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  1. Past hour
  2. Sorry, but four letter words only in this chain. Need to change the letter to create a different word.
  3. Sometimes when I'm trying to keep my dark passenger from presenting, I watch weird stuff, like the end of Secretariat. Something about that horse just lifts my spirits. To dig deep and find something inside, to pull off the seemingly impossible.
  4. Installed Windows 95 OSR2.1 Installed Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 It works in English It doesn't work in Italian Thanks
  5. thanx dimo, btw, did u check the text file I sent yesterday afternoon to see if it had been removed any earlier? that was what was left of defender on my side yesterday afternoon. your file I launched a few hours ago.
  6. http://wp.xin.at/xp-x64-post-mortem-updates
  7. :0 ! It fixed everything, thx! Been hoping to see the mirror bug fixed for a long while now and my hopes were finally answered Will you post that fixed ver on the main page too, or it was a one-off fix ? : o
  8. Today
  9. Guess I'm lucky I'm not everyone and Pale Moon still manages all "important" sites. The latter have certainly gotten worse, though I don't care about GitHub, X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, DRM encumbered media...pretty much don't care for 99% of the internet. Don't care about Firefox either, it has become a (buggy) monstrosity I don't recognize anymore and I have no time nor interest for seeking workarounds for stuff that recently worked as expected. I've set it up quite some time ago for the family member, assuming it will be "safer" option than Pale Moon...well that was a mistake, Firefox doesn't play videos properly anymore on a humble 5 years old laptop with Intel HD 610, it either lags and the sound is screwed up (with HW acceleration) or it lags and the sound is OK (without HW acceleration). Put Pale Moon on it and it's been smooth sailing ever since.
  10. Defender removed. I think nothing more needed. Just restart.
  11. I've made the not too difficult decision to drop Open Shell for the start menu and use SAB. Is there a way to get the start menu flyout menus the same color as the basic start menu? Have I just missed a setting somewhere? Jim
  12. regarding crash in pkix, because MOZ_DEFAULT is broken here. rewrite this part properly and works: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/commit/93e149145d572d7d81f26af312379c6485cc4803 ... and more fixes in branch: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/commits/pm2796-vc2012 and now it crash in elsewhere when browsing to PM forum.
  13. Yesterday I found a stack of my old mid-90's sdks, ddks, and msdn discs. I'm starting to search them now....
  14. For example, Firefox has QUIC enabled by default. Check your Firefox-based browsers. To disable QUIC the setting below must be set to false network.http.http3.enable - false Sorry for the last OT.
  15. Does MS actually have a secret XP ESU program, or are you talking about some company selling alleged security updates? Always assumed XP was down to to running aging signage, ancient-but-cool lab gear & crusty CNC rigs, that sort of thing, air-gapped from reality.
  16. In this thread, i'm talking about browsers running on home computers (and whether these browsers have QUIC enabled).
  17. I would say security updates to the public because the large corps still pay for security updates up until 2025 at least for WinXP you can't believe how much I hate the crap W7 not only because they removed essential XP functions but there are things that get me angry
  18. Yay! My hope computer is still LEGACY. Shew, that's a relief. I was feeling bad for upgrading from Legacy XP. But I guess it doesn't matter since my LTSB 2016 is also Legacy.
  19. LESS THAN 8% of web sites use QUIC. The percentage of Chrome versus Safari versus Edge versus Firefox doesn't really matter. The web site being visited has to support it lest the browser supporting it is irrelevant. https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/ce-quic
  20. A mere 4 years without security updates. You win.
  21. There is an alternative: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions/youtube/ The rules are updated more frequently. But not all rules of them have the functionality one might expect.
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