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Everything posted by mark

  1. Nonono, that's not allowed... ever... !
  2. mark

    Crazy Patents

    @bms, You got me curious and I got these quotes from the US Patent and Trademark Office. I don't think this would apply in this case. This one would apply. Apparently, gas has the energy required. I had always thought that to have a patent, an item must be functional or as they say 'useful'. I guess, without thinking about it, that is what made me think "it functions!? and they gave it a patent!!"DL Put your thinking caps on and start inventing! Bring your ideas to my office at 'Dewey, Cheatham and Howe' and I will file your patent application for you. (yeah, yeah, I stole it from the 'Three Stooges')
  3. I can't imagine the nightmarish frustration some of you guys go through. Reading this and some of the other stories I've seen here make me wince. It may be small but the one positive light in this conversation was when she apparantly said "that's neat". Maybe if she finds that neat, then as she progresses, she will find a lot of things 'neat' on the computer and make her learning curve steep and easy. I remember early on when I lost my task bar. (in my defense, there were three of us using one computer and someone else had set autohide, a feature I didn't know about) DL
  4. Hi laohac84, Welcome to MSFN. Vietnam is somewhere I have always wanted to visit. Maybe someday. Nice avatar. DL
  5. Hi Matt, and you are an 'undergrad in aerospace engineering'. Take it easy. It takes three misspellings, 4 social blunders and making one letter grade under what you are capable of making before harri karri becomes acceptable. Oh, welcome to MSFN. We have a few very sharp pencils here but I don't know about any other rocket scientists. DL
  6. Hi exodusgaris, Welcome to MSFN. The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked. Well, there are one or two stupid questions and then we will see how your bravery stands up! DL
  7. mark

    Crazy Patents

    Ya oughta read the details on the gas fired rocket. DL
  8. A pet, a best friend, in reality they become family members. There are few best friends that are such a close part of your life. Keep the memories, they are always warm. DL
  9. That was fun. XP Pro SP2, hotfixes, nlited, no AV, ZoneAlarm, FF. Kablam! Locked FF up nice and tight. Two things I noticed when I went to the sight: (1) My monitor flickered when I went to the sight, (2) a Firefox 'about:' window had also opened with nothing in it after clicking the appropriate link. DL
  10. Hi Grasshopper, I'm sure it will be also, but only if you can snatch the pebble from the appropriate hand. DL
  11. mark


    Hi drdifre, Welcome to MSFN. DL
  12. mark


    Hello Jeremychen, Welcome to MSFN. And you aren't disturbing anyone. Enjoy. DL
  13. mark

    New old guy

    Welcome aboard PegLeg. The bog is aft, galley is starboard, and berths are in the forecastle. It's been an informative and enjoyable ride for all and I hope it will be for you also. DL
  14. mark

    Crazy Patents

    They actually got patents for these 'ideas'. It's amazing that they filed for patents on these ideas and received patents. Choose your favorite. DL
  15. Happy Birthday ripken. You buy that or was someone extremely generous? Either way, lucky dog. DL
  16. It never crossed my mind as bumping, which would be the appropriate term. I can see how that could be abused also. Thanks prathapml. DL
  17. When I first saw the heading for the topic, I thought you were talking about a firewall and agreed. Now I see the pictures and I still agree. DL
  18. @nil Adds another word to my vocabulary. Maybe. DL
  19. Obnubilation <DL pulls out his very, very old hidden dictionary and finds the definition a little cloudy>
  20. I have seen things posted on many sites also. It still isn't fair if it's stolen. He could have but it has been pointed out that ebaums makes a habit of taking without permission and branding it as if it were their own work. Sometimes it's nice to be able to go somewhere and find what you are looking for and not have to hunt all over the internet. Well, sometimes it's fun just browse and hunt just to see what else is out there. What people are doing when they take stuff off of other people's sites is no different than someone reaching into your pocket and taking $20 without your permission or slipping a game cartridge into their pocket when it belongs to you. If someone asked you for $20 and you gave it to them or they asked to borrow your game cartridge and you said 'sure', then it would be different. How would you feel if you mowed someone's yard and then someone else went and collected the money saying that they did it? It's really the same thing. The harder it is for you to get money and the more things you are responsible for paying for, the madder you will get about theft. By viewing the 'stolen' property on someone else's site, people can end up shutting down the site that originally produced the work and then there won't be any more of that to see. Some people, like myself though I'm not a good one, who take photographs, get really angry whey someone else doesn't give them credit for what they did. Ok, I'll get off of my high and hypocritical horse. DL
  21. Stealing someone else's property, passing it off as your own, making a profit and not compensating the owner all matter. A lot of people care. It's important to say the least. DL
  22. When you edit a post, the rank of the topic doesn't change in the forum. I can see this being annoying if it is a large topic and suddenly it changes rank and you have no idea which post has changed but on shorter posts, if the rank doesn't change, then it's possible no-one would be aware that something has happend recently in a topic that might be of interest. I don't see a solution. DL
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