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Everything posted by AstroSkipper

  1. BTW, I do not watch YouTube videos in browsers under Windows XP. YouTube has become bloated and cumbersome for many years. Under Windows XP and older, weaker machines, there are different ways to watch them more unbloated and less resource-consuming. @NotHereToPlayGames One way is to use the extension uTube from RealityRipple Software for UXP browsers. Doing so, you won't see any ads, even not these annoyances at the end of the Adblocker Test Video. All you have to do is to edit the install.rdf to make it compatible with New Moon 28 or Serpent 52.
  2. Maybe on Pale Moon, but in any case not on New Moon 28 when using @UCyborg's uBlock Origin 1.16.6b1 or uBlock Origin Legacy
  3. The whole test video does not show any ads. In the last 10 seconds before it is ending, it shows a notification for an optional subscription and a preview image of the next video which would start automatically if autoplay is on. Sorry, I don't consider this to be advertising. And I don't believe that this can be fully blocked by an ad blocker. This is just an assumption, of course. I said: "And I don't believe that this can be fully blocked by an ad blocker. This is just an assumption, of course." This was really just an assumption, and I was wrong. Both elements can be fully blocked by uBlock Origin Legacy. Here is the code: www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-covering-overlay ||yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AIdro_mXEGaCazliYd6jLRL48P-rscos9Syk1sXeF7FWI7XB_5w=s400-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj$image ||i.ytimg.com/vi/1OE6AtIUGk4/maxresdefault.jpg$image www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-element-show.ytp-ce-size-1920.ytp-ce-top-right-quad.ytp-ce-large-round.ytp-ce-video.ytp-ce-element But to be honest, it is of course not worth the efforts. These two elements do not bother me at all. Cheers, AstroSkipper
  4. The whole test video does not show any ads. In the last 10 seconds before it is ending, it shows a notification for an optional subscription and a preview image of the next video which would start automatically if autoplay is on. Sorry, I don't consider this to be advertising. And I don't believe that this can be fully blocked by an ad blocker. This is just an assumption, of course.
  5. Can you please provide a screenshot with all filter lists you have enabled on the tab "Filter lists"? This would be easier to compare with the ones I have enabled.
  6. I see, but did you click anywhere in the site once in a while? That's when the ads' reports come or when ads from aliexpress are opened. Btw, the site igg-games.com suffers from the same situation. I clicked everywhere on this site www.ovagames.com and its sub-sites. No pop-ups. No ads. Nothing.
  7. Fixed in the next version, I shall to publish it upon a week most likely Great to hear such news! I'm really looking forward to the upcoming release.
  8. In contrast to UXP browsers such as New Moon 28, all current Chrome browsers are extremely limited and restricted. Webextensions don't have the permissions that legacy extensions have. This is one of the main reasons why I avoid Chrome browsers when I can. Nevertheless, provide a link to the YouTube video where ads are still shown despite blocking by uBO!
  9. If you compare the behaviour of the legacy extension with the webextension, you should only use the same filter lists in both. And you also have to look at which filter lists you combine with each other in order to achieve an optimum result. But one thing is clear. The legacy extension lags almost 6 years behind the webextension in terms of development. This means that the latter uses a much more advanced filter engine than the legacy version. I have opened the website www.ovagames.com again by New Moon 28 with a fully configured uBlock Origin Legacy No problems here. No additional pop-ups or any other ads. Surfing there is easy and smooth.
  10. In my New Moon 28 profile, I have enabled 21 filter lists plus my self-created filters under the tab "My filters". I can't notice any serious impact caused by New Moon 28 (at the moment, 318 MB RAM usage by palemoon.exe).
  11. I would never use two ad blockers at once. uBlock Origin is totally sufficient and can block most things. But it has to be configured correctly. Your five lists are not sufficient. Even the two YouTube lists can't change that. All filter lists under "Built-in" should be enabled. But uBO can do much more. You can remove annoying elements from websites and create your own filters, and so on. And BTW, one further extension consumes more resources than enabling a few filter lists in uBO.
  12. BTW, you can't find them there. These list were added in my mod uBlock Origin Legacy by myself. Anyway! Using uBlock Origin and a sufficient number of good filter lists means no ads in YouTube videos.
  13. What didn't work? You should enable all built-in filter lists and some more. And import both YouTube lists!
  14. I checked my release on Android. Here they are: uBlock filters – Quick fixes: https://ublockorigin.github.io/uAssets/filters/quick-fixes.txt GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock-Filter: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Formats/GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock-Filter.txt
  15. I am not at my desktop computer at the moment but surfing with my Android tablet. On FilterLists you will find all you need.
  16. That's right. But this thread is actually about @roytam1's browser releases. :OT You have to import these filter lists in your uBO version. You can find them all on https://filterlists.com/. :END OF OT
  17. That's unfortunately not enough. What about all default uBlock filters? For blocking YouTube ads, you can enable uBlock filters – Quick fixes and GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock-Filter. In my thread, you will find my latest release containing all these filter lists and more. And in my article, you will find corresponding images of the tab Filter lists. In any case, I don't get ads in YouTube videos when using my mod uBlock Origin Legacy.
  18. I know that, of course. It wasn't directed at you either, but at those who are annoyed by websites that don't load properly in @roytam1's browsers. In the end, many of them can be loaded quite well if you do it right.
  19. New Moon 28 is the browser I mainly use from @roytam1's releases. Many websites can be loaded without serious problems. But of course, there are bloated and cumbersome sites which are loading terribly. However, some of them can be edited with the help of uBlock Origin so that they run reasonably well again. For example, you can neuter the GMX homepage and completely remove all the news, adverts, videos and so on. Or use the right filter lists to access news pages like The New York Times again. On PCWelt, around 1000 elements are blocked with my activated filter lists and runs super smoothly again. However, without uBO, it would make no sense to access such websites on older machines.
  20. The problem with the ublock0.sqlite file is the loading of big filter lists. If you then disable these lists at a certain time, they are not actually removed from the ublock0.sqlite file. As a result, this file continues to expand, even though the filter lists responsible for that have not been used any longer.
  21. If you compare the behaviour of the legacy extension with the webextension, you should only use the same filter lists in both. And you also have to look at which filter lists you combine with each other in order to achieve an optimum result. But one thing is clear. The legacy extension lags almost 6 years behind the webextension in terms of development. This means that the latter uses a much more advanced filter engine than the legacy version.
  22. And now a tip for maintaining your uBlock Origin installation. If you enable and disable or add and delete filter lists more frequently, especially the big ones, your ublock0.sqlite file in your profile subfolder extension-data will become bloated. From time to time, I therefore recommend to backup all your settings. close your browser, delete the ublock0.sqlite file, restart the browser and restore your settings from your backup file. And there is a reason for my recommendation. Although only recently installed, this file ublock0.sqlite has swollen to 60 MB in my installation of uBO. After my maintenance, it shrunk to 30 MB with the same settings. 50% less! And the smaller this file, the better. Less RAM consumption, better performance. But one thing is of course clear. Sooner or later, this file will become bloated again. That's why I said that this file should be maintained from time to time, especially to get rid of outdated content. Cheers, AstroSkipper
  23. Subject: uBlock Origin Legacy Homepage/support link of the BPCF filter list changed via auto-update. The former GitLab link has of course become obsolete, too. Forgot to change it! Offline change in next version. And don't forget getting and applying the update immediately can be triggered by the function "Purge all caches" and "Update now"! Then reload the dashboard page! Greetings, AstroSkipper
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