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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. try keeping COM+, if that dont work then try not doing any service tweaks, the part where you can select services to disable on tweaks page
  2. can you please edit the list and remove the languages and keyboards please, as it makes the list too big to read
  3. what does it say when you right click on my computer > proerties. You dont want to change everything to Windows CJ as some software might not recognize it and probably wont install.
  4. try start > run > regedit HKey local machine>software>microsoft>windows NT>CurrentVersion Change ProductName, then reboot
  5. could be, but it probably something graphics related. I was just listing the things i keep as i remove the same as you but keeping the ones listed above and less service tweaks and everything works fine for me EDIT: oops thought you was on about a network card, so its graphics related not network sorry Also it might just be VMWare so i shouldnt worry about it really as its the graphics driver properties
  6. Legolash2o

    text mode?

    dont worry about it, i knew what you meant same answer though
  7. Legolash2o

    text mode?

    im not sure, you can do the windows 2000 like setup with a black background though using nlite
  8. I can tell you what i keep compared to your preset Terminal Services Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) COM+ so try keeping the above, also i dont do any service tweaks except for cryptograhic, comp browser, Print spooler
  9. im guessing u get that missing file error? System32\dwmapi.dll goes in system32 SysWOW64\dwmapi.dll goes in syswow64 just incase you was wondering, also no need to overwrite the file, i added both incase u need them both but i only needed syswow64.
  10. at college someone put in the wrong memory stick in and it literally completely melted and became apart of the mobo so couldnt remove it lmao
  11. I managed to get Settlers 6 working, i did get a dwmapi.dll error at first but just i copied a new one into the SysWOW64 folder as it was already present in the System32 one. So its one of these ;# Games # Game Explorer Inbox Games Premium Inbox Games ;# Services # Error Reporting ;# System # BitLocker Drive Encryption
  12. hmmm haha, most stupidest thing ive done.... left something unplugged
  13. i joined a running/jogging group its gr8, i talk to them while running so i get far without realising and its makes you more determined because when i ran on my own i tended to stop and walk quite alot and got bored but since i joined the running group its been a heck of alot better, it was also better than the gym. Swimming is good as it works on every muscle! No sweat either lol
  14. Keep "OOBE" and dont select "Skip OOBE", and it asks you at the end of the installation
  15. i like it, very interesting, i think this would be well suited for nlite but maybe a different layout (as on your printscreen), i like the already expanded idea on the link too. Also "No files would be removed." maybe they can be removed too I hope this idea gets added as i would also like a faster setup , you got my vote lol
  16. integrating stuff like hotfixes into a x64 source(what your nliting) using x86 windows(what your currently using) cannot be done and causes problems, so that might be your problem maybe
  17. I always keep MS HTML Engine so cant be that, but i did remove Game Explorer, hmmmm
  18. just confirming its working, nice 1
  19. From personal experience it depends on how much RAM the program needs if its a small program then it will create/expand a pagefile but if its like a game then it will popup too but then go really slow and well just reboot.
  20. tried redownloading it but getting "Error", "The setup files are courrpted. Please obtain a new copy of the program." I downloaded it twice to be sure.
  21. oh good work , so what was causing it if you dont mind me asking? (curious) AntiVirus, Windows Defender, just some code, etc...
  22. yep, i think its that cab that you need (LP.cab), im not sure as i dont need to integrate Language Packs
  23. http://betaarchive.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1332
  24. Great Work, gonna test it later today , wonder what the "new set of features" will be too Keep up the good work! Lego
  25. haha, im allowed to share my idea's (freedom of speech) and im not breaking any MSFN rules by doing so. If you don't like an idea you can simply ignore it or just say no as it doesn't bother me but i do have a right to say what i think, so don't reply with anything like "How about you stop giving me advices on every topic" because everyone is allowed to say their opinion no matter where they are from but at the end of the day its your decision to implement it or not. P.S. this wasn't meant to sound offensive, if it did then i apologize but i had to say it. Lego
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