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Everything posted by Alanoll

  1. well, I don't know how lazy other people are, but most won't even look at this. second, try to remember CODE tags next time, and put a line break in your OemPnPDriversPath line, so it doesn't break the forum formatting. third, try telling which programs/sections don't seem to work. It helps to narrow down that problems then just lookin through the batch file.
  2. its like during school, when a teacher tells you to read something that night, the next day the student says he did, then there is a test on it with OBVIOUS answers and he fails BADLY.
  3. i dunno about the Components, but the video is most likely because your drivers aren't loaded at the point when Windows does it's first start (when you applications get installed). http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/downloads.htm there is a app there for changing the resolution
  4. but **** doesn't have a native MSI file, you'll have to use Mac's which he removed the link for.
  5. congrats? good job? didn't really want to see But nontheless good job. Now...if you're bold.....move to RunOnceEX
  6. have you tried -r and recorded the ISS file yet? Since it was created with Installshield DevStudio/Professional
  7. no need to insult the little boy. just let him be, he hasn't poked his head around for a bit.
  8. I actually did read it... I think you've misunderstood my question. I don't want Windows XP setup to copy the files stored in $OEM/$1 to my C: drive, so I put them somewhere else on the cd... In RunOnceEx.cmd I should point to these files, but instead of using the system root variable (the files are only on the cd !), I should use something like %CDDRIVE%, only the right command. Don't get upset and so, I've already made a WORKING unattended cd... Taken from the afor mentioned site..... which you DIDN'T READ!
  9. check to make sure that kernel32.dll is listed in both TXTSETUP.SIF and DOSNET.INF
  10. I still haven't read the whole thing......I only got to the part about the switches and stopped. Too boring
  11. yes, make sure you copy the ident files from the 2k folder to your DVD root, and you mgiht as well copy over spnotes.html as well, I think 2k likes it but not sure.
  12. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...t/winupdte.mspx enjoy
  13. you may not have the visual styles properly loaded in the correct directories. Even if the screen looks black, it won't come out black. Shouldn't have any problems.
  14. as the last thing in your RunOnceEX commands, call a reg file to change the autologin settings, and import new RunOnceEX keys that you want to take effect for the other user.
  15. could have sworn that I already linked to that page, in this very post.....
  16. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=9314 first thread in the "Threads of Interest" sticky at the top of the forum.
  17. FINALLY! Someone who is as frustrated as me
  18. should be safe, but make sure you have the correct cab files. But aren't you supposed to use the batches first, and THEN Gosh's reduce source. Not the other way around.
  19. -ER : Enables extended return codes -PA : Passive Mode
  20. I think it's something like... convert -csi2bmp -o output.bmp input.csi and I thought that it was msfnhosting.com
  21. Sorry. My campus internet was flaky, so i didnt realize where it was being posted. it's all good. Twas only a mistake. Atleast you got your answered.
  22. The cab is located on your CD, inside of the Support\Tools folders. [setupParams]Answer File = Unattend.txt This section is used to run an additional post-Setup command. It contains a single entry, UserExecute. The command specified with UserExecute runs immediately after Setup completes. Entry Description UserExecute Specifies the command or application to run after Setup completes. Sample This sample demonstrates one use of the [setupParams] section of Unattend.txt. [setupParams] UserExecute="C:\folder1\folder2\example.exe /s1 /s2" UserExecute Specifies the command or application to run after Setup completes. Syntax UserExecute = path_and_file_name Value path_and_file_name Default Value none Example [setupParams] UserExecute="C:\folder1\folder2\example.exe /s1 /s2" Comments Enclose path_and_file_name in quotation marks if it is a long file name. You can omit the path only if the application is in the %SYSTEMROOT% or %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 folder or search path. straight from the file. This would go inside of your WINNT.SIF file Use it how you wish, but like AaronXP said, there are lots of ways. But we're getting off from my original post earlier, that there is no need to have RunOnceEX call a batch file to start another one and so on. You could easily do it in one file.
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