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Everything posted by jvidal

  1. Installing as we speak. TXTMODE setup still complains about triedit.dll and ie8props.propdesc. gfxsetup finished ok, no errors. Now I'll check what MU wants.
  2. we're back in the game, beta H worked, I'll install now. Do I really need to try Beta I?
  3. I don't know about testing w/o the disk. What you CAN do is test w/o an x64 machine, using a VM. here are the files you requested (i assume from the Source). I'll test thye latest beta right now. You don't need to apologize, it's in my interest too... PD: while processing IE8, a bunch of "the system can not find the specified driver" appear...don't know what they mean. SYSOC.INF DRVINDEX.INF
  4. did it, will test now. edit: no luck, still closes
  5. Ooops, don't know. I wasn't watching this time, I thought that bug was totally squashed. Let me run it again. edit: well, no. Now it closes just a few seconds after IE processing starts.
  6. problems again, the script closes before finishing!
  7. Wow! that was fast! I'll test it immediately (while I watch "the good wife")
  8. Ok, here you go: Triedit.dll is in c:\program files (x86)\common files\microsoft shared\triedit\ I don't know how this is possible, the file got copied anyway, despite the error message. bthport.sys is nowhere to be found (except in c:\windows\driver cache\amd64\driver.cab).this was before I manually extracted it to c:\windows\system32\drivers\ strmdll.dll is located in c:\windows\syswow64 wstrmdll.dll is located in c:\windows\system32 The files are different, I compared their hashes. both are version 4.10.3938. PD: Anyway, I wouldn't trust that registry entry, there were a LOT less entries than the amount of updates installed. and, finally, here it is hfslip.cmd from sourcess\AMD64\SVCPACK HFSLIP.zip
  9. Ok, checked the registry entry for 951376, doesn't exist. Auto updates (and MU) want 951376 (plus 974112 & MRT). bthport.sys NOT present in system32\drivers. Alright, extracted it to system32\drivers and revisited MU. Now MU doesn't want it (only two updates offered: 974112 & MRT). registry key still doesn't exist, though. third step: installed 974112, MU is happy now (except for MRT). attached is kb974112.log I hope this helps, we're sooooo close now! KB974112.zip
  10. modded E, installing on a VM as we speak. first report: only two file copying errors during txtsetup: ie8props.propdesc and triedit.dll. An improvement. Second report: rest of the setup went fine, no errors during gfxsetup. Now I'm gonna check files versions/locations and registry entries. Also what MU wants.
  11. it seems to be working now! let's keep our fingers crossed. If it finishes correctly, I"ll install and report right away. update: it worked, CDimage is created. Off to install now.
  12. ooops, sorry, which one should I modify? b or e? (there are both in the attached zip) I got confused nevermind, i did it already.will test in abit. it's line 1424, BTW. But, I noticed that you're moving files from the 64-bit folder to the 32-bit (wow) folder...just like that?
  13. let's hope! testing it right now! ****, doesn't work either!!! What the hell happened?
  14. testing it... nope, same result. It just closes after WMP11 and its hotfixes.
  15. Tommy, we have a problem. Beta C just closes after processing WMP11, it seems while processing one of the last WMP11 hotfixes. It just closes, no error messages, nothing. edit: It seems I found the problem. just after the media player11 section and right before directx9 extras section, theres a line that only says "goto :EOF"...I believe that's the problem. It doesn't follow an IF statement, just says Goto EOF on a line by itself. I'll remove it and see what happens. Too bad it didn't work, now a window popped-up saying that it can not find directx__redist.exe and after closing it. the script clsoed again... it seems there's a "GOTO :EOF" after every section...
  16. Right, I'll try beta C and get back to you in a little while. Tommy, it's like I said about triedit.dll. I never said it wasn't there, I just said, that it can not be copied during TXTsetup. It's exactly as I posted at 5AM, that's the ascenario. There are other files that are absent, namely the ones that can't be copied during GFXSETUP. Now, I'm off to test beta C. thanks!
  17. Thanks, tommy. Alright, I'll try to follow your steps. 951376: In the source, the file is located in AMD64\driver.cab, v5.2.3790.1830. In sourceSS it's located in AMD64\driver.cab and it IS v5.2.3790.4274. There are no bthport.sy* files outside any cab in the source, but in sourceSS, it is located in AMD64 in compressed form (bthport.sy_) and it's v5.2.3790.4274 (after decompressing it). So I guess there's a problem there, one of the two is unneeded. Maybe txtsetup.sif references bthport.sys, which doesn't exist outside driver.cab, whereas bthport.sy_ does. 974112: I'll have to get back to you on that one (i have to re-install, i deleted the VM) Triedit.dll: in the source There are wtriedit.dl_ (I386) and triedit.dl_ (AMD64). But, in sourceSS, there's ONLY wtriedit.dl_ (I386). wtriedit.dll in source\I386 is v6.1.0.9242 Triedit.dll in source\AMD64 is v. wtriedit.dll in sourceSS\I386 is v. (updated!) I believe that the 32bit dlls get a 'w' placed in front of them. Oh, BTW triedit.dll and wtriedit.dll get updated in 956844 (both come in the package, with wtriedit.dll inside the "wow" folder). there are two folders in the update: SP2QFE and SP2GDR, both containing triedit.dll and wtriedit.dll (inside another subfolder called 'wow'). ALL are v. Hope this helps you! it's 5AM, I'm off to bed, I'll continue tomorrow.
  18. Alright, I removed the unneeded updates, rebuilt and reinstalled. Still got the same file copying errors during TXTMODE and GFXMODE. After that, MU still wants 951376, 974112 & 890830. Attached are my log and txtsetup.sif hfslip.zip
  19. Ok, tested it, no change, exact same result as my previous attempt. same files not copied during TXTSETUP and GFXSETUP, and the same 3 HFs wanted by MU. Edit: installed from the SP2 CD, i will install IE8 and wmp11 amd see what updates MU wants and check them against what I have. Maybe I'll find something... Ok, I found three seemingly unneeded updates. I'll rebuild and test again. BTW, i found something weird: the updates wanted by automatic updates (thru the yellow shield in the system tray) have nothing to do with what MU wants when I visit microsoft update...
  20. Ok, just rebuilt, installing as we speak. In the meantime, here are my logs and txtsetup.sif hfslip.zip
  21. Alright! now we're making progress, I just installed, here are the results. During TXTMODE and GFXMODE, I still got the same errors about files not being copied. Maybe due that hotfix. I'll test right away without it and get back to you. The good news is that MU now only wants 3 hotfixes, namely: 951376, 974112, 890830 (MRT, which I noticed you intentionally left out). Nicely done, tommy! I'm off to test w/o that hotfix, I'll get back to you as soon as I finish! thanx again!
  22. Hi! I'm going to install now (slipstreamed with beta 'b') I'll rebuild the CD w/o that hotfix later. Wish me luck! BTW I only include critical hotfixes that MU wants, no extra stuff, except WM11+HF, IE8+HF, WUA3.0 and MRT. Edit: I just remembered something, yesterday, while re-building with beta 'b' I noticed that in the "processing WMP11" stage, the wmp11 hotfixes are processed one after another without ANY messages saying "x files copied" between them (like it happens with other HFs). plus, after that a ton of "0 files copied" messages appeared. I DO need that HF, 'cause I install tha spanish langpack after installing windows, but I'm sure I should install it AFTER the langpack and not include it in the slipstreaming. I'll rebuild in a bit. Nice catch, tommy! I think I will install using the SP2 CD and then check my list of HFs against the one in MU (what MU wants after installing), just to be sure.
  23. thanks, tommy, I'll try and then get back to you. BTW, IE8 installer is also 33.176KB. MD5:f357a6b6b69fbd427610f1dd83a17c16 update: re-downloaded I8 installer, same as I already had.
  24. OK, tested it. Unfortunately, no change at all, exact same scenario. Waiting for your next move, tommy.
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