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Everything posted by gdogg

  1. well said, many will stick with xp with lots of alternate gui's coming for xp, and new ones looking good rumors of a google os, java gui , and the google java partnership for this, its pretty nice to know, maybe i wont be using the next microsoft os, even if they give it to me for $79 oem
  2. actually from the sounds of it prefetch data is cr*p, and it cleans cr*p so i guess it should continue cleaning cr*p
  3. i think one of the reasons for my xp booting so much faster without prefetch. Must be because, i have a partition @ the begginning of my drive i use for the operating system, so windows and my boot programs are always on the first 2GB of the hard drive, making this layout.ini thing, not do soo much at all. especically when i got perfect disk, defragmenting so well also
  4. lol well i'd post my tests, but i'd be called a lier, cheater or something else it went somethng like this prefetch 3 85 seconds boot time prefetch 0 50 seconds boot time still to long for my tastes, but my dad seems to like all those things he uses in his full version of mce 2004
  5. ok thanks, buy do third party deframenters use the layout.ini?
  6. Ibis do your know where this layout thing is? that Mastertech is talking about, if i could find that, then couldn't i edit it to only put what i want it to @ start of drive?
  7. even on my dads laptop, with a 5400RPM drive, with bootvis. prefetch 3 took 35 seconds longer to boot then prefetch 0 took this was a intel p4 lappy, with ddr memory. on a full version of windows mce 2004. @mastertech its really wierd this is happening. what type of pc do you use? Also, this layout thing? where is it? is it in a file somewhere? i want to see it. I think it would be very insightful. Do third party defrag tools make use of this layout thing too? if so does perfect disk or diskeeper use them?
  8. so what your saying is, that prefetch only makes a difference if you defragment your hard disk hmm, knew something was fishy with your numbers @ibis , not 200MB cd, 200MB of ram usage @mastertech so when are you gonna accept, my computer boots faster without prefetch on? along with alot of nlite users who remove next to everything, mess with services.msc, and so on oh and can i edit this post more times that you can read it, before posting your message? oh and please, dont give me another bigg long story, i dont want it! but on the other hand, prefetch 0 works well for me, giving me lower boot times! mastertech, ill give you this much though, on your computer, with the stuff you use, turning prefetch off would be a mistake
  9. but i want an optimised firefox, and that is all i'd want to use i found a 1.0.7 optimised and a 1.5 what should i post links to? both?
  10. best reasons not to use vista 1 - need new monitor (we'll see) 2 - opengl is completly broken (too slow to say its not and this is m$'s plan to get rid of them) 3 - uses too much memory 4 - what are really the benifits over xp (none for me, more its more like a downgrade) but i do agree with your words, best reason to use vista is cause its upto date. but so will sp3 be, so.
  11. mainly cause they are fast, optimised builds is the link provided by you, optimised builds?
  12. the windows folder itself. @microlite I see you reading my thread, nice name i guess you like my project? anyone reading this thread with questions feel free to post away. I dont think any question is stupid. I like sharing more info about my project you might like to know.
  13. @ibis nlite already has an option, called leave prefetch functionality, its there, so nlite has already done all it should. @everyone i cant even use prefetch on that computer, it needs many services. too many, so the gains from services being able to be remove, are outweights what you need to keep, for prefetch to remain running id enable the services again, but i cant, workstation service, disappears from the list, if you put it on disable, for too long the laws of prefetch, do not apply to many nlite users. but if you'd like, i cant make up some numbers even with bootvis too, i can not click the username for 3 minutes showing prefetch taking 3 minutes and 30 seconds longer, than disabling prefetch, even with bootvis. It can always be flawed, and cheated. but in the end, prefetch doesn't apply to me, i know this for a fact. I did over 2 weeks of testing a year ago, and nothing showed a noticable benifit except for when its disabled, which gave me a 20 second or more decrease in boot times. All my taskbar items, took just as long to load with prefetch on. The point of this being, i only loaded 100MB of stuff into memory @ startup, removed event log, which is probbally what calls for prefetch, causing this slowdown in boot times some people are noticing, that make prefetching being off look like its not a huge gain. But for some minimalist out there, using the best of the best software. Test your own, dont trust others therories. And give this settings.ini a try. @mastertech , b4 you reply, with lies lies lies, like always. Get an amd64 2800+ overclock it to 3280+ on a dfi nf3 250GB, with kingmax hardcore ddr 500 @ 570 , with an WD80GBSE 8MB cache, and use my settings.ini and my software. but one question. as you know this is purly off topic, why did you bring this thread back? why didn't you post it in a windows xp section of this forum, or the tips and tweaks.
  14. yeh, i plan to do my own testing, with this full version pc out in the other room right now.
  15. please move thread where it should be windows xp section. cause you use norton AV for most of us, using the good software, and dont have a million things loading @ startup. this means nothing. I would like to see a screenshot of bootvis to prove these acuzations. where i can see your taskbar.
  16. yes talk to nuhi first though, as your redistributing it. but this wont work for that purpose.
  17. what exactly does this do anyway?
  18. that is a cool idea i would like to find this key, even if it does nothing i'd still like to do it
  19. i dont know, if that applies to this windows, i have since found out it could of been vsync, but that will be tested as soon, as i get this project to beta II. but one this is for sure, dxdiag went from being stuck @ 85fps in there tests to 1700FPS in there d3d tests, so fast, i couldn't read it at all, there is a 1600FPS increase, but in the end, that might be a one shot deal, but once i get 3dmark01 on there, i can prove if its just a way to trick benchmarks, if that too changes drastically, then move onto game testing. one things is for sure, you will get more first shots in FPS game, and encounter less if not no lag, in games where everyone would be lagin. cause that was something i have a bigg problem with not, being on an nlited windows, instead of my microwinX project right now, the change is so bigg, i cant win like i used to. went from getting 30 - 2 to things like 30 - 18 on my friends server of swat 4. but mainly, he'd always get the first shot in an nlited windows, cause he hosted it on his computer, and had less ping than me, i'd see him, but be shot, by the time I shot, in my microwinX project, i'd see him, and get those first shots
  20. i will see, could have been, anyway, the lag you get in lots of games, is gone, or not as bad at all only when your not the cause of the lag , LOL oh and what would be the point of enabling vsync in a game?
  21. thats my plan, but ive had a long week-end out, i will be working on getting it to 57MB for beta 2 today. But during this beta 2 phase, im gonna be trying to get 3dmark and stuff running. boot up times for me went down to 9 seonds (no cd-rom) from os select screen from 16-18 with nlite anyway, i know there is some nice things, i noticed. Swat 4, would lag hardcore with me, when i'd play my buddy down the street on his server. in an nlite windows, he whoopz my butt, under my windows, i whoop his butt or get close anyway. anyway, app loadup times, wont be happening, cause i dont got a stopwatch, or nothing, too time consuming. i might make a video though, of something funny i found out about going no agp gart driver. There are tests in dxdiag, for d3d, a spinging thing that locks you in at your refresh rate for fps. Without agp gart driver on my computer i get 1300-1900 fps, from my refresh rate of 85 with it.
  22. , good stuff, someone with an interest in their computer,like me
  23. well most programs will run yes, but there will be certain cases where you'd have to switch to something else, or reboot to use programs. but this is only temporarily while others test this project, and expand the supported software base, its hard to see many programs at all not working
  24. not in the works, but it would be possible, i figure
  25. well, wait til you see it when its done alt-tab works alot better in it, cause its fast, really fast, only way its a lil slower, is when you game is in a different refresh rate
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