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Everything posted by roirraWedorehT
Beta 4 installed over top of Beta 3 and running without a hitch!
Thanks, Tihiy! I'd like to note that it seems that under Server 2012, if you change the DEP setting to be for "essential programs...only", then StartIsBack works fine then, too. I don't like AVG, either, never have.
Very interesting! I would/will eventually be doing just this anyway (RDPing) so I will test this just as soon as I have time.
Could you try to find a reproducible case for that issue, or describe when such thing happens? I never saw flickering either. If i move my mouse all the way to the top of the screen, all the icons start flickering, i just noticed this while trying to reproduce the Modern UI popping up when moving the mouse to the lower left corner. - But this inst consistent either, like the ModernUI menu button in the bottom it just works as supposed to and other times its doing that -.- Merely reporting my experience that I haven't seen this issue at all yet with Beta 3 or before. My video card is 3-4 year old technology and the rest of the PC is about 2-year old technology. Are you running any soft you can think of that may be causing that behavior? I just doubt a 2 year-old hardware can do that. If i move my mouse all the way to the top of the screen, all the icons start flickering, i just noticed this while trying to reproduce the Modern UI popping up when moving the mouse to the lower left corner. - I tried that and got no repro, but it doesn't mean there is no such bug as you report. I suggest when you see it again, also list your Modern UI settings as well as any 3rd party windows customization tools (if any). If you meant to reply to me, I haven't had this issue.
Could you try to find a reproducible case for that issue, or describe when such thing happens? I never saw flickering either. If i move my mouse all the way to the top of the screen, all the icons start flickering, i just noticed this while trying to reproduce the Modern UI popping up when moving the mouse to the lower left corner. - But this inst consistent either, like the ModernUI menu button in the bottom it just works as supposed to and other times its doing that -.- Merely reporting my experience that I haven't seen this issue at all yet with Beta 3 or before. My video card is 3-4 year old technology and the rest of the PC is about 2-year old technology.
For me, it seems just about the same both directions. Not sure what to think about the speed. It's generally smooth.
Looking forward to it!
It ticks me off, too, for Tihiy's sake.
It's better because it doesn't gimp the system. Unfortunately there are some Metro interfaces that are just apart of WIn8 and you will need. Also, as much as most of us hate Metro...there will be some useful Metro apps....some day So we want a way to bring up Metro WHEN WE WANT IT. Instead of being beat in the face with it. This does exactly that. It's also less obtrusive and doesn't require people to go digging around for Win7 files. Both major pluses. But metro still loads at startup with "Start is Back" correct? Metro is "loaded" but you *NEVER* see it. It goes directly to Desktop immediately - you never even notice Metro unless you purposefully go to it on your own. Why don't you try it out and see what the hoopla is about. I very much respected Ex7 - you do know that both SiB and Ex7 are both by Tihiy, right? And I had tested Ex7 and was very impressed, but it's more of a hack - a great hack but a hack nonetheless, than this very clean implementation. Plus it gives more features already than Ex7 and will probably give even more in the very near future.
Good job!
Right-click on the Start Button Orb, or in an empty area of the Start Menu, choose Properties or Start Menu Properties, depending on where you do it from (I motion to Tihiy that "Properties" be renamed to Start Menu Properties, to be consistent. Go to the ModernUI tab at the top. Uncheck the top-left, top-center and top-right checkboxes. Hit OK. ;P Andre used Magic to post before me.
Just load it into Paint included with Windows (desktop) and save it as BMP. BMP images need alpha channels for transparency when PNG doesn't therefore doing that will remove the transparency. Oh well. Hopefully SiB will support PNG later.
Just load it into Paint included with Windows (desktop) and save it as BMP.
@Tihiy, I hope it's okay if I post these pictures. If not I'll remove them.
Hey! Another T400 user!
Which quote is right? What there are animations or there are not? Your quote, I have animations too. As far as Start/App Screen shortcuts, I think a combination of Middle-click Start Button and Alt-Win would be best to be defaults.
There are animations opening and closing it for me. Yep, me too.
Most likely you haven't installed it right. Anyway uninstall with reg file, Win+R should be working. And i hope you didn't left Start8/Classic Shell installed.I've uninstalled with reg file and reinstalled it from C:\Startisback but i've not solved the problem. Maybe, just as an experiment at least you should try what another user did. They created a new user account and then installed StartIsBack on that new user and it worked just fine for them on the new user account. At least then you'd have some idea that the reason it's not working is some setting or something obscure having to do specifically with your current user account.
I know of course that Tihiy will give you the definite answer, but I'm sure it wouldn't keep your PC from booting correctly. You just wouldn't have a Start Menu any more.
Great! Glad you got it worked out. If you ever figure out a specific culprit, I hope you share.
Thanks for testing those, s1ane77! Yeah, I love MDL but some users just tramp all over threads. Thanks for the info, MrGRiM. I was thinking the same thing (about copying the start orb pic). I figured you already thought of that.
WOW! I can't believe just how much better this gets. I've had a long and late day so I won't be testing any more tonight. So far everything's perfect that I've tried, except some Start Orbs I've tried show up as if they're a negative or some such, but I finally found one that looks right. This is the one that worked right for me These two didn't look right at all: and Can anyone confirm or explain? Thank you, goodnight all! P.S. Thanks, "Pwned"
I tried it on a user account (Admin), not the default Admin account, under Server 2012.
I doubt if Server 2012 is the problem, unless it is only in combination with something else.
Changed answer to #6 above, "No anomalies noticed" instead of "Haven't tested yet."