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Everything posted by Octopuss

  1. I nLited XPHome installation recently and the owner complains about not being able to add russian keyboard. Default system language is czech and I made sure to keep russian keyboard layout. But it cannot be added. Anyone got an idea what's wrong?
  2. I beleive you checked Manual install and upgrade (or whatever the exact component name is) for removal. I know I got the same error (give me driver you bastard!), the setup yelled for DVD drive driver (wtf?). Try that.
  3. You mean something like a pack of updates/hotfixes released afte SP2?
  4. From what I understand, it is legal to get the installation data from whatever source, it's just a matter of having a legal cd-key. If it is true, could anyone here provide me with (probably) a link for Home Premium OEM version, preferrably 64bit, image? Taking it via PM works just as well. I am to reinstall friend's notebook, but he didn't get the DVD (uh?). There is the Ms sticker with key though. I hope it is not against the rules!! If yes, I'd like the first mod to spot this thread to just tell me so and not banning my a**
  5. I was JUST about to post the same question regarding key from 32bit Vista!
  6. Nope, it's the colors. It IS different than it was yesterday or two days ago max. Much more grey and silver. edit: Bloody hell, it must have been my Opera acting up. Deleted all cookies and stuff and it's back to normal :-O I must have been licking toads...
  7. I just opened the forums today and realized the style has changed into something, wel... not exactly eye-pleasant! Intentional? Or have I been licking toads?
  8. quite logical, isn't it?...
  9. Does the program have its own web?
  10. Octopuss

    Petition to Nuhi

    You don't get the important thing. He DOES NOT HAVE TIME. That means even if it was commercial software, he STILL WOULD NOT HAVE TIME to work on it. Capiche? Now lock it and leave Nuhi alone.
  11. Initial OC attemps show that it sucks compared to the previous board though
  12. Going to pick EP45-DS4 up tomorrow. I hope it will not get as hot due to the much better heatpipe cooling, and more importantly, that it will be capable of running at 500FSB at stock or close to stock votages. Fingers crossed...
  13. I am so gonna test this! This program is capable of removing all Win7 packages? Not like vLite?
  14. Hm, so aside from the northbridge it is ok. At least something.
  15. A misunderstanding. I asked where do people get all the info about specific components of the system and how to remove them. Earlier in the thread there are few batch files posted.
  16. I noticed some alternative way of removing components. Where are you getting all the information from? There's bunch if weird numbers, apparently package ids... I am interested.
  17. The paste thing only matters for CPU cooling and ONLY in extreme situations.
  18. Could you try Large FFTs test in Prime95 for say 20 minutes please? That would give me some basic idea
  19. Regadring the integration, hotfixes don't work either. Obvious incompatibility of vLite and W7. **** I wish someone made a similar program specifically for 7.
  20. Ou of curiousity, what system temperature does HWMonitor report for your system? In case you don't know where to find it, head over here http://www.cpuid.com/hwmonitor.php Mine is about 45-48°C when the PC is warmed up and in load. I would ask about approximate temperature of NB in load, but it's probably no use because not everyone has the PC overclocked and has different cooling.
  21. right I wanted to be able to install Win7 from flash drive formatted to exFAT, but it's probably not possible
  22. Plus performance of a graphic card is HIGHLY dependant on speed of the CPU. For example some years ago I had Nvidia 6800GT in a system with Athlon64. Do we say LOL?
  23. Plus if the heatsink is burning, apparently the contact and heat transmission is good.
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