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Everything posted by ajua

  1. that error is strange, but have you tried to uninstall the original live messenger package and then install your modified one? do it and also check that you can reinstall your modified package with that transforms. if you are able to do it, chances are that the product codes are changed or a windows registry in the windows installer entries is different from package to package.
  2. major, i have uac disabled on my vista installation. i hate it i dont know why the error appears. im making tests of nero recode as it is one missing since the acheron project so i can contribute to your project now and make a how to for people that likes to make things on their own just for the fun of it, as me tomorrow i will make a post of the files required to make a nero lite installation so people can grab them from original installation. the only thing im missing here is the file listing of extra audio plugins but i dont thinks it is really necessary, neither videocd support files. for recode i will make further testing and will append the instructions to the post i will start tomorrow. thanks for the feeedback major.
  3. have you searched adobe's website? they already have published documents to aid in silent deployment of cs3 products. im not sure about dreamweaver upgrade version but you can check anyway.
  4. you can try to erase all acd systems entries in your registry in order to try it again in your computer. i will try version 9.0.108 on vista to see how it works.
  5. i tested the final release on windows ultimate but i have an error when tried to run it. i got a windows saying that i have to reinstall nero in order to solve the issue. the windows title references to a file name AdvrCntr2 so i guess it have to do with AdvrCntr2.dll not properly registered or something. anyway, i have managed to make my own inno installer and it is working flawlessly. if anyone is interested on the how to, i can make a listing of the files of nero requiered to make it and i can write the instructions. i will try later to make it an msi with recode as a setup feature that can be unselected on install but i dont have much spare time now. thanks major for the effort.
  6. check it on a real installation and you can use setupfile.exe /Q:A /R:N to install it silently from runonceex
  7. search adobe site, you have to download installshield tuner for acrobat in order to make a mst file to set our activation info.
  8. have you already compiled your script to have it as an exe file? if so, all you need to do is place your script.exe and and your setup.exe in the same folder and call from runceonce only the script.exe file. hope this helps you.
  9. thanks, will try final later.
  10. if you are using $OEM folders then the programs are getting copied to your hdd. you can launch the installer from there instead of your cd-dvd drive so they can be installed faster. just replace %PP% with %systemdrive%. look at my runonceex file for reference: cmdow @ /HID @echo off FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i: SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Instalando Aplicaciones" /f REG ADD %KEY%01 /VE /D "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1" /f REG ADD %KEY%01 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx11sp1\netfx.msi /qb" /f REG ADD %KEY%01 /V 2 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx11sp1\langpack\langpack.msi /qb /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%02 /VE /D "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0" /f REG ADD %KEY%02 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx20\install.exe /q" /f REG ADD %KEY%02 /V 2 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx20\langpack\install.exe /q" /f REG ADD %KEY%02 /V 3 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx20\updates\KB917283.msp /quiet" /f REG ADD %KEY%02 /V 4 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx20\updates\KB922770.msp /quiet" /f REG ADD %KEY%03 /VE /D "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0" /f REG ADD %KEY%03 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx30\setup.exe /qb /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%03 /V 2 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\netfx30\KB925720.exe /passive /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%04 /VE /D "Microsoft DirectX 9.0c April 2007" /f REG ADD %KEY%04 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\directx\dxsetup.exe /silent" /f REG ADD %KEY%05 /VE /D "Microsoft Stuff" /f REG ADD %KEY%05 /V 1 /D "%cdrom%\Programas\microsoft\MSXML40SP2.msi /qb /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%05 /V 2 /D "%cdrom%\Programas\microsoft\MSXM60.msi /qb /norestart" /f REG ADD %KEY%05 /V 3 /D "%cdrom%\Programas\microsoft\cppredist.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f the first setup files are being launched from my hdd as they are copied if you put them inside $oem$\$1\anypath the last one if launched from my dvd drive as i dont want it to be copied to my hdd. also read the unattended guide as you have some errors on your file. example: on the photoshop line you can launch both the setup and the DOS /taskkill command in the same line. for that you can try to search and use some files as example. here is one of my own. cmdow @ /HID @echo off start %systemdrive%\Install\copytodvd\setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\copytodvd\sleep.exe 45 start /wait taskkill /IM VsoStart.exe exit i use this to install copytodvd. for that search google or the forum for a file called sleep.exe.
  11. for all directx latest updates just extract the installer with winrar and run setup.exe /silent thats all.
  12. which version exactly are you installing?
  13. great links. some friends are waiting for their copy to arrive. i will try that when it comes. thanks for the links to adobe kb
  14. good work. i was working on an msi release of my own but i havent had the time to complete it and make proper testing. if i come up with something in the next week i will post it. meanwhile i will give yours a try. thanks.
  15. can you post more information on your program? like program name, the error you get when testing, etc.
  16. besides those scenarios, wich many of us are involved into, there's another one, many of us like to try many things everyday. windows gets cluttered, programs cause crashes and every now and then every user needs to reformat for a clean install. unattendedly installing windows along with drivers, programs, tweaks etc is a time saving and effort less task.
  17. thanks for the changelog. will wait until acheron has time to update the lite version.
  18. i test the programs on my main computer, as it is the fastest i have and the one i use the most. when new versions come out i just install the program and then try the new one along with old registry settings to see if they are still working. this way i don't have to install winxp just to test programs. now that i have been using unattended methods for a long time i just add new programs and settings to RunOnceEx and once in a while when i have to format my laptop i test the whole uaDVD on it. of course, i have real time backups of my stuff in case anything goes wrong with some program but i didn't have to format or reinstall xp because of a faulty program test. never.
  19. waiting for the new version to go lite! thanks.
  20. im looking for way to hide/disable language packs from being on my windows update list too. so far i have found nothing on this yet.
  21. im just starting to play with WAIK but i dont know if there is a deployment method that can take you to a final image file to burn and install just like winxp with cdimage. the waik is supposed to make an image for netwotk share distribution, so many opf us that want to deply it from time to time individually are stuck with a hard disk image? im still reading some docs on BDD and WAIK to see if i can come up with some iso file so we can burn-boot-install.
  22. im installing it via msp file but now in vista the setup doesnt associate office files and everytime an office app is launched i get a windows "wait until windows configures office 2007". in winxp pro i never had this problem. i also made a new msp file right in windows vista but the problem is the same. i have tested this on 3 computer with windows vista ultimate and business. if i install office normally there isnt any problem. any insights? thanks.
  23. anyone? i have tried the same source files in two other computers and i have the same problem.
  24. i installed office 2007 enterprise on a laptop with vista ultimate using the /adminfile xxx.msp method. everything works fine but everytime i start an office program i get a message box "wait until windows installer configures office 2007" and the file associations for office file types are missing. anyone has any suggestion on why this is happening? i installed the same office setup using the same msp file on winxp and everything works fine. i created the msp file in winxp. will it have something to do with the vista issues im having? thank you.
  25. please a little more in detail. what do you mean by "listed"? are you tried to mount it using some emulation software? also can you explain what is the "download" thing? i think you have downloaded an iso image and you double-click it, then recordnow opens because it is the associated program with that extension and the download thing is the message box that says something like "wait until windows installer configures recordnow". if this is the scenario, try to reinstall recordnow. but i you ant run the game with recordnow, to run it you need an emulation software. but trying to answer other questions about a downloaded game maybe illegal in this forum... if im wrong about what you tried to ask, then please explain a little further what are you trying to do.
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