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Everything posted by Zxian

  1. Maybe Sony should implement what some guys did a while back to OC their P4 to 6GHz... liquid nitrogen!!! I can buy that stuff cheaper than bottled water at the Physics department at UBC... it's nuts!
  2. It's a stretch, but maybe you could even try using an old 2.XX release and see how things go. I'm not too sure how similar the programs are in terms of audio rendering and such, but it's worth a shot just to be sure.
  3. That won't necessarily help, unless you're running all standalone programs (I know Albator is trying to run everything standalone). Windows still needs the registry entries for all your programs, so there's not much point in keeping all the program directories on another partition.
  4. Why does payware make it a bad thing? It gives some incentive to the programmers to do a really good job if they know their work is going to feed their families at night. Also, remember the old expression - "Too many cooks can ruin the broth". And you don't have to pay for Opera... look at my post above! I'm 1/10 of the way there in only 4 days! After about a month I'll probably have a second licence for Opera for my desktop (I bought the licence for my laptop). As for being full featured, that doesn't necessarily make it bloated... the installer is smaller than that of the firefox installer, it starts up faster, and generally uses less memory than FF. I'd rather have features out of the box than have to go digging for hours to get the extensions I'd need to duplicate Opera. Mind you... I do tell everyone I know to use Firefox instead of IE, but that's just because they're not willing to put the affiliate links on a webpage or the like (or shell out the money...).
  5. Do you mean that XBox Live is better because you have to pay? That doesn't seem to make much sense... PS2 has network capability (you have to get an add on for the old-style versions) and playing games online is free. All you need is an internet connection. If I remember correctly, XBox Live requires high-speed of some sort as well, while PS2 can connect to dial-up. Correct me if I'm wrong... I'm working off memory here. @Aegis Totally agree with you. Starcraft is still among the top 3 RTS games in my books despite the fact that it was released what seems like eons ago. Also, Nintendo is still selling games based on the age-old Mario and Donkey Kong lines. I haven't played anything on GameCube, so I can't comment on that, but Mario64 was just a 64-bit, 3D extension of the same old story that we've always come to love (with some funky addons mind you ).
  6. Nice clean setup. The colours fit well!
  7. That's why I'm not "getting over it". I post my opinion the way I see it, but I do it in a way that doesn't make the other person feel like a loser. If you think that, then leave. I'm gonna stand up for my right to participate here without feeling oppressed. I always have and always will.
  8. Holy s***!!! You twist things to your liking don't you! Look up the thread a little bit. what I actually said was: If you're gonna quote, at least quote right! What you claim I said was absolute. What I said was partial. Get your arguments straight. Have someone else read this thread and tell you what you've been saying. Anyone with a level head will tell you that you've been arguing the XBox>PS2 line all along. I had a longer reply here, but I cut the flood control just too close and ended up loosing it... Here's one more person you've officially p***ed off...Congratulations for winning King of the Thread, with no-one else trying to get to the top. EDIT: And one more thing... take a closer look at the question above the actual poll.... "what is the best game console for you?" @Mods - Sorry for getting heated. I just hate it when people put words in my mouth.
  9. Yes, you have every right to determine what you think is that long list of what one could simplify down to stupidity, but that does not give you the right to point rude and ugly fingers at the rest of us. Read the rest in the other thread...
  10. Man... these are too good! I'll have to give some of them a try...
  11. @JasonGW I'm not gonna devulge into too much detail here, but the opinion of good and bad consoles/games/etc varies from person to person. Just because you think that the PS2 is overrated/bad/whatever, doesn't mean that everyone else is going to agree with you. You've posted a number of lengthy (and somewhat long-winded) posts about your opinions. We've heard them well enough. Just to throw in my two cents... the Gran Turismo series was developed by Sony for the PlayStation line. If you think that over the years, Gran Turismo has been a bad series (honestly, and without bias) then I'm sorry to say that most of what you say will end up holding little ground for me. And without exception, some of the best XBox games are also third party. With the exception of Halo, most of the big hitters have been third party as well. And as for the 1080p specs of the PS3... PS2 had hi-def capabilities before hi-def TVs were readily available. Now, when LCD and Plasma TVs are common place in stores, people can actually get even more out of their system. It's just planning ahead. It's like having a video card that can support 4 monitors at 1920x1440, while everyone still runs at 1024x768. That card will be good for a couple of years yet. Like SiMoNsAyS said, the XBox is more powerful hardware wise than the PS2, but that's not the only factor in deciding the "better" console. We get the fact that you think XBox is better than PS2.
  12. Sygate is my personal favorite for software firewalls. By default, it blocks applications from accessing the network unless you have given those applications permission. As for anti-virus, NOD32 is probably the undisputed champ when it comes to low resource usage.
  13. Hey jaclaz, Thanks for the info. I had read your post, and looked at the boot managers that you listed, but I mentioned BootItNG since it can also hide partitions on bootup (as per the website). I tried for a while to get Partita to work, but I couldn't figure out how to actually install it on the harddrive. I had a Win98 boot disk with all the required files, but no luck. I'll give it another shot with GRUB, since it seems to have the best documentation. I also remember reading that if a partition is located beyond the 1024 cylinder boundary, it will not be bootable. Does this refer to the active partition, or just the system partition? As it says on the site regarding partition types: Thanks again for your help!
  14. @MCT - You can find it on Skins.be. I just flipped it and removed the Skins.be logo from her leg...
  15. Hrm... do you have a copy of a previous release of Winamp that you can install? If not, I can probably host it for you since I've got some webspace and some older installers.
  16. You can make the My Documents folder private. This will mean that only you have access to your My Documents folder. It's a setting under User management.
  17. Just add them to the $OEM$ folders and they'll be on your hard drive. Look at the Unattended XP CD page for more info.
  18. Finally... some time to post some screenies! I've got a new thing going for my desktop since I've got a few new drives to show! Desktop Laptop Enjoy!!!
  19. Do you have the latest drivers for your sound card? If it's onboard audio, do you have the latest motherboard drivers? It's a very strange problem... the first that I've heard of. EDIT: I'm not sure what nasties you had on your system from the other thread you started, but it's possible that one of them may have messed up a system setting. Reinstalling the drivers may help.
  20. Is it just this laptop that it happens with? Can you boot Knoppix? It's very strange...
  21. Well, just imagine the cost of a 2 port switch/hub and you've bascially got what you need. I've seen some no-name 4 port hubs sell for $25 CAD (~17 Euros).
  22. Hey everyone, I'm calling upon the wonderful mass of knowledge that we have here once again. I'm looking to make my computer as silent as possible. Right now, I've got the stock heatsink/fan that came with the computer when I first got it. Needless to say, it's pretty loud. Ive got an Athlon T-bird Socket A CPU and I've been looking at the following heatsinks: Zalman CNPS3100+ ThermalTake A1889-01 Silent Boost Arctic Cooling Copper Silent 2TC Right now, my temps are 43C idle, 52C load with the stock heatsink. I'd like to keep them either at this level or lower if possible. I'd like to stick to buying from NCIX since they've got an outlet store close to work, so I don't have to pay for shipping. Any suggestions or comments welcome! Thanks in advance!
  23. If you wanted to make one for yourself, you could make one for ~$15 all included. I'm not too sure about commercial though... probably the same price.
  24. Absoluetly without question!!!! FFX was also really good, once you got used to the turn-based battles and Sphere Grid system... [/offtopic] But yeah, competition is good. Comptetion = lower prices = happy us!
  25. Is it just the sound that stops? Does Winamp show that it's still playing? Are you using the lastest version, 5.092? When you uninstalled it, did you clean out the registry before you reinstalled? Try running other media players as your main player to see if the problem pops up for them. You're able to start listening, but you never said if you listened with other programs for a prolonged period of time.
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