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Everything posted by Octopuss

  1. Thanks! Gonna check it right now
  2. Maybe we don't understand each other - I said I only have this problem with english keyboard layout! And btw it never happened in XP or Vista - only in 7...
  3. I've got a question that probably best fits here. When I last tried to run W7 installation through vLite, I couldn't get it to work. I am not entirely sure, but I think integrating drivers was the problem. Was that because of incompatible WAIK version? What exactly is this responsible for?
  4. I got a problem I don't understand at all. Ever since I started using W7, no matter what build, I can't seem to be able normally type certain (well, only a few) special chars, namely " ' ` Only happens with EN keyboard layout. To be more specific, I can't type these chars alone. I either have to press the key twice (which results in two chars showing up) or press anything else right after that. It is completely weird and I don't have the slightest idea what's going on. Anyone else saw this?
  5. Hm. 2.5 years ago I bought Syncmaster 215TW and it is just perfect. I am not Photoshop professional or something, but the colors are good, the image is sharp etc. Really no problems at all no matter what I do. It cost a lot back then, though - about $800 with today's exchange rate.
  6. Good to know. On a side note - is there any way to change the look of the main page at least a little bit? The blue is SO pale it looks really weird. I liked the old look much more
  7. argh!! the new msfn frontpage looks ugly
  8. What's the point of rounding the build numbers up by such amounts? :-O
  9. For sure. Anyway, I will speculate a little anyway 6.1.7271.0.win7_rtm.090709-1520 vs 6.1.7600.16384.win7_rtm.090710-1945 anyone else thinks this smells?
  10. I don't believe a single word from the latest "news". Week or two max ago the latest build was around 7270, and suddenly it goes as far as 7600? What bulls....!!
  11. Well, long story short: this will not work. Just use XP until you are forced to switch in a few years. As one wise man said - you are not ready for 7.
  12. Go for Auzentech X-fi Forte. Do not even look at Creative cards.
  13. I believe I got that. It's in advanced sharing options, right? I disabled password protected sharing, disabled something called sharing of public folder. And of course set it to use user accounts and passwords.
  14. Well, long story short. Is some basic filtering available in a router enough or is a firewall needed? I know my router log is full of dozens of various connection attemps, so it does lots of filtering, but somehow I think one shouldn't rely just on that. I would like some more technical opinions
  15. ok this doesn't work gah and the GP settings are a mess someone somewhere suggested disabling the homegroup, but I am not sure how to do that - as far as I can tell I didn't set it at all
  16. gonna try this: Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System If the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry does not exist, follow these steps: On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. Type LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, and then press ENTER. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. Type LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, and then press ENTER. Right-click LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, and then click Modify. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  17. Can't find that, seems like you missed one category after Administrative templates edit: ahh it's actually in user configuration - but there are two options which don't look too much like what you described. unfortunately I have czech MUI installed so...
  18. so am I to understand this is intentionally disabled? What's weird, in computer management - shared folders I can clearly see C$ and D$.
  19. Anyone knows why I can't connect to this PC from a machine with XP using administrative shares, ie. \\<name>\d$ ? It works in the other direction.... but impossible to connect here. I don't like to set up any extra sharing.
  20. I don't even know how to tell how much because there are so many memory values available in Task manager. Plus, who gives a **** how much does it use - most of it is due to Superfetch anyway.
  21. Well well. I thought there were people here who are into cooling and overclocking...
  22. I have been using LogMeIn for over two years now. It works wonders.
  23. I recently bought a new board, Gigabyte EP45-UD3P, and started new wave of overclocking.The trouble is that NB gets very hot and CPU doesn't like it much either. Now some facts. board - as above CPU - E8400 case - Antec P182 I would like to keep the CPU passively cooled just like it has been till now. What I need to figure out is airflow through the case. I can mount up to three fans in the case - in the middle of the front (1), on top of rear side (2), and on top of the case, near the rear side (3). Until now I only had one fan blowing the air out of the case in the 2 slot. It is not enough with the recent changes. I need to figure out right combination of fans. The front slot is pretty much useless, I tried to mount a fan there that would suck cooler air into the case, but I could barely feel the flow. Doh. Other attempt was just one outtake fan in the 3 slot. The idea was that hot air blows up, so a fan in there would be effective. Unfortunately not, because the CPU heatsink is mounted in wrong (for this purpose, technically it is right) direction and the temperature went up to unbearable numbers. Both slots 2 and 3 used as outtake didn't work too well either. What I currently have is fan in slot 2 (the rear) blowing out and 3 sucking the air in. What I don't like about it is that the fans are very close to each other and the air circulation is far from ideal - at least I'd say. Temperature-wise it's pretty ok. Air is being blown straight on the CPU heatsink and the temperature in load is quite acceptable. The NB is still hot as hell, but it doesn't give me any trouble - I just don't like it in general edit: One more thing I dislike is that the intake fan as it is now will result in tons of dust all over the inside of the case over time, which is something I absolutely hate and tent to avoid as much as I can. Some kind of dust filter added comes to mind, but that also lowers the airflow I guess, not to mention it might make the fan unmountable, because the little hooks which hold the fan to the upside of the case are quite small. How would you go about this? Thanks for input.
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