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  1. I was able to install IIS on MCE - I examined the iis6 log file in Windows. Each time, I researched the FAIL error messages and turns out I had to re-install (download and copy) 3-4 dll files. In addition, I stopped my virus software, the firewall, AND the spysweeper program I had running to install IIS.
  2. Thanks, but it did not solve my problem. I installed (several times!) IIS; even tried creating a network. I get that infamous http 500 error I've installed IIS before, but never on media edition XP. Could I be missing something?
  3. I just bought a new laptop (HP) with Windows Media Center OS. I installed IIS; all went well. When I typed in "http://localhost" into the address bar - it couldn't find the page. Help!!!! All ideas on the subject would be helpful. Thanks!
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