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"When using the unattended method of installing multiple hotfixes with a single reboot, it is possible to get the wrong version of a file installed. If a file is locked or in use, it is placed in the Pending File Rename queue, so it can be installed during a restart. If file X exists in multiple hotfixes, at differing versions, it is possible that the wrong one gets installed.

Microsoft has released QChain.exe, which version checks / clears duplicate entries in the Pending File Rename queue, so only the latest file version is installed."


Run it after alle HF's are installed _before_ the restart.


Hi Aaron,

Just wanted to you to know your help here in this particular thread is most valuable to me. It is always my very first stop after I hear about a WindowsXP security update.

Bravo dear chap! :)


Hi Aaron,

i am currently updating my hotfixes. i hvn't done so in a long time.

can u pls post your svcpack.inf

i downloaded all the updates on the first page of this tread.


Can u check my svcpack.inf below to see if i am doing anything wrong.

does it matter what order the hotfixes are in?


Signature="$Windows NT$"










DX9Upd.EXE /Q:A /R:N


ieak6.exe /Q:A /R:N

Q823182.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q823353.EXE /Q:A /R:N

Q824105.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q824141.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q826939.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q828026.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q828035.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q828741.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q832894.EXE /Q:A /R:N

Q831167.EXE /Q:A /R:N

Q835732.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q837001.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q839645.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q840315.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q840374.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q840648.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q841873.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q842773.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

Q825119.exe /Q /O /N /Z

Q330994.EXE /Q:A /R:N

Q814078.EXE /Q:A /R:N

"Q832483.exe /C:""dahotfix.exe /q /n"" /q:a"

Q870669.EXE /Q:A /R:N

Q839643.EXE /Q /O /N /Z

update.exe -q -n



you need not worry much on the order at which the hotfixes were executed as long as in your svcpack.inf's [setupHotfixesToRun] section's last line contains qchain.exe.

here's my svcpack.inf:

JS56NEN.exe /Q:A /R:N
"Q832483.exe /C:""dahotfix.exe /q /n"" /q:a"
KB870669.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB823182.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB823353.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB824105.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB824141.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB825119.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB826939.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB828035.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB828741.exe /Q /N /Z /O
Q832894.exe /Q:A /R:N
Q831167.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB833407.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB835732.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB837001.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB839645.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB840315.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB840374.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB841873.exe /Q /N /Z /O
KB842773.exe /Q /N /Z /O
Q828026.exe /Q /N /Z /O

I am wondering why KB823980 (Blaster Worm patch) was left out...!

Is there a more recent Hotfix in the list replacing it?


ummm...actually it's already included in the rollup patch that you install...check it for the numbers..


Here are a few you didn't mention, they are on the Feburary Update CD:


Great job btw, keep up the excellent work.

also, the following is for anyone who is interested:

these will show up once you have installed Windows and go to the update site:

KB837272 WMP
KB820291 Set Program Access & Defaults
KB821253 Error reporting
KB822603 USB2.0
KB826942 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
KB833998 shop for music link update
Q282784 qfecheck *wont show up, but if your in need of it*
KB810243 Media Center .dvr-ms update
Q322011 Fax Preview Update
Q327979 Game Video patch
Q814995 App Compatibility fix must apply after the update rollup (KB826939) only!

fwiw, the following are what is on the update patch (KB826939):

in update roll up


just add KB or Q in front of them for the full number, not really sure which they are as it was only listed in this manner on the site where I seen them. I didn't further research them to know what they did either.


Hi guys-

Great information on automating the hotfixes with the batch, my thanks goes out to you all!

One question, after my batches ran, I reran a Windows Update and it said that these 3 patches still need to be installed?? See attchment....

Any reason why they we're skipped over?

I'm using windows XP Porfessional SP1, installing the hotfixes in my unattended, rebooting, and then doing Window Update manually to see if it's happy.



Here are a few you didn't mention, they are on the Feburary Update CD:


Superseded by an OE Cumulative update released this month.

Superseded by February 2004, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 6 SP1

Its there on the list :)

imbrod00, Check your hotfix list again and make sure there are no IE or OE cumulative updates except Feb '04 IE, and July '04 OE. Older cumulative updates interfere with the new ones (and qchain.exe never seems to help in this case). Make sure 839643 is installed seperately from the main DirectX 9 install (that means reboot between installations, this is important)


Ok, I made my XP disk some times ago using several guides from MSFN.

First I slipstreamed SP1 and then followed the guide to add the SP1 Security RollUp package to my disk and then added the post-SP1 hotfixes.

All was well then but now I come back and find that no one else is referencing the Rollup in their SVCPACK.INF...

Is the Rollup still needed? Did you move it to somewhere else?

I am so lost now.


We don't recommend slipstreaming the rollup anymore, and there's no speed advantage from it either. All you need is KB826939.exe in svcpack.inf with its switches.

We don't recommend slipstreaming the rollup anymore, and there's no speed advantage from it either. All you need is KB826939.exe in svcpack.inf with its switches.

i am still suprised... i have finished my cd 2 days ago with xpcreate.. install it in VMware and look at the WU and there was 1 critical hotfixes. KB839643 and after downloading the OPK (dont have dx9 implanted) and this hotfix there were no critical hotfixes anymore to do. so i dont have any problems :) why do you not recommend the rollup anymore?

but aaron.... i have a question:

KB837009: Cumulatieve beveiligingsupdate voor Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1

changes to

KB823353: Cumulatieve beveiligingsupdate voor Outlook Express 6 SP1(NEW!!!)

the first hotfix was in SVC-POS and the second you put in SVC-HF1?

i remove the first and put the second in the SVC-POS and it works?

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