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Everything posted by schwups

  1. I tried LCIDToLocaleName=>NLSDL:DownlevelLCIDToLocaleName and LocaleNameToLCID=>NLSDL:DownlevelLocaleNameToLCID. The second produced an error in Kernel32 after browser close, that I could simply click away. So I'm back to z2e.
  2. I copied the two files (Avrunt.dll (kstub825.dll), Avrunt.DLL.ini) into the system folder and added Avrunt to core.ini [BASE] contents. Renamed Avrunt.DLL.ini to Avrunt.ini. On restart KernelEx didn't work. Avrt.dll.ini is a simple export list. Is there somthing to edit/define from my side or does KernelEx can handle it as it is? ;-- C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\AVRT.DLL --; Exports AvQuerySystemResponsiveness AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics AvRtCreateThreadOrderingGroup AvRtCreateThreadOrderingGroupExA AvRtCreateThreadOrderingGroupExW AvRtDeleteThreadOrderingGroup AvRtJoinThreadOrderingGroup AvRtLeaveThreadOrderingGroup AvRtWaitOnThreadOrderingGroup AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristicsA AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristicsW AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsA AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW AvSetMmThreadPriority
  3. It sometimes takes a little time, I do have a faint memory now. These are stubbed in Kexbases. Now I want to get back to Firefox.
  4. A bit OffTopic - I found LdrUnloadDll (cadaver?) with Hex Editor MX, but not LdrLoadDll.
  5. Yes that's right I am using 4.5.2 which will show when reading the DLLs as 4.5.12. Maybe but I do not know how you have determined this. I have got the programs to run that stopped running with KEX25 and earlier. I did not mix 4.5.2 modules as seen but I did use your KernelEx.dll for convenience and so I can use your Kstubs.dll. Thankyou. I have several ME machines, where I can do different things. The UXTHEME from BWC is OK. The latest UNICOWS is not real friendly with WinME and is designed for other OS with the delay loaded Ldr functions. 4018 has all of the latest APIs without LdrUnloadDll and LdrLoadDll. So I use 4018 without any issues. Trying out different versions and jump between them makes sense for troubleshooting. I'm not aware of unicows 4018. I had always used 1.1.3790.0. I don't see LdrUnloadDll and LdrLoadDll. Uxtheme of ROS 0.4 or 2k or XP loads on my main machine (Kex25/Kext), too. Why not as 3rd party apps require them and they are used here in this topic. Yes, these will not always be avoidable.
  6. I can't load Avrt Win 7 (6.1.7600.16385) with Procwin! Message: Can not load library. With Kex comp. mode Win 7 on AVRT.dll the window opens and then Procwin hangs. Nothing happens, if I try to load Avrt BWC. No message - no window. I see the same behaviour with other dlls and I conclude that means it loads. I think the missing window is a special error on my system, that also needs to be investigated. KTree (Avrt BWC): Window Ok => C:\...\AVRT.DLL - but <Missing: get_api_table()> ?? KTree (Avrt Win7): Blank and it hangs.
  7. First of all, thank you both very much. Indeed I'd BWC avrt.dll from KB935839-v30fM-x86 on my HDD here. First this is the easiest test and it solves this hang, I get the GUI and have it running! This version has only three exports, the two called and one more. But I already have a new problem with the version of 16th. This requires further investigation. I may have rather worsened my kstubs the last few days.
  8. DWModuleView: Dynamically loaded - no delay load module.
  9. If I delete Multimedia Realtime Runtime (Avrt.dll), I get "couldn't load xpcom". My first attempts to hexedit xul.dll at avrt.dll also failed.
  10. Avrt.dll Win 7 (6.1.7600.16385): depentent modul NTDLL.DLL not supported by Kexbasen 25/Kexbases 25: [NTDLL.DLL] AlpcGetMessageAttribute AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute NtAlpcConnectPort NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort NtOpenPrivateNamespace RtlAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor RtlCreateBoundaryDescriptor RtlCreateServiceSid RtlDecodePointer RtlDeleteBoundaryDescriptor RtlEncodePointer (LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll removed)
  11. 10thModuleAfterProf 11th - Modules not loaded/missing: AVM files FritzBox Router Software/Firewall Falkon.dll not loaded (Falkon and Mypal.dll are kstubs) RNR20 (Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL) WBEMPROX, WBEMSVC, WBEMCOMN (Windows Management Instrumentation) NSS files (Firefox) - NSSDBM3, Softokn3, FREEBL3, NSSCKBI, NSS3 ODBC32 (Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager) -> 10th Delay-load module URLMON (OLE32 Extensions for Win32) -> 10th Delay-load module Following DW profiling log of 10th after hang the next module to load is Falkon (Kstub) and then DNSAPI. So, I could also conclude that my Falkon.dll is too sparse or not?
  12. KexAPIlog 11th DWModuleList
  13. After I gave them (NTSTATUS)STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, I'm able to swap to Avrt.dll of Win 7. The Profiling of 11th still hangs at "DllMain(0x75400000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in "AVRT.DLL" called by thread 0xFFCB6B63.".
  14. Yes Avrt.dll - probably the best track for now. I haven't made any progress by renaming and omit avrt so far (The result is "couldn't load xpcom"). Avrt.dll 6.0.5112.0 depentent modul NTDLL.DLL I've following suspicious API's in my Kstub825 and I'll check these: [NTDLL.Dll] LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll= RtlDecodePointer= RtlEncodePointer= Avrt.dll Win 7: I had following API's disabled, because I haven't found suitable return values (documented?). [NTDLL.DLL] AlpcGetMessageAttribute= AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute= NtAlpcConnectPort= NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort= Kexstub logs 10th Feb and 11th Feb: 11th [Kstub825] = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e 10th (normal start, no DW profiling, without crash or exit) shortened by ... [Kstub825] = ntdll.dll:RtlStringFromGUID=n2 = ntdll.dll:RtlStringFromGUID=n2 = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCIDToLocaleName=z4e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCIDToLocaleName=z4e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCMapStringEx=z9e = KERNEL32.DLL:GetLocaleInfoEx=z4e . . . = KERNEL32.DLL:GetLocaleInfoEx=z4e = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCIDToLocaleName=z4e = KERNEL32.DLL:LCIDToLocaleName=z4e = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e . . . = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = . . . = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = . . . = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = = KERNEL32.DLL:LocaleNameToLCID=z2e = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo = . . . = KERNEL32.DLL:K32GetProcessMemoryInfo=>Psapi:GetProcessMemoryInfo =
  15. DW log files 54a1 of 24 Jan, 10 Feb and 11 Feb Note: Firefox of 24th and 10th don't start by DW profiling. Differences I saw with WinMerge: 11th New - AVRT.dll loaded DWMAPI.dll loaded earlier (after uxtheme) used file versions: avrt 6.0.5112.0 and dwmapi 6.0.5270.9 These files (6.1) of Win 7 don't load yet. Probably I've to add some new API's to Kext.
  16. The current (Firefox Quantum) state is, that I can run Firefox 54 - 59, even Thunderbird 68 or Mypal68 in the background with no errors unfortunately still without (G)UI. The initialisation of the GUI is somehow skipped/bypassed. I can assume, that the InitOnce functions, ConditionVariables functions, SRWLock functions play a role here, but that isn't knowledge and I can be completely wrong. I'm not a programmer/coder. Formerly we've seen such "no UI" behaviour with Opera Presto 12.10+, too. In the case of Mypal68, one thought was maybe Win ME/98/KernelEx can't handle the XP compatible "unused chromish code" Feodor2 uses for multiprocess handling https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/71 . Upon request Feodor2 advised me to search for changes between 54a1 nightly builds of 11 February and 10 February 2017. This "no UI" problem occurs for the first time with the build of 11 February. However, this is difficult for me, when I basically have no real approach. There are a lot of displacements and changes. Currently I'm stuck and can't get any further.
  17. I seem to remember early KernelEx versions like 4.5.2 need Kext (Kstub822) with entry [Kernel32.dll] InterlockedPopEntrySList=f1. It's probably supported since v4.5.2015.3.
  18. Really interlockedpopentrylist or InterlockedPopEntrySList? InterlockedPopEntrySList should be supported by kexbases. Did you set javaw.exe and java.exe to win2000SP4?
  19. Did you try driver winXP 5.836 9MB. The inf file still has 98/ME sections and there is 8105E listed. Check, if there is the matching DevID. Also, you could try deleting all the unnecessary sections or devicesfrom the inf file to shorten it. Install manual. https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/network-interface-controllers-10-100m-fast-ethernet-pci-express-software I also found on my PC an earlier version 5.806 from 2012. The inf file should be trimmed below 60KB. Unfortunately we have such a limit. My ME limit is about 53KB.
  20. Surely, the "CPU one core use" significantly reduces the performance. With Intel Core 2 Duo Wolfsdale 8xxxx I lose one core, but the used one has the complete L2 cache of 6MB available and I see NV Geforce 6 or 7 (256MB) with driver support significantly increases the performance compared to the vbemp solution. Memory: 512MB is clearly too little. The known entry in the system.ini enables to use 1GB on 98 and up to 2GB on ME. RLoew's Memory Patch allows more than 3GB. Therewith browsers like Firefox 52 work with quite good speed. YT video resolution/quality 720p is no problem and 1080pHD usually works as well. This depends mainly on the internet speed.
  21. You can give Notepad++ extension Compare a try, too. https://sourceforge.net/projects/npp-compare/files/ Last Notepad++ for XP is 7.9.2. Yes, I also like and use WinMerge.
  22. Which vbemp version did you use - 32,64 or 128MB?
  23. See my topic Windows 9x Member Projects "Firefox 24 - 52 for ME and 98".
  24. Danielx, you are able to run K-Meleon74, so you have KernelEx with core update 18 or higher installed. This opens up further possibilities. Then you also can run Firefox 31.8. It usually renders the pages better, e.g. msfn/board much better than KM74 Goanna. On the other hand, KM74 G has newer nss files. Probably Firefox 31+ isn't tested with the Vbemp driver here until now. I'm not sure. To play youtube videos, you need at least Firefox 43. That is what my last tests showed. Of course, this may have already changed again. But yesterday, I also tested Firefox, here 52, out of curiosity with the Vbemp driver (Feb 2014 32MB). System: Real machine, Win98SE, CPU Intel P4 Northwood, 1 GB RAM, chip Via P4M800, Board MS7104. Basically I was able to play Youtube videos with Firefox 52. However, an extreme amount of patience is required until the youtube page is loaded. It's a horror. The resolution is low and it's a bit choppy. In terms of sound, I had done something wrong. 98 didn't recognise the card correctly or the card is somehow blocked. I haven't investigated this further. YT loads slowly anyway and especially with this old hardware. Test it on your system and see, if it works and tell us what you found out. Note for sound: Perhaps one Problem more Firefox 15 and higher requires a WDM Sound driver. HD Audio (Audio driver for Realtek HD Audio Hardware? [Testing thread]) not tested with Firefox yet. Vxd drivers are possible up to version 10 (14) only. - K-Meleon74: instead of www.reddit.com use old.reddit.com
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