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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. Boycott Amazon. It doesn't even have their own delivery service. It pays USPS to use their trucks and then charge you 6x times more. BTW , the prices there are ridiculous ...
  2. This is the same Microsoft tool from here , just from another mirror. https://msfn.org/board/topic/175170-root-certificates-and-revoked-certificates-for-windows-xp/ For Root Certificate Update "rootsupd.exe" Microsoft download (http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/rootsupd.exe), unzip to a folder (eg with WinRAR), in "rootsupd.inf" entry in the string VERSION should "40,0,2195,0" loud and in VER "040" , In the next step, "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authroots.sst" "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/delroots.sst" "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/roots.sst" "http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/updroots.sst" download and paste the unzipped folder and replace older files. Then with e.g. (Create Self-Extracting Archive) WinRAR all files in the folder to an archive option SFX with the following comment: TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Setup=Rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection rootsupd.inf,DefaultInstall pack and you have a current root certificate update!
  3. Agree , can't listen anything after that. I'd even say the best is up to 1991 only. Perhaps it has something to do with the eastern countries joining the Western World in 1991 ? They'd better live apart. More isolated West = good quality stuff !
  4. I ran it , all seemed fine , yet I still had issues with the certs . Then I did that manual way and the problems just vanished . I'm sorry , I don't know what specifically was wrong with the programme. I repeat the manual way every several months and all is fine . I think other members also reported problems with the programme.
  5. I understand you don't like me ... not sure about the other members ... But why in God's name did you block @Dave-H's face ?!?!? Dave-H looks like a noble British gentleman . Don't you agree ?!?!?!
  6. I meant the manual way . For me this programme fails , even though it shows as OK .
  7. XP simply can't process some "modern" certs , so I sugget to use 360 v.13.5 (which has some certs right in the browser) . For Vista it's different , it can work with all them . There is a method to manually download all of the MS certs and insert them into a rar file (without the 1.6 downloader programme) . Then run as admin . If this doesn't help , finita la commedia. Did you or did you not follow this procedure ? https://msfn.org/board/topic/175170-root-certificates-and-revoked-certificates-for-windows-xp/
  8. Run the following command with Admin rights to install it . Place this file to your "C" drive and run . certutil -addstore "Root" "C:\MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011.cer" Right click and install should also work for XP.
  9. It's risky to use someone else's certs . This is the official MS link . All of those are there . http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/4/8/248D8A62-FCCD-475C-85E7-6ED59520FC0F/MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011.cer
  10. Jeez , love Scorpinos so much !!! But only up to 1993. Listen to 1988's Savage Amusement or Under the same sun '93.
  11. I don't know what to say , I never used Spellforce with win 98 (even though it was officially supported) . I wrote I ran it on Win ME and had no glitches , unfortunately I don't remember the driver numbers , but the card was NVIDIA FX 5700 Ultra. Of course , Spellforce is the game that was developed with much newer hardware in mind . As far as I know , GTX680 is the point where it gained much better picture and performance . I only write about ver. 1.38 , because later ones broke the quality , it's like another game with millions of bugs and reduced visiual quality. Perhaps they changed the devs team , I dunno. Also , this game prefers higher clocked processors to make directdraw calls faster. May want to OC your CPU. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-fx-5700.c69 Don't forget , you can play with the game video settings ! Turn on AA to unload your CPU , for example.
  12. On the contrary , you live in one of the greatest countries in the world and IPs from Great Britain are in favour ! God save the Queen.
  13. Hey , how are you ? Did your health improve ?
  14. Sue them and win would be a better solution . Imagine you run an important business or a real "organisation".
  15. 1 - No. 2 - Nothing . Those "x86 files" don't work.
  16. Sorry for the stupid question , did you or did you not install DirectX 9.0b from the disk with the game onto your win98 ?
  17. I've just fixed the screenshot in the prev. reply . You need to edit the exe file to remove that foreign language signs. It's a German game , BTW . Certainly not Polish , Polish was just a localized patch version. Unfortunately the other patches were deleted.
  18. Thank you , unfortunately no automation process available . And the site connects to yandex (!). You can see it for yourself in the uBlock window.
  19. It's easier said than done . They now have a law here for these stupid "vaxxine passes" , so I can't even go to a shopping center, if I'm not jabbed every 4 months. Like I said , automated crawling is very similar to human usage , several pics in 20 minutes, no more than a hundred in 5-7 hours. If you read my earlier posts , I'm not the only one with this problem , they won't even allow us to look at one picture anymore !! Two - three reloads = total block .
  20. Very much looks like a browser extension , no ? I'm trying to find something similar to the one below. Could you help me ? As you can see , it's dead . It doesn't fetch alive IPs. It's a system tool for Vista (not an extension) . It has it's own filters too , BTW. Today it finally got me one IP , but the IP is blocked by the bloody instagram too. Pic removed , obsolete.
  21. Could someone please explain to me how to fetch and add an IP (proxy address into this programme). Does it have an automatic scanning procedure ? Also , I sometimes want all windows traffic to be routed through it (not just one browser). Like ordinary proxy settings. Thanks .
  22. Yeah man , github sux . I'm glad I could help . Though, I don't know anything about Win7 x64 , I don't use it , sorry . I'm on Vista x64 .
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