye!
  8. jvidal

    Add shutdown.

    BTW, what kind of computer do you have? I believe it's a pretty old one, mine takes about 10 mins to run hfslip, iso creation included...
  9. what about this? 7z x -owork\mrt windows-kb890830-x64-v3.1.exe mrt.exe cd work\mrt makecab mrt.exe mrt.ex_ move mrt.ex_ sourcess\AMD64 and then add the line to txtsetup.sif (probably needs some tweaking, but you get the idea)
  10. I tried with expand.exe, extrac32.exe, but couldn't find a suitable switch/command line. of course, running hfslip on an x64 os would make the /x switch useful. I decompress it with winrar, it's just a regular self-extracting cab archive. the problem is that it is a 64-bit binary (unlike all the other hotfixes, weird). Alright, I finally got it: this command does the trick: 7z x windows-kb890830-x64-v3.1.exe mrt.exe (and if you want it quiet, add >nul at the end). you can direct the outpur to another folder using the "-o{folder}" switch. (tested it, works) this is just an example, you might wanna send it to another folder and recompress it to mrt.ex_ using makecab. You need to put 7z.exe in hftools (if you don't have it already in %programfiles%\7-zip, in that case, you don't need to do anything). the script could check for the presence of 7z.exe, if it's present, then use it to extract mrt.exe. if it's not present, then look directly for mrt.exe and use it. If none of those conditions apply, then just skip MRT slipstreaming. how'bout that? there's nothing strange about this, since hfslip already relies on external utilities to perform certain actions.
  11. Wow! finally! with the modded delobs...blablabla.cmd there was no triedit error! On the other hand, MU still wanted MRT (I removed mrt.exe from HF. It seems hfslip can not handle 890830 and MRT.exe needs to be manually uncompressed and placed in HF)
  12. that's weird, maybe I have an obsolete ver. of HFSLIP64_POST_DelObsBin.cmd. Read what I wrote a few posts back. After re-compressing driver.cab, the script deletes a bunch of files it renders "obsolete binaries" (for some reason), one of them being "triedit.dl*", that is triedit.dll AND triedit.dl_... I'll check the file and try your latest beta. thanx again! Edit: I checked and in fact, it deletes all instances of triedit.*. I edited and removed references to triedit, let's se what happens. I attached it for you to analyze it. Edit2: Should I put mrt.exe in HF or is hfslip able to decompress it from kb890830? BTW,the attached files is the unmodded ver. HFSLIP64_POST_DelObsBin.cmd
  13. jvidal

    Add shutdown.

    Plus, the process takes about 10 minutes, you REALLY can't wait ten minutes for the script to finish and then turn off your PC manually? btw, none of your options will workm because you have to press a key after hfslip finishes. if you don't, it will NEVER get to the shutdown command, unless you modify the script to skip that "press any key..." part. 'nuff said!
  14. Let me remind you. Triedit.dl_ exists in source\AMD64 but NOT in sourcess\AMD64. there is wtriedit.dl_ in sourcess\I386
  15. Alright!!!! we're 99.99% there. MU was totally happy, no updates needed. The only issue is triedit.dll. Everything else is fine! Nice work, Tommy!!!!!!
  16. Ok. I'm very busy right now, but as son as I have some free time, i'll test it. Wait a minute? MRT.ex_ or MRT.EXE???? I put MRT.EXE in HF, I dind't rename or compress it... nevermind, it was already compressed. thx! PD: I did the mod, now I'm installing (got a few minutes)
  17. Tested it. Triedit.dll error is still there (as you predicted) Nothing else during setup, everything else went fine. But, after windows was installed, MU still wanted MRT, it seems you haven't nailed that one yet... So, I'll just wait for the next beta. bye!
  18. Ok, tested it, only ie8props.propdesc error. Now, I'll test with mrt.exe in hf, but without triedit.dl_, using the latest beta (which should be J, btw,. we already had beta I). I should get the triedit error and possibly ie8props. Let's see what happens with MU. c ya in a while!
  19. Ok, but I have to rebuild, I did a little cleaning... I'll put triedit.dl_ in sourcess\AMD64 (it's originally in source\AMD64). then I'll run with MAKEISO instead of I have read... The issue here is why triedit.dl_ is not being copied to sourcess (updated from the hotfix or the original) Wait, I just noticed something, right after recompressing driver.cab, the script deletes a lot of "obsolete binaries", one of them being "triedit.dl*", it makes sure to delete triedit.dll as well as triedit.dl_. So, it deletes them, but doesn't copy the updated one from kb956844.
  20. Just take your time. And thanks for everything. c ya!
  21. Alright, I'll do that and get back to you. OK, step 1 complete.Here are the results: triedit and ie8props copy errors, as usual. Visited MU and it wants MRT only. next, I extracted mrt.exe to system32 and re-visited MU. MU was complete happy, nothing needed. Deleted MRT and re-visited MU, MU wanted it again. Then, I replaced MRT.exe with a bogus text renamed to mrt.exe, and revisited MU, MU still wanted MRT, you can't foolt MU that easily. I think something changed, last time I installed with an iso built with this script, MU wanted 974112, I don't know what happened. I guess step 2 is not needed.
  22. We're getting close, tommy. Setup went almost fine, except for the triedit.dll issue. After first boot, MU now only wants the MRT. doesn't want 951376 or 974112. great work! And thanks for the patience. Now, I'll just wait for your instructions.
  23. wait, that's a lot to digest! I already posted hfslip.cmd, look in the post immediately before yours. you mean in the sourceSS folder look for wstrmdll and strmdll, right? Alright, there's only wstrmdll.dll in sourcess, no strmdll.dll you can find it twice, in AMD64 (v4.10.3938) and in I386 (v4.10.3936). I commented the line out, now I'm running the script again. slipstreaming done. strmdll.dl_ v4.10.3936 is located in AMD64. wstrmdll.dl_ v4.10.3938 located in I386. So I guess I shouldn't install and move on to phase D. Anyway, for step D, where do I put the files? in AMD64? in I386? in both? which one in which folder? Ok, I took a guess. I renamed the files to (.dl_) although they're not compressed. Then I copied strmdll.dl_ to AMD64 and wstrm.dl_ to I386. I'll make the ISO. I'll remove the ieprops line before that, though. Ok, all done, running the script again (with the ie8props line removed and the strmdll files copied), but using the previously-created sourcess1 (renamed to sourcess) and the MAKEISO parameter. All done, I will install now.
  24. OK, after installing, WU still wants 974112 and MRT. So...what next? I'll await your instructions. HFSLIP.CMD
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