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About djmagnifique

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  1. Does anyone know if you can use the theme atlas's from the old AeroGlass?
  2. That looks very nice. How are you doing the rounded corners?
  3. Stardock Curtains can do transparency. I use this theme and it looks really good to me. It even works on modern apps (not MS Office though) https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/curtains/142/ . you can download the theme and add it to the trial version of Curtains to try it out.
  4. @Raiderman68 Yes, something like that is what I want to do with mine.
  5. That looks good. Think I might have to give Curtains a try. Did the rounded corners come with a theme or did you do them yourself? EDIT: In fact it a light version of it would be perfect for me.
  6. You could set it to one colour in the Windows settings if there is no other option. Just untick 'Automatically pick an accent colour'.
  7. I use this with OpenShell/ClassicShell to blur the taskbar, it works quite well.
  8. You could try downloading the GUI from this page http://www.glass8.eu/download It's the middle file in the 'Others' section at the bottom of the page. You can change the opacity with the sliders in one of the tabs but i'm not sure if it will completely remove the transparency effect.
  9. Covid can last for several months. A lad I work with got it in March and was only fully well enough to come back to work about 6 weeks ago. It can really mess you up.
  10. I found this skin for curtains which has round corners so it is possible. I'd be tempted to use curtains if I could get something like this with transparent borders and normal close/max/min buttons as well. https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/curtains/114/
  11. Just tried SecureUxTheme and my pc got stuck in a login loop. Had to do a system restore to get back to normal.
  12. I use this a well, however I have removed the line from the blur image as I prefer it that way.
  13. You need to replace the couple of .dll files mentioned in this thread. I've done this on my pc and i'm currently on Windows 18363.1049. Sometimes Windows update will replace the .dll files with newer ones, if this happens you can put the older ones back again.
  14. Have to say that I have never needed to do this as the symbols have always downloaded fine for me over the last couple of years.
  15. Just be aware that Aero Glass doesn't work with the next major update of Windows (2004) and has issues with the last couple of updates to 1909.
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