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Posts posted by AstroSkipper

  1. 4 hours ago, maile3241 said:

    Hi there,
    Is it possible to add ECDHE ciphers? To access the Windows Update website without ProxhttpsProxy. I read that you can update the ciphers in the registry editor, or am I wrong?

    As @RainyShadow said above these registry entries can only enable or disable ciphers which already exist in file schannel.dll. Here is a link:
    And replacing files is simple but in most cases it won't work at all. A lot of dll files have dependencies and need special registry entries too. Some people have already tried that. For example here: 

  2. 1 minute ago, maile3241 said:

    I can understand it. It's really sad what just happens.:(
    But back to the topic. I edited my post and uploaded the file somewhere else. The problem with the original version is that in the config.ini the line "RearPort" says 8080 and not 8081. That's why it didn't work.

    Well done! :thumbup We have to do what we are able to. On my old test computer I have already edited the config.ini to my needs. You know I try to do things my way. But anyway, thanks for the hint! Very nice of you! :yes:

  3. 1 hour ago, maile3241 said:

    In your description you have the original download link from ProxhttpsProxy v1.3. But this does not work immediately.
    I've provided a version I edited here that works out of the box with WU: https://download.ru/files/d4uaSsgD Cr. of course to @whenever on Tuopf.

    If you want, you can replace the link with mine.:)

    Thanks, but I will not provide download-links to Russian servers anymore. Sorry, it's very sad but we must make a mark, no matter how small it is! Besides, the changes are minor and can be done by users themselves according to their needs. Generally I try to provide download-links pointing to locations of original sources. But anyway, thanks for your offer! :)

    BTW, a modified and updated version of ProxHTTPSProxyMII 1.3a (20150527) for old computers which haven't got a CPU with SSE2 instruction set, will be soon released by me when test phase has been successfully completed. :thumbup

  4. 1 hour ago, mina7601 said:

    You're welcome. And yes, I read your guide carefully to ensure no errors are there. I guess you did this easter egg on purpose, or maybe you were writing very quickly and didn't notice. :P
    Now that I see you corrected it, I see it became another typo: KB94288-V3 (while it should be KB942288-V3).

    No new Easter egg from me! Either I've been just a bit too careless while writing and correcting or it is due to a kind of senility! :whistle: Thanks for reporting again! I'll correct that immediately, of course!

    1 hour ago, mina7601 said:

    Just this change? I thought that ProxyHTTPSProxyHII REV3e was included in place of REV3d, and that your fixed cacert_Updater.exe is also included in REV3e in Restore_WU_XP.7z 1.2.1.
    The change, which the changelog has mentioned, seems minor to me in my opinion.
    Also, I know that doing things manually is easier, since I have full control of what I do.

    No, the fixed version of cacert Updater can be downloaded from first post in my thread in section Downloads:

    The changes are minor indeed and can be done simply by applying cacert Updater Fixed. BTW the AIO package has been created by @Windows7fan from MDL. Therefore maintaining of it isn't my job. And I totally agree, if actions are performed manually, users get full control because one knows what has been done and what has to be performed next. Very important if verifying of each step is necessary. :yes:

  5. 3 hours ago, cc333 said:

    OK.  What I'm thinking is maybe I'll just send you the file I made, and from there you can do with it what you will.

    That would be great! In the case of publishing I will mention you for html creation, of course. 

    3 hours ago, cc333 said:

    A text editor.  I handwrote it in HTML 4 and very minor CSS, so it should be viewable using virtually any browser, and it should be fairly easy to maintain.

    I have a lot of respect for people doing things manually especially using programming languages like HTML4 and CSS. Once again, my honest respect! Nowadays I am more a batch programmer, more often a person modifying and fixing files, although I did more smaller projects in the past when I was much younger. Especially mathematical ones. But for now, kindest regards, AstroSkipper :)

  6. 2 hours ago, mina7601 said:

    A small update.
    I won't try the guide again until I get an answer to this question (it seems important to me in my opinion):

    3 hours ago, mina7601 said:

    @xpandvistafan I actually wonder if there's any difference in the latest version (1.2.1) of your Restore_WU_XP.7z package from version 1.2.

    As I wrote in my guide, everything can be done manually. That's how I did it. By doing things manually you have full control of what you do and verifying is much more easier. Here is the changelog to AIO Update version 1.2.1: 
    "Version 1.2.1 3/6/22: Updated cacert.pem to the latest version. This improves compatibility with most websites including Windows Update."
    This is a quotation taken from MDL.

  7. 24 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

    I am male not female lol.

    I am so sorry! Truth to be told I really thought you are female because of your name Mina (read in forum "Introduce Yourself!") meaning "heaven". Once again, I have to apologize to you! :yes: Do not be angry! Appearently I am not a Sherlock Holmes. :buehehe:

    37 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

    PS: your guide has a typo: KB94228-V3. It should be KB942288-V3 instead, because I tried searching KB94228 in Microsoft Update Catalog, but it said no updates are found.

    Wow! You are the only one who has found my easter egg! :cheerleader: That means you have really read my guide carefully! Thanks for reporting! 

    43 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

    OK, so, in conclusion, I will try again with this updated guide on my clean installed XP SP3 VM, I promise to be careful this time... :cool:

    Good luck! Hope it will work this time! Kind regards, AstroSkipper :)

  8. 21 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    We've had a bit of a discussion about this recently in the moderators' section, and post bumping too.
    I agree that responses which just say "It doesn't work, what do I do now" are rather less than helpful, but I keep telling myself that a lot of members do not have English as their first language, and therefore may not be particularly confident about posting complex messages.
    I do agree that this can be very frustrating if you're trying to help someone though, and if they don't respond more helpfully even after much prompting, there's not much you can do!

    Thanks for your point of view! :thumbup English isn't my native language too, I am German. But I try to do my best in writing. And truth to be told there is an option called "Google Translator", therefore bad language skills are no acceptable reason to write in poor English strings. Or isn't it? :no:

  9. Hi @maile3241 What do you think about people asking for assistance but being too lazy or whatever in writing reasonable posts? I don't understand that and it annoys me. We all do that to help other people just for fun. But in these cases there is no fun! :no:
    Apart from that, it is also a question of respect and that's really lacking in some cases, in my opinion!

  10. 29 minutes ago, LonghornXP said:

    Too less information and posting of one sentence comment again! The next one I will ignore! I looked into your log. You had and have a lot of problems relating to your Windows Update client. Do carefully following steps of my guide again: 9, 10 and 11. Steps 14 and 15 only if necessary as described in my guide. And I'm serious, no more one sentence comments with nonsufficient information! "here is the log" is nothing! The next one I will ignore definitely! A complete screenshot of ProxHTTPSProxy's log window while accessing MU only (no other connections to whereever) plus information about your system and what you have done so far, are missing too. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, LonghornXP said:

    here is a screenshot

    Did you read my post above? I need information about your system and what you have done so far. And in your ProxHTTPSProxy's log window there are fatal ssl tunnel errors. What did you do? Post additionally a complete screenshot of ProxHTTPSProxy's log window while accessing MU only (no other connections to whereever) and upload your WindowsUpdate.log located in folder \Windows! And please, no more one sentence comments with nonsufficient information! Compare my posts to yours and you know what I mean! :)

  12. @LonghornXP Any assistance is senseless without information about your system and what you have done so far. You are bombing this thread with error codes but you didn't explain what you did to generate them. And regarding your language skills, please use Google Translate additionally to post clear statements and comments! :yes:
    PS: It's not meant to be mean! But speaking and writing in a clear way is mandatory.

  13. Whatever will happen and whatever fate befalls my little guide, thank you for your interest and your efforts! :yes:

    8 hours ago, cc333 said:

    one can't count on the Wayback Machine to completely archive anything (it's particularly hit or miss with forums)

    I totally agree. The Wayback Machine is great but for more complex backups especially due to incompatibiliy in backing up links on MSFN, it's not an option.

    8 hours ago, cc333 said:

    I will!  And I guarantee that I will do my best to not (knowingly) use anything Russian.  I neither condone nor support the unprovoked and indiscriminate killing and destruction of a nation and its citizens...

    Thanks for clarifying. It's very sad but we must make a mark, no matter how small. :yes:

    8 hours ago, cc333 said:

    Is DropBox OK with you?

    I do have a DropBox account, therefore it is an option, of course. As I already mentioned above there has to be a possibility for me to delete old and add new versions of this guide.

    8 hours ago, cc333 said:

    Of course!  I don't want to make anything public without your permission and approval!  And it's your right to do whatever you want with it.  I only came up with the HTML version because I was bored and wanted something to do :)

    Thank you for understanding and respecting that! :thumbup

    What tool do you use to generate a html version of my guide? In the past I had different problems with a lot of tools. Simple constructed web sites, no problem, but more complex and linked sites, I got partially or completely results which were terrible.
    So far, kind regards, AstroSkipper :)

  14. 6 hours ago, LonghornXP said:

    Now I'm got 80244004

    You mean you are getting now error code 0x80244004. If so, you should check or perform step 11 once more. You have to verify the existence of patched "wuaueng.dll" in mentioned folders. Be aware of SFC which tries to restore an original old version of this file! After patching restart your computer and check again! And please, more information about your system and what you have done so far. Anyway, doing all steps correctly and keeping the order should let the probabiliy of success increase to nearly 100%. :yes:

  15. 3 hours ago, cc333 said:

    As for where to put it, maybe it can be included in the all in one packs as a sort of instruction manual?

    At first, thanks for thinking about a backup solution in case of MSFN sites' inaccessibility!  When creating of your html version is finished, please upload it i.e. your prototype and later your final version to Mediafire, for example, or any other hoster (but please a non Russian one) so that I can have a look into it! And send me the download link only via PM! In any case I want to have it in form of a separate guide such as it is i.e. I don't want this guide to be included in these "all in one" packages. BTW automatic solutions do not need an instruction how to do things manually. And I prefer manual methods to keep control. Anyway, we talked about a mirror! A package isn't one. It has to be a location all interested people can have access to. Furthermore there has to be a possibility for me to delete old and add new versions of this guide. I don't have a suitable mirror in mind yet but I will think about it. Maybe you can offer some alternatives. Just to clarify, no publishing without my permission! I want to decide where it is mirrored to. And finally, thanks for your "voluntary" liking! :buehehe: 
    Cheers, AstroSkipper

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