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Everything posted by JuMz

  1. Which entry specifically in the winbom.ini do you have these keys in? I know that when you have the WinbomType = WinPE (as opposed to Factory or OOBE), only certain entries of the winbom.ini that pertain to that WinbomType are processed...
  2. http://www.webwizguide.com/asp/tutorials/i...s_winXP_pro.asp
  3. Quite the opposite. From the .chm's I read, none of the previous versions supported ramdisk...(though I'm sure you could have used other "unsupported" methods in creating it...). With my version (1.6 I think), there is supported documentation to create a ramdisk, which includes one of the steps as using only a Windows Server 2003 as your source...
  4. Sorry about that. Just re-read the first post... Have you tried this... And with regards to the conversion of the Filesystem, I believe XP can do that... This entry should be in the [unattended] sectionPerhaps this entry may also help you...
  5. Vibestreamer!! Works real well! I love it! and its Free! http://www.vibestreamer.com/ Screenshot!
  6. You wouldn't be interested in getting a platform based on the new Core 2 Duo? What budget are we looking at? Here is a "budget" system for a Core 2 Duo platform... Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16813130052 Cpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16819115005 Ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820145526 Total is $415.98 for just that, but the board is ATX...this would be enought for a system assuming the case fits ATX, and you still have a working HD, CD/DVD/RW rom and PSU, and video card (PCIE though) If you are not a gamer, you can easliy pickup a PCIE card for around 70... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814130030 Bringing the total to $485.97
  7. Hmm, my winbom.ini is very similar, except I run the winnt32 install outside of the winbom (in startnet, after factory -winpe)... Focusing on the Windows error a little more (as I think the problem is with your installation source and not with WinPE or formatting)...Do you receive the error during the 32bit part of the install (i.e. in WinPE) or after it reboots and in Textmode...If you receive the 'cannot find file' error during the 32bit part, that means there is an entry in your dosnet.inf in your I386 folder pointing to a file that does not exisist in the actual installation source. However, if the error occurs during the textmode portion, then it is possible that The dosnet.inf didn't copy a file the txtsetup.sif was expecting to find (this controls what files are copied during the textmode portion of the setup). This is usually due to the lack of entry of that file in the dosnet.inf How have you modified your installation source? (i.e. Nlite or RVM, etc). **EDIT: It seems I have made an error on the commandlines my winnt32 uses. Here is what I use: winnt32 /syspart:%InstallDrive% /s:%SetupFiles% /makelocalsource:all /unattend:%AnswerFile% /noreboot It is VERY important that you use the :all if you wish to include the CMPNENTS folder as part of your install...I also use the /noreboot so the setup doesn't boot it out of WinPE before it is finished. I actually don't use the /tempdrive but /syspart instead. Through my experience, If I didn't have the /syspart, the winnt32 setup would through an error indicating that it could not find any valid system partitions on the drive...this was the only way I could resolve that...Just for completeness, my winbom.ini is as follows: [Version] signature=$CHICAGO$ [Factory] WinBomType = WinPE Reseal=No [WinPE] Restart=No [DiskConfig] Disk1 = First.Config [First.Config] WipeDisk = Yes Size1 = * PartitionType1 = Primary FileSystem1 = NTFS QuickFormat1 = Yes SetActive1 = Yes
  8. Are you doing anythem special in your startnet.cmd? Perhaps remove the factory -winpe and try...I used a Server 2003 SP1 as a base...that way...you can load WinPE straight into ram...
  9. so what would we put if we wished to compress them?
  10. Does this computer happen to have less than 64MB of ram?
  11. Could you please elaborate a little more? What EXACTLY is the error message? Could you be a little more specific in your steps here? Startnet.cmd is automatically launched upon entering WinPE. In there, in order for the winbom.ini file to be read, you need to first launch factory -winpe. Did you run the winnt32 version of the installation of XP?
  12. try adding /tempdrive:c: or /tempdrive:c (sorry, I can't remember if it needs the trailing colon. Use the above post suggestion to convert it to NTFS... Post back to let us know how it goes! Check here for the full command lines... http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documen...w.mspx?mfr=true
  13. If you are in WinPE, why not use the winbom.ini to create the partitions? (using the disk.config heading...read the winpe.chm)
  14. You also need OemPreinstall = Yes And to tell you the truth, I have never seen the OemPnpDriversPath = TEXTMODE ever before...In fact, you need to also specify a location for the drivers for gui portion...The below is from the Oem Preinstallation Kit...its not related specfically to RIS but to Adding Mass Storage Drivers...Read it CAREFULLY...
  15. I believe there are a couple of things you can do... 1. In internet explorer, you have to add the servername "\\appserver" in the trusted sites zone. 2. There are regtweaks to disable this...I will post when I find them...I have them in my regtweaks... EDIT: Here: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download] "CheckExeSignatures"="no" "RunInvalidSignatures"=dword:00000001 Try 1 or 2 or both of them, see what fixes this and post back!
  16. I don't know if this is a bug or a wish but: When you add the name of the App, say "Adobe Reader 7.0" it automatically generates a unique ID. Awesome. Works good. Now, say I put some dependencies / conditions using this uniqueID. So far so good. Now I update my installation source to the newest version and edit the app name to "Adobe Reader 7.0.8" and the uniqueID Automatically changes...NOT SO GOOD. Now all my dependencies / conditions have to be edited....Now multiply this by the number of apps that get updated and have dependencies...It causes lots of problems... Perhaps you could put a check such that to check if the uniqueID is blank, then auto fill it, otherwise leave it as is... Just my 2 cents...All in all, your app is a blessing...
  17. I think all you need to do is remove the above. This way, it will halt at the drive selection / format screen...I believe I USED to do it this way...
  18. I have been using the OPK for a while to do normal network installs for months. For the life of me, I could not get it to install MCE / TPC correctly. You are my hero for telling me the above! Thanks!
  19. Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is a bug or it's supposed to be this way... Description: I JUST started using the "Condition" variable in my config.js to check to see if the executable is on the CD, i.e FileExists("%CDROM%\Applications\Adobe Acrobat Reader\Adobe Reader 7.0.8.msi") This works perfectly when I test the ISO I build (the application disappears / appears accordingly ) however, it is ALWAYS hidden when I launch WPI.HTA in "editing mode" (i.e. straight off my HD when I am adding a new app or changing something, etc) I have this line on all my applications, so essentially, when I double click on WPI.hta on my HD to edit, nothing shows up, however, when I build the iso and mount it, all works as it is supposed to... Is this normal? BTW, Thanks for the fix about the uncommenting! (#2 I believe)
  20. Did you switch from a network install to a CD install or Vice Versa? (if so, the structure differs slightly) Do you have OemPreinstall=yes in your unattend.txt?
  21. Does the above help file / waik guide include how to use the new WIM format to deploy XP similarly?
  22. Do you mean WinPE or BartPE...WinPE doesn't have a desktop...Or so I thought...All I get is a command line, which as far as I know, is the only thing you can get...BartPE, however, is another story...
  23. Download his version and extract the .bmp replace it with yours. I don't exactly know how to do this...Anyone care to post an English version?
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