Everything posted by ajua
you can make an exe file out of a cmd file wich deletes the folders/files of skype and the shortcuts as well so you can make an uninstaller of your own. just a suggestion if you cant find any ideas.
there a few post on this forum that cover it completely. just use the search and you will find them.
i think i will install a free alternative since there is to much hassle on this one because f the versions updated too often. instead they should just release new definitions and once in months a new build or ssomething. not just a new version every week! i will begin testing a new pair of free ones i just saw at fileforum to see if they are worth it.
i bought caphyon advanced installer to create many msi setups i need to deply on my work. i use it to make installer yo my own uADVD. when new version comes out i just make a new build automatically.
this is what i do: i install it normally, register it and configure it the way i want. then i just grab all the files under Program Files/Easy CD Extractor 10 and export the registry keys Poikosoft under Local Machine/Software and Current User/Software to import the settings later. i use an sfx archive but you can make an installer if you want. this method works fine since many versions ago.
to copy something to %systemdrive% you need to put whatever you want to copy in $1 under $OEM$ wich must be on the cd root.
all i do is take the files under installed folder and export the keys in the registry under EasyBoot Systems. the keys to the associated files should work when you launch the program. Assuming you configured it the way you want before exporting the registry keys.
well, i use smarty uninstaller pro but you should try the usual silent paramaters as /VERYSILENT /SP- if the installer is inno setup or /S if the installer is nullsoft installer. to register it, look in the registry, is almost certain that the registration keys should be there somewhere
I cant find where its settings are being stored in order to restore them silently when doing an ÜA install. any ideas? i have chedked both USER and ALLUSERS folders as well as the registry. thanks.
My method for Acrobat Reader 7.0.8 passive install.
ajua replied to ZenCoder's topic in Application Installs
oops. i thought we were talking about acrobat professional 7.0.8 here. my bad... -
im trying to find the trigger that launches the wmredist installation to see if i can disable it. will post if i come up with a solution.
the mst file is a file that contains modifications made to the original setup but only takes a few kb of space. to run an installer alongwith a mst file use SETUP.EXE TRANSFORMS=mstfile.mst /QN /NORESTART just download the mst file and use it with your setup. the registry entry is not needed.
i think you're asking in the wrong forum. but anyway, it might be one of several things... try different blank dvd's or try to burn the same project with other burner/computer.
Newbie Question - Unattended Application Installs
ajua replied to ZenCoder's topic in Application Installs
for starters, i doubt that you will find a "open source applications for windos install cd". you need to understand that there is a noticeable difference in clean-installing windows and overwrite-windows installations. the former has way too more advantages as you can be sure that everything is "fresh and new". That being said, i see no point to look for ways to check for program versions that are already installed as it will bring up more problems than time savings for you. read the unattended guide and follow it step by step and you will be making the cd you are looking for. -
How to determine which registry tweaks to use for apps configuration?
ajua replied to SidB's topic in Application Installs
sure. no problem. i help whenever i can. -
My method for Acrobat Reader 7.0.8 passive install.
ajua replied to ZenCoder's topic in Application Installs
are you sure that the installed updates change the installer at C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup Files\RdrBig708\ENU ? if so, thanks for the info, as i hate that i install the updates silently but the program still brings up the updates download window. even when the version number in the about box is correct and is curent. please someone confirm this one. -
i think its a little bit easier to copy the "settings.dat" file under UserProfile\Datos de programa\uTorrent wich is the one file that uTorrent uses to store its settings.
the divx setups are lame imho. why they didnt comply with all standard features in all script setup languages so it will be easier to make silent and/or to choose components to install.
i use SurfGem GemX wich i founc very useful and full of features. check it out at www.surfgem.com
[How-to] Adobe Acrobat Pro Silent, Customized and Activated
ajua replied to ajua's topic in Application Installs
hey atomic rabbit first, you have to activate it once in order to obtain your license file and registry entries. its important to know that the license file is machine-dependant so license file from other computers wont work. the update uses switches, have you tried running update707.exe /sALL /rps about designer being installed even when you configure the mst to not install it maybe an issue of the mst file itself or the update. i hate adobe updates, all of them cause trouble. hope this helps -
wlogin.msi is some sort of new integration of user accounts or somerthins. as it is from microsoft i install it. the rhapsody engine is crap so i dont needed and i dont install it.
you have to use DOS commands to copy/remove your shorcuts. look at this examples to get you started: to copy a shortcut xcopy "%UserProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\URUSoft\Subtitle Workshop\Subtitle Workshop.lnk" "%AllUsersProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\Video Tools\Subtitulos\" /Y /Q to delete a shortcut: DEL /f /q "%AllUsersProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Windows Update.lnk" to delete a folder: RD /S /Q "%AllUsersProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\ffdshow\" to copy a folder: xcopy "%AllUsersProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\AviSynth 2.5" "%AllUsersProfile%\Men£ Inicio\Programas\Video Tools\AviSynth" /Y /Q /I all you have to know is where your shortcuts are locate, allusersprofile or userprofile. thats all.
How to determine which registry tweaks to use for apps configuration?
ajua replied to SidB's topic in Application Installs
1) not every program has "the export settings" option. so dont expect to find that in most programs. 2) if you use a new version of a program, if the new version isnt a big upgrade chances are that the settings are the same. even though, when a new version comes out, i uninstall previous, install new one, and make a new reg file for the settings. 3) whem importing values to registry if a key exists (even with a different value) it will be overwritten, meaning that the old values will be written. so i recommend you to uninstall previous and install new one to create another reg file with the new settings that may apppear. note: so far, the only problem when using reg files in different computer are the application paths: if a reg file contains lets say c:\ajua and the computer you are applying the reg file to doesnt have that folder maybe the program wont work well or wont work at all. so be careful with program and file paths if you plan to use reg files in different pc's. -
has anyone tried muiz setup? thanks muiz. will try it later.
to be more specific: download the latest version and extract the files with winrar. you have to install at least two msi files. msnmsgs.msi and wlogin.msi (the other msi is the rhapsody engine wich imho is crap). to install these two msi files use this switches: msnmsgs.msi /qn /norestart and wlogin.msi /qn /norestart thats all.