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Yes it will if you use the windows update method or the batch file method but if you slipstream them i am not sure about that.

HI! I"m new to the forum and just picked you from the bunch.

are'nt you lucky. I'm having trouble with my computer.windows xp

home edition. It was already installed and fine when I had another

problem and thats when I tried to reinstall XP. anyway it won't finish

installing and I get the error message SXS>DLL: snytax error in

manifest or poicy file "D"\1386\asms\6000\msft\vcrtl\vcrtl.man" on

line 21

Hope it makes more sense to you. thanks for any help offered.

have a nice day.

  • 2 weeks later...

(I accidently posted this in the XP forum, I think it really belongs here)

How about these:

Q824151 (11th October 2004)

Vulnerability in WebDAV XML Message Handler Could Lead to a Denial of Service

Download - 942KB

Q841553 (12th October 2004)

Vulnerability in NetDDE Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download - 706KB

Q840987 (12th October 2004) REPLACES: Q811493 and Q824141

Security Update for Microsoft Windows

Download - 5902KB

Q873376 (12th October 2004) REPLACES: Q329048

Vulnerability in Compressed (zipped) Folders Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download - 475KB

Q841356 (12th October 2004) REPLACES: Q821557 and Q839645

Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download - 4280KB

Q834707 (12th October 2004)

Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer

Download the Update for IE6 SP1 - 3126KB

Q873377 (14th October 2004) REPLACES: Q832894

Update Rollup for Internet Explorer SP1

Download the Update Rollup for IE6 SP1 - 3136KB

Q824151 and Q841553 are listed as "Important" security issues on M$ website. The rest are "Crititcal". I suppose Q834707 replaces the current CSU for IE6 (download is for IE6 SP1).

I'm getting a little confused about all the hotfixes, so could someone help with this? I've done a little of the grunt work (posting these in the format used by Aaron)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all...

Just had this one show up on a PC based on the info in this thread:

Q839643 (8th June 2004)

Vulnerability in DirectPlay Could Allow Denial of Service

Download - 435KB

I'm using the following switches: KB839643.EXE /quiet /passive /norestart /n

Why is this one not listed before now? Am I missing something? :( Is it assumed that we are all upgrading DirectX? (We're not.)

(I'm not complaining... I just don't think we *all* could have missed this...)

- John

  • 1 month later...

Hello. There seem to be quite a few patches available for XP SP1. I'm an admin for a company still using SP1 with no plans to go to SP2 for the forseeable future. In the next couple of weeks I'll try to update the list on this forum by using MBSA - lovely tool from Microsoft.

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