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Everything posted by jvidal

  1. Well, I tried "regsvr32 occache.dll" and got this answer "Occache.dll was unloaded, but the entry point DllRegisterServer was not found". That's what makes me think this isn't a "registerable" Dll. Someone already tried it, as well, same result. I have Occache.dll v 8.0.6001.1872. I have IE8 which was NOT slipstreamed (I installed it over IE7 some weeks ago) Running XPSP3 which was installed from a slipstreamed CD that included IE7+WMP11+the other stuff (HF/cabs/wua/etc) c ya!
  2. Well, I did a little experiment last night. I installed my slipstreamed XP OEM edition on a PC and everything went fine. I did, However, see the "occache.dll error" on the file setuperr.log, but everything works as expected. I thought you guys couldn't install windows or that a window popped-up saying that it couldn't register occache.dll. I haven't had that kind of problem. BTW, haven't you guys thought that maybe the file occache.dll actually doesn't include the registering procedure (not all dll files include one), So maybe this is not HFSLIP's fault after all? c ya!
  3. My source has SP3 already. I slipstream IE8, WMP11, all critical HFs, flash, WUA3, wu/mu cabs and it works just fine. Tried pro vol/pro OEM/Home. Works in all cases. oops, sorry, ain't got it. I slipstreamed XP a while ago. It worked, so i deleted the log. But there's nothing special in there, i tell you.
  4. Weird, I'm also slipstreaming xpsp3 (vol)+ie8+wmp11 and don't see any of those errors. It works just fine for me (except for the show desktop icon)
  5. jvidal

    Windows Updates

    thx for the update tommy. Well, if 929399 is not critical, shouldn't it be removed from the list? bye!
  6. jvidal

    Windows Updates

    I've got v5145 of msscp.dll, but still WU/MU doesn't ask for kb929399, neither via automatic updates, nor via mu page. weird. I guess this patch is not critical. Or, maybe it's a locale problem, my windows is in spanish. Oh, and BTW I see IE8 kb968220 hasn't been replaced with the newer kb969497 yet. It replaces it.
  7. jvidal

    Windows Updates

    now, that's weird, I have NEVER included it and WU has NEVER asked for it. BTW, it should go in HF, not HFSVCPACK_SW1.
  8. Hi! I noticed that when WMP11 is slipstreamed (vs manually installed), the wudfsvc service is not created, which limits the ability to use certain types of mp3 players which need this service to work. The service is created when the umdf.exe package is installed. bye!
  9. jvidal

    Windows Updates

    in the xp updates list, IE8 KB968220 (compatibility update) should be replaced with KB969497 I also think windows media 11 kb929399 should be removed, I ahve never installed it and WU has never asked for it. I think it's optional/not needed/non-critical.
  10. Don't worry, thanks anyway. I just thought it would be nice if it worked. I guess I'll just have to wait. again, thanks for a wonderful project!
  11. Hi everyone. Just a little question here. Since HFSLIP doesn't slipstream KB955839 (TZ update), but WU wants it after installing, I was wondering where should I put it in order to get it installed after installation. HFGUIRUNONCE? HFSVCPACK_SW1? HFSVCPACK? where? Thanx in advance! bye!
  12. Alright, I tested it. Didn't go very well. First, I found problems during the txt-based part of the setup. While copying files, at 88%, it started complaining that it couldn't copy advpack.mui and several other .mui files, plus some dlls (about 10 in total). After omitting those files, the process continued. Then, at T-25, setup again complained that it couldn't copy iexplore.mui, hmmapi.mui, iedvtool.mui, plus a few more. At T-13 a window titled c:\windows\system32\fixmapi.exe popped up saying that windows doesn't have acces to the device. And several others, titled regsvr32.exe, rundll32.exe,etc. After closing about a million of those windows, installation continued and finished. At first run, another million of those windows popped up and nothing works, can't run any program, every attempt generates a window saying that "Windows doesn't access to the device, path or..." In short, it failed miserably. What could be wrong here? bye! HFSLIP.zip
  13. thx, tommy. I assume I have to replace the line I added with this one, right? bye! PD: BTW, I just realized, it's the "S" instead of the "X"...
  14. BTW, any idea why IE8 slipstreaming doesn't work on w2k3? I added the line, but it got completely ignored by HFSLIP...
  15. ok, did it. Unfortunately, it didn't work. It gets completely ignored. After installation, i only get IE6 SP2. It seems hfslip simply ignored IE8 during slipstreaming. Hope you can make it work. Thx! logfile: This file is automatically generated by HFSLIP Use of HFSLIP for anything other than personal non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Copyright© TommyP 2005-2009 ============================HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM============================ If running into problems, refer to http://hfslip.org/support.html HFSLIP support forum: http://msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=129 =============================================================================== Host OS - Windows XP HFSLIP Version - 1.7.9_beta_k, build 90419 HFSLIP Path - C:\Temp\HFSLIP\ OS in SOURCESS - Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 Spanish Drivers - DRIVER.CAB Updated CD Install Path - Default CDTAG - WIN51 =============================================================================== Files in your HF folder: IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB969497-x86-ESN.exe IE8-WindowsServer2003-x86-ESN.exe windows-kb890830-v2.10.exe WindowsMedia6-KB925398-v2-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB923561-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB924667-v2-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB925902-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB926122-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB927891-v5-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB929123-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB930178-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB932168-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB933729-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB933854-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB936782-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB938464-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB941569-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB941644-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB943055-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB943460-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB944653-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB945553-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB946026-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB948496-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB950762-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB950974-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB951066-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB951748-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB952004-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB952069-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB952954-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB954600-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB955069-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB956572-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB956802-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB956803-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB957097-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB958644-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB958687-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB958690-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB959426-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB960225-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB960715-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB960803-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB961373-x86-ESN.exe WindowsServer2003-KB967715-x86-ESN.exe WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe Files in your HFCABS folder: LegitCheckControl.cab MUAuth.cab MuCatalogWebControl.cab muweb_site.cab SWFLASH.CAB Files in your HFGUIRUNONCE folder: messenger.msi Files in your HFSVCPACK folder: Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder: Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW2 folder: Files in your HFTOOLS folder: boot.bin cWnd.exe cygwin1.dll HFANSWER.INI HFSLIP_PRE_TZ4.CAB HFSLIP_PRE_TZ4.CMD mkisofs.exe modifyPE.exe Files in your REPLACE folder: =============================================================================== HFSLIP run time: 10m54s
  16. Thanks, Tommy! I'll do it and report back! c ya soon! PD: it's line 384, not 381 (there are 3 blank lines near the begining of the script)
  17. Hope you can get it to work now, simbionte. BTW, what about win2k3 & IE8 with the latest hfslip beta? does it work? bye!
  18. Dude, you need the latest beta to slipstream IE8!!!!! You're using an old version, dload the latest from the first message in this thread and try again...
  19. So, now that IE8 works with winXP, does it work for 2k3 also? (I mean the slipstreaming) bye!
  20. BTW, installing IE8 over the non-working IE makes everything work again. Wait!!! It seems the "easy install" feature of vmware screws things up (it's not the first time i've had probs with this). I did a "difficult" install and this time it went fine. Still no "show desktop" icon, though. It would be neat if it could be restored!. Temporarily, running this batch file does the trick: @echo off echo [shell] >>"%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf" echo Command=2 >>"%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf" echo IconFile=explorer.exe,3 >>"%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf" echo [Taskbar] >>"%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf" echo Command=ToggleDesktop >>"%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf"
  21. Hi everyone. I tried the latest beta, but it didn't quite work for me. I removed IE7 and ALL IE7 HFs. I included IE8 and IE8-kb969497 in HF, plus the usual stuff: WMP11, WUA30, WU/MU cabs, flash cabs, kb890830,all HF, necessary tools/fixes in HFTOOLS. (exactly the same as I always do, which works like a charm, except I replaced IE7 with IE8 and removed IE7 hfs) Slipstreaming went fine, windows installed fine, but a) the "show desktop" icon is missing from quicklaunch. b)Upon running IE8 for the first time i get a few errors. Two windows pop-up, one says "0% of / of es.msn.com completed" and the other -on top the first- says "internet explorer can not download / from es.msn.com" and more bla bla "Internet explorer can not open this website...bla bla bla". c)Entering an URL in the run box, gets me a window asking what do i want to do with the file "www.google.cl" (for example). If i press "search" i get the page with the extensions and associated programs, but I can't go anywahere from there. e)The "internet options" window appears in IE6-style. did i do s/thing wrong? Oh, and BTW I found a bug, while processong IE8, hfslip still uses the "WORK\IE7" path, that should be changed to "WORK\IE8" when it finds IE8 in HF... here's my logfile: (please note the missing "MSIE version" line when using IE8) This file is automatically generated by HFSLIP Use of HFSLIP for anything other than personal non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Copyright© TommyP 2005-2009 ============================HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM============================ If running into problems, refer to http://hfslip.org/support.html HFSLIP support forum: http://msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=129 =============================================================================== Host OS - Windows XP HFSLIP Version - 1.7.9_beta_k, build 90419 HFSLIP Path - C:\Temp\hfslip\ OS in SOURCESS - Windows XP Professional SP3 Spanish Drivers - DRIVER.CAB Updated CD Install Path - Default CDTAG - WIN51 =============================================================================== Files in your HF folder: IE8-WindowsXP-KB969497-x86-ESN.exe IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ESN.exe windows-kb890830-v2.10.exe WindowsMedia11-KB936782-x86-ESN.exe WindowsMedia11-KB939683-x86-ESN.exe WindowsMedia11-KB954154-x86-ESN.exe WindowsMedia11-KB959772-x86-ESN.exe WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB923561-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB938464-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB941569-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB950762-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB950974-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB951066-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB951376-v2-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB951748-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB951978-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB952004-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB952287-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB952954-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB954600-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB955069-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB956391-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB956572-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB956802-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB956803-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB957097-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB958644-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB958687-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB958690-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB959426-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB960225-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB960715-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB960803-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB961373-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-KB967715-x86-ESN.exe WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB952069-x86-ESN.exe wmp11-windowsxp-x86-ES-ES.exe Files in your HFCABS folder: LegitCheckControl.cab MUAuth.cab MuCatalogWebControl.cab muweb_site.cab SWFLASH.CAB wbemoc.cab Files in your HFGUIRUNONCE folder: messenger.msi Files in your HFSVCPACK folder: Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder: Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW2 folder: Files in your HFTOOLS folder: boot.bin cWnd.exe cygwin1.dll HFANSWER.INI HFSLIP_PRE_TZ4.CAB HFSLIP_PRE_TZ4.CMD mkisofs.exe modifyPE.exe Files in your REPLACE folder: =============================================================================== HFSLIP run time: 12m39s
  22. jvidal

    IE8 support?

    Wow! that's really bad news, HFSLIP was one of the best things around! Maybe someone will take over?
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