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Everything posted by Dixel

  1. Well , that's odd , I didn't hear anything "bad" about Vista in my country . We had Siemens laptops and desktops during that days , they were quite popular and fast/robust. Later Siemens became just Fujitsu , but that's another story . Though, I liked Siemens better because they used higher quality parts. And this one , yes , I heard that alot too : "advised to replace Vista with XP after buying a PC" . Actually I did it it (but with Win2000). Just for some time , until dark themes became available . I couldn't stand Vista's paper white folder backgrounds . Are you OK with not being able to customize the background ? Earlier Windows didn't have a problem with that. Oh , and Windows 7 wasn't that popular here , we still had plenty of good working Siemens PCs , in good condition with Vista pre-installed . There was no need to replace it with Win7 , which is worse. So , many people here just skipped to Win8 (NOT including me). These days the situation is much worse . It's like a ton of zombies around and everyone with Win10/Linux.
  2. With drivers , of course . Config: Intel Pentium G3470 DDR3 1866 (Ripjaws X) 32GB (I know it's not needed , just lazy to put it off) WD Raptor 600GB WD6000HLHX GTX970 reference (Driver 344.60) (waiting to test with GTX980 , should arrive soon)
  3. It is much , much faster , it is small (HDD). It eats much less RAM for the same x86 programs that you launch in 64bit enviroment . They run faster, like 30%. Also, it has that good ol' sound (nostalgic) , like we used to hear in the 80s-90s. If you have a quality sound system , it may even sound similar to Bang and Olufsen (no kidding!). I still use it today for x86 games and uncompressed music. P.S. Boot time on Haswell like 3-4 seconds.
  4. I honesly didn't do any research regarding this issue earlier . But as far as I can see now , it's impossible - It has something to do with the famous "meltdown" patch . Oh , by the way , what do you need all those updates for ? It's likely they don't do any good . I run absolutely virgin SP2 for my internet PC for more than 11 years and SP1 for gaming (almost 13 years). The only updates I installed is what was really needed (like DX11 for the games) , VCRedist and Net 4.5.1 (the fastest for Vista in my experience). Recently I installed the one that win32 suggested, just for testing , I will delete it later , I can't say it is bad . It somewhat improved the sound in SP2 (which is good since SP2 sounds much worse than SP1) , but at the same time my boot speed is slower now. Yet again , I don't see any marginal improvement from installing updates. You're better off with a good firewall .
  5. No , problem , why didn't you like my post then ?)
  6. win32 says updates should be only up to April 2017. After that decrease in performance happened . Some antivirus "features" added or smth like that, I don't know .
  7. Yes , you don't have to copy over the extended kernel dll's into system32. You need to copy those files into the program's folder , merge the DLLredirectionenabler.reg , reboot after that (just one time for all) , create an empty file "yourgamename.exe.local" , where "yourgamename" will be the name of your program's main executable , ".exe.local" extension is the important part , don't forget , place it in the program's directory and that's it. Oh , and check if you have KB4467700 , win32 says it is needed , but in my case it works with or without it. Chromium and many of the others will work . Edit: Some programs , like firefox , in addition to that , will require their header patching , it is simple , you can find all of the info on this website.
  8. Hello , the guy wrote " I have updated my Vista till Jan. 2020" . Perhaps this is the issue.
  9. On the contrary , the local redirection method is when you don't mess with your system files at all , you just copy them to the program installation folder (the one you want to launch, right where the main executable resides ) . Also, you need to apply redirection in the registry , reboot after it and create an empty file "yourgamename.exe.local" , where "yourgamename" will be the name of your program , that's it. I think if you scroll several pages back , win32 explained this already. This method is far more convenient, in my opinion. By the way , I don't actually use the extended files myself , all of my programs work without them . It's just out of curiosity , for testing and having fun.
  10. I'm sorry , I must had written someone else , but it was on this forum . Oh , and you can use the local redirection method . There's no need to replace system files , but I'm sure you know this already. Edit : also tried local redirection method with files from SP2 on SP1 , it worked.
  11. I don't think so . I have a 500GB 10000RPM Raptor disk , so ...
  12. Vista is my main OS for everything , I think I told before . I use SP1 for gaming on my 1st PC and SP2 for internet on the 2nd . I also have a 7 y.o. laptop which had W8 , but I deleted it and installed XP Pro , I have a Box Version .
  13. Ok , I see you didn't use SP1 enough . Just try it with real hardware , you won't regret . There were some good camparsions , but they got deleted . This is just what left , as one can see SP1 is faster , in real life it is even faster https://technogog.com/information/vista-sp1-vs-sp2/
  14. We are talking about our personal Vista experience , as I said , in my personal experience I had zero issues with SP1 . What issues did you have ? Name a few , please , I'm just curious.
  15. I think I was the first here who said "best antivirus is our brain". But I'm not greedy , of course you can use it , I see you liked it ))) Also , I can't see anyone who's talking about the quality , for example sound , videoplayback and gaming. Vista easily beats all later Windows . I have a very good monitor and a quality sound card , I can tell. I compared Win 7 , 8 and Vista on the same hardware and the result is in favour of Vista , of course ! Anyone with a good sound card , monitor ? C'mon ...
  16. Actually everything was fixed in SP1 , it is way faster than SP2 in my opinion , I still use it for gaming . Also , if you have a quality sound card , you may notice a huge difference in favour of SP1. By the way , I can't say that I had problems with vanilla Vista back in 2007 (before SP1) and I had used it 'till 2009 , the only thing that was an issue for me - improrer VRAM management for games that use more than 512mb VRAM. So I decided to install SP1 in 2009 and the problem went away.
  17. Exactly ! I have successfuly launched two very popular programs , though some other tricks of my own were used too (in addition to this wonderful kernel). There is NO way I'm discussing it here. I think it's better you ask questions through mail directly , I mean mail-mail , not here. Just notify me , 'cause I always forget to check it. P.S. Oh , and I think it would be wise to change names , giving a slight hint about the original . They will have no grounds to ban , at least.
  18. You know , actually I'm not surprised at all , esp. with all that what's going on in the world after 2001. I have a suggestion , how about we start to make spelling errors > like "ckhromyum", "gugle" ,I guess they are looking for key-words , aren't they ? What do you about that ?
  19. Whoa , this poor user is banned after giving a good advice ! Someone really didn't like Chromium being able to run on Vista ....
  20. I'm not French , all of my settings are en-GB , English, keyboard and local too. Edit : tried to set everything to US (region , keyboard, location) no luck.
  21. Hi , I've managed to launch Streets of smth 4 (name changed), it loads the main menu and that's it , as soon as I press start the story , it lets me choose the character , but then it crashes and shows the log file. I've replaced my perfectly working Framework 4.5.1 with 4.5.2 and it didn't help. v04-s r10933 CultureNotFoundException Culture is not supported. Parameter name: name fr-FR is an invalid culture identifier. at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(String, Boolean) + 0xc5 at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.InterStageVideoScreen..ctor(String, Boolean) + 0x28f at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.GameMode.ChallengeOrCampaign.transition_to_intro_video() + 0x148 at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.GameMode.ChallengeOrCampaign.stage_start_transition() + 0x2b0 at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.CharacterSelectionScreen.on_menu_event(Int32, PlayerUserData.MenuEventEnum) + 0x36e at CommonLib.online.receive_state_changes() + 0x7e1 at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.program.do_update() + 0x75 at CommonLib.platform.main_loop_update(Action) + 0x18a at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.program.update() + 0x57 at CommonLib.xna.StandaloneGame.Update(GameTime) + 0x49 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() + 0x2dd at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game) + 0x69f at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() + 0xac at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.program.Main(String[]) + 0x3c5
  22. Hello , thanks for the advice , the thing is - I never said that I (personally) use any Antivirus at all , someone asked and I just said 3.5.1 works because I know this for sure. As for me , I don't trust any "antivirus" . The best antivirus is brain. :-) Don't you agree ?
  23. Thank you , it worked ! Though there are warning messages (huge) , right at the start "this flag is not supported" (they are lying , of course , it is definitely supported, otherwise it wouldn't work, they just want everyone on Win10) , and the second huge and long banner "...you're on Vista or XP..." they are EXTREMELY annoying and on white background , which is insane . Extensions won't load , even unpacked with this error "Default locale ... bla , bla , bla ... couldn't be loaded". and something about manifest. I was not going to use this "browser" with such ugly interface anyway , it's just for testing purposes , because others have asked.
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