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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2020 in Posts

  1. You figured correctly IMO. There was already some discussion on October 9: https://msfn.org/board/topic/180462-my-browser-builds-part-2/?do=findComment&comment=1188777 I’m sure that 32-bit Basilisk 52 will continue to be a topic of interest here.
    1 point
  2. About Kaspersky Free on XP. I have v. OK here since a few years... No problem. Automatically patched, recently (last month) to "n". Maybe there (?): https://kaspersky-free-antivirus.soft112.com/download.html => https://products.s.kaspersky-labs.com/homeuser/kfa2019/
    1 point
  3. I found online installer only first until checked wayback machine and found this to full offline installer https://web.archive.org/web/20190502052352/http://cdn.download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/1000/standalone/cispremium_only_installer.exe that been using to load comodo on all of my xp/vista machines just in case comodo deletes files from servers breaking online installer
    1 point
  4. Can also use NM28. My PC has roughly the same hardware. But he has to choose his security configuration very conscientiously Image below NM28 with 5 open tabs:
    1 point
  5. === Vanilla Windows 98 Web Browsing Summary === == Web Browsers == Windows 98 had many cool web browsers though most are now non-functional due to lack of support for HTTPS website connectivity. Fortunately several browsers have been updated with TLS 1.2 support (Transport Layer Security) allowing them to connect to almost all HTTPS sites - for now :) Note these old browsers do not display most web pages as intended, use work arounds outlined in the threads, and will not process JavaScript correctly even causing crashes, recommend disabling JavaScript. The list is sorted alphabetically, they are all quite functional. Arachne for DOS with TLS 1.3 hack Modify Arachne for TLS support as a tinker project, not for serious browsing. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182432-arachne-web-browser-community-edition-for-dos-with-tls-13-hack/ K-Meleon Forum member @roytam1's K-Meleon v1.5.4 fork. A nice, lean and configurable browser. Note not tested on a virgin vanilla Windows 98 install, should be okay though. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181726-k-meleon-tls-12-in-vanilla-windows-98-se Links for DOS A very functional graphic or text only web browser for DOS, configure as desired. Has been receiving periodic updates. Recently logged in to an HTML only Gmail account and successfully sent an email attachment - long live DOS. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181853-links-web-browser-community-edition-for-dos-with-tls-12 Lynx for DOS A text only browser with a long history, since 1994, ported to DOS. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182400-lynx-web-browser-community-edition-for-dos-with-tls-12/ Netscape Navigator Netscape Navigator v9.0.0.6, based on Firefox 2. https://msfn.org/board/topic/177106-running-vanilla-windows-98-in-2020/page/33/?tab=comments#comment-1189098 RetroZilla based on Firefox Forum member @roytam1's RetroZilla browser based on Firefox 2, labelled 'Firefox Community Edition'. Note not tested on a virgin vanilla Windows 98 install, should be okay though. https://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/rzbrowser-tls12-20180504.7z RetroZilla based on SeaMonkey The 'RetroZilla Community Edition' member project, which includes both @rn10950's and @roytam1's RetroZilla build information, based on old SeaMonkey v1.1.19. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181416-retrozilla-community-edition == Bonus == Custom userContent.css A custom userContent.css to improve web page rendering in older browsers (K-Meleon, Netscape Navigator, RetroZilla), especially this forum. https://msfn.org/board/topic/177106-running-vanilla-windows-98-in-2020-and-beyond/page/52/?tab=comments#comment-1206351 Quick and Dirty YouTube Small script to download most YouTube videos, note YouTube throttles download speed. https://msfn.org/board/topic/177106-running-vanilla-windows-98-in-2020-and-beyond/page/41/?tab=comments#comment-1199455 Quick and Dirty MSN Video Small script to download most MSN Videos. https://msfn.org/board/topic/177106-running-vanilla-windows-98-in-2020-and-beyond/page/41/?tab=comments#comment-1199501 Windows 9x Web Helper (9xweb) - DISCONTINUED uses Cygwin helper software, still works well for personal projects. A Bash script that runs from a COMMAND.COM window. Designed to improve internet accessibility, such as easy cache page access, custom Wayback Machine date search for old URLs, search and fetch YouTube video, etc. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181417-windows-9x-web-helper-9xweb NOTE: ABOVE INFORMATION MAY BE OUTDATED, SEE PROJECT PAGE FOR ANY UPDATES. https://msfn.org/board/topic/183125-vanilla-windows-98-web-browsing-summary
    1 point
  6. Now I'm running FF45.9esr (JS enabled) and latest KM 76.3.1 (JS disabled) on ME. I am quite surprised and I am not sure why. I believe it has to do with the KernelEx settings for the mfc*.dll/msvc*.dll files. I had tried different modes and had temporarily set mfc*.dll's to NT40 in context with "Streaming & Downloading Youtube Videos in 2020". I had problems with setting NT40. The mouse did not work repeatedly on OS start and I also had trouble shutting down. So I had set all the mfc* files to default or Base enhencements, if default didn't stick. FF 45.9 seem to run stable with JavaScript enabled, but it has the same or similar UI glitches as FF35. The extension "Classic Add-ons Archive" is installable and works. Switched: network.dns.disableIPv6 => true browser.newtabpage.enabled => false xpinstall.signatures.required => false to install unverified add-ons (already set in RT's builds) RT's FF45 build:
    1 point
  7. I went through Task Scheduler and disabled stuff that's firing on regular basis and their description didn't strike me as something that would be needed for things I expect to work to work and installed some useful software for tweaking/extending usability: Open-Shell (good old start menu, more configurable than any MS implementation and the package comes with certain tweaks for Explorer/Internet Explorer) SecureUxTheme (to be able to load unofficial themes) Aero Glass (adds transparency with blur to window frames, also more configurable than Windows 7 implementation, currently doesn't work with latest Win10 iterations) QTTabBar (tabs for Explorer with some extras) OldNewExplorer (shell extension with certain tweaks for Explorer) Link Shell Extension (displays NTFS hard links, symbolic links, directory junctions... in Explorer with overlaid icons and adds commands to work with them to context menus) 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (tweak application for taskbar) T-Clock Redux (customizable taskbar clock with extras) Regarding services, I only disabled Connected User Experiences and Telemetry and AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) services. I initially left the latter enabled, but it crapped out after some time when the system wasn't rebooted for weeks (endless grinding on the disk, more specifically the page file). I modified policies regarding auto-updates, turned off lock screen, re-enabled showing of crash dialog if application crashes, disabled blurring of logon screen background, OneDrive and Windows Defender. There were also some tweaks in registry there and there, I remember enabling the LastActiveClick and messing with keys at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers. Even though the limit of shell icon overlays is supposed to be 15 (relevant blog post by Raymond Chen) and I have 13 of those, the ones put there by Link Shell Extension just didn't work until I renamed them in a way that they appear first alphabetically, so they have the priority. MS actually put seven entries for OneDrive there and renamed them by adding space in the name, so they had the priority. I was unable to get Open-Shell's Classic Explorer component to display the share icon for shared files, I corrected %windir%\system32\images.dll,164 to %windir%\systemresources\imageres.dll.mun,164 in Classic Explorer settings on File pane tab (most icons were relocated since version Win10 1903), appropriately renamed ShareOverlay registry key in the previously mentioned ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers key, but it just won't budge. Additional note (later edit): So this issue is connected to too much overlays or maybe even glitches in existing registered overlays. If I get rid of OneDrive entries (or just take away permissions to read those keys), the problem disappears. If OneDrive integration matters, then I don't know what one could do to have all functionality, plus there's also other software out there that adds icon overlays. When I messed with Win10 1803 initially, I resorted to deleting OneDrive entries because Link Shell Extension's overlays didn't work. Some time later, it seemed renaming was enough, though I didn't pay attention to share overlays specifically until recently. On my laptop, I also added Windows 7's Manage Wireless Networks to Control Panel. I also add the following DLLs (these deal with older games): Modified (picture guide - OllyDbg needed) d3d8.dll from Win10 1803 (Build 17134) - they removed classic fullscreen mode from D3D8 in newer versions and the optimized fullscreen mode was only ever implemented in D3D9+ - the modified DLL is reportedly still functional on Win10 2004 - so you get back the performance, but without additional perks of optimized fullscreen mode. Some DLLs from WinXP SP3: d3drm.dll - Direct3D Retained Mode DLL - some games and demos use it, not included since Vista. dmscript.dll - because DirectMusic scripting functionality is apparently bugged since Vista. dx7vb.dll - DirectX 7 runtime for Visual Basic applications (should be registered with regsvr32) dx8vb.dll - DirectX 8 runtime for Visual Basic applications (should be registered with regsvr32) dxmasf.dll - Windows Media Source Filter, should be registered with regsvr32, original file is a stub, has dependencies: drmclien.dll - DRM Client DLL strmdll.dll - Windows Media Services Streamer Dll - this DLL won't run out-of-the-box since Windows 10 1809 because they removed support for IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX and the DLL doesn't handle it gracefully. There's a patched version available on VOGONS, there could be issues if some application out there that uses the DLL in certain way makes said feature a requirement. However, older DLL from older DirectX package, (probably best to take the other 2 as well) doesn't have this dependency. I don't remember which DirectX package has the newest version that doesn't have said dependency. So that more or less sums it up. I ended up on Win10 mostly because there's always something that doesn't work right regardless of what OS I use. The biggest improvement for me was memory management. I found older versions to be very aggressive when it came to paging out to disk. I would run something that consumes a bit more of memory, say 800 MB or more, then things would get swapped out and when I finished, disk would start grinding because lots of data has to be loaded back in memory, the running application would take a while to close and the whole computer to "snap out of it". Audio playing in the background is easily interrupted on Win7 by something going exclusive fullscreen, switching away from that fullscreen application, resolution switches are slower, more screen flashing in general with such transitions. Win10 is snappier in these scenarios, though it looks like Win10 specific GPU drivers are needed for the biggest effect in reducing screen flashes. So it is possible for second screen to not flash when something changes on the first. I also noticed an oddity on Win7 that happens with enabled HRTF in Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB3 software (Surround checkbox) that would result in Windows' navigation start sound (it's disabled by default) to be inaudible for some reason. Not an issue on Win10. Console windows also behave better, finally they can be normally resized. In Win7, a bizarre bug appeared that causes 8x12 raster font to just disappear from available options if user isn't in session #1 (it increases each time you logon since boot) and system locale is set to Slovenian (possibly other languages as well). That's also fixed. My experiences above with Win7 apply to Win8.x as well. Clipboard history and scrolling inactive windows options, which technically just sends mouse wheel events to window under mouse cursor, not window with keyboard focus, are also good additions. At least something for which 3rd party application isn't a must anymore. It took some tinkering, lots of things could still be improved, it definitely makes least sense UI wise out-of-the-box of all Windows releases, but so far, it works well enough that I don't have the itch to switch the OS. Currently on version 1909.
    1 point
  8. Good Old Youtube also does a brilliant job of re-instating the non-polymer youtube interface (which is more lenient towards computer resources, especially applicable on older hardware/OSes), but, as it is an id-less Web Extension not supported on Serpent 55/52, it doesn't install out-of-the-box ; but if you modify its manifest.json file to include a gecko-id, then it will install (and work) OK! { "name": "Good Old YouTube", "manifest_version": 2, "version": "", "description": "Switch back to classic YouTube interface!", "icons": { "96": "images/logo.svg" }, "background": { "scripts": [ "shared.js", "options/default-options.js", "logger.js", "reconstruct.js", "background.js" ] }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "https://www.youtube.com/*" ], "css": [ "styles/hide-alert.css" ], "js": [ "shared.js", "content-script.js" ], "run_at": "document_start" } ], "options_ui": { "page": "options/options.html" }, "permissions": [ "https://www.youtube.com/*", "storage", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking" ], "applications": { "gecko": { "id": "{482060de-6804-4020-a1b9-16dc012a3c93}" } } } (The id string is identical to the one generated when the extension is installed in FirefoxESR 52.9.x)
    1 point
  9. I found this skin for curtains which has round corners so it is possible. I'd be tempted to use curtains if I could get something like this with transparent borders and normal close/max/min buttons as well. https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/curtains/114/
    1 point
  10. Semi-OT: Home-movement is finished(of course most of packed boxes are not released in this moment, and many of them may not be released during this ~2 months period) and server is relocated to new location. lets hope next build will be on time.
    1 point
  11. Hi, new member here! I'm hoping someone can give me a bit of guidance here. I have an old Windows XP laptop that I'm trying to get somewhat modernly-capable internet wise. I have downloaded Maxthon 5 and so far that's the best I've tried but it's still not that great and the Invalid Certificate messages are quite annoying. It seems the community here has a plethora of browsers/builds that still support XP, but after looking through much of these 130+ pages I still don't know what I should be downloading or even clicking on. I'd like YouTube playback if possible, but at the least something that can access websites without errors or partial loading. The laptop is a Celeron M 1.4Ghz with 1gb of RAM and running Windows XP Home Edition. Thanks!
    1 point
  12. Today I tested Firefox 35 and 31esr without any ME updates. This means without DirectX and IE 6 SP1 - Not even KernelEx Auxiliary DLL Updates (psapi.dll, uxtheme.dll). Only KernelEX + latest Core Updates. And indeed it started and ran! So far I don't testet on 98/98SE. About config: I tried hundreds of settings without further improvements. Printing: First tests failed. It crashed immediately. Modified Core.ini: I changed experimental win2k modes to WinXPSP2. *** KernelEx 4.5.2016.20i *** [ApiConfigurations] 34=WINXP2_PD1 35=WINXP2_PD2 36=WINXP2_PD3 37=WINXP2_PD4 [WINXP2_PD1] inherit=WINXP2 desc=WINXP2_PD1: PrintDlgExW_1, PrintDlgW_1 [WINXP2_PD1.names] COMDLG32.PrintDlgExW=kexbasen.1 COMDLG32.PrintDlgW=kexbasen.1 [WINXP2_PD2] inherit=WINXP2 desc=WINXP2_PD2: PrintDlgExW_2, PrintDlgW_2 [WINXP2_PD2.names] COMDLG32.PrintDlgExW=kexbasen.2 COMDLG32.PrintDlgW=kexbasen.2 [WINXP2_PD3] inherit=WINXP2 desc=WINXP2_PD3: PrintDlgW_3 [WINXP2_PD3.names] COMDLG32.PrintDlgW=kexbasen.3 [WINXP2_PD4] inherit=WINXP2 desc=WINXP2_PD4: PrintDlgW_fwd [WINXP2_PD4.names] COMDLG32.PrintDlgW=kexbasen.4 Something else about K Meleon: 74(Gecko), 75.0, 75.1, KG76.2(Pro and roytam's - Goanna) require the GDIPlus.dll (XP or Vista version). They also need the msvcrt.dll update. msvcrt => msvcr70 (_except_handler4_common) Sorry, this update isn't a requirement. My wrong assumption was caused by the AVM software (FritzBox Firewall). The AVM installer paste following files msvcr70.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll in the system folder. The error didn't occur anymore after uninstalling AVM and removing these files.
    1 point
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