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Simple Easy to Understand What To Install Post?


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rofl Xyberz, your killing me here!

First you beg not to be flamed then away you go with the insults.

Clearly your understanding of nLite is very limited. You said yourself you had problems with your nLitened installs, obviously your removing components that you don't know what are for thus are having issues.

I'm glad that there are people around like you who's foolish enough to jump into any situation without a clear understanding of the consequences. Should I need to ever do something new and dangerous that hasn't been tested, I know who to call on first.

Sometimes you gotta live on the edge! But I'd hardly call running an nLitened OS as your main OS dangerous :lol:. Trial and error is half the fun, how else are you gona learn, be spoon fed? How do you think people make new discoveries?!

And there's 100's of members on this very forum whom are willing to do just that, experiment with different nLite installs, remove those extra components, see what happens. I hardly think they're all fools.

Like I said, maybe you should actually take the time to learn what the progam is capable of instead of mouthing off.

Edited by piXelatedEmpire
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@ Xyberz

This is (nearly) my Last_S file of presets. This SAFELY reduces my source by 163 MB!

I could save more space by reducing the Drivers.cab, but I buy and test HW for others.

So, I choose to leave Drivers.cab untouched.

I could save more space by removing Windows Setup files, but I sometimes need to install Windows from the deskop of another system.

So, I need Windows Setup files.

I could save more space by removing some services, but I usually install new programs and new HW.

So, I'd rather leave all services installed. Otherwise, I'd run into problems half the way when working.

I, also, prefer using my own reg-files collection to tweak my system.

I use CreateUser.exe to create new users and to handle the autologon presets.

Also, my old (but updated if necessary) WINNT.SIF is good enough.

Finally, effective usage of nLite (as any other tool) is your own responsibilty; unless there's a bug.


Service Pack Integration (Note: SP2 integration)

Remove Components (Note: Details are below)

Integrate Drivers (Note: my external modem)

Hotfixes and Update Packs (Note: RVM update pack 2.1.3)



;# Applications #

Accessibility Options


Internet Games


;# Keyboards #

118 lines are here...

;# Languages #

155 lines are here...

;# Multimedia #

Media Center

Music Samples

Tablet PC

Windows Media Player (Note: I install WMP11 at T-13)

;# Network #

MSN Explorer

Windows Messenger

;# Operating System Options #

.NET Framework (Note: I install dotnet 2.0 at T-13)

DR Watson

Search Assistant


Zip Folders

;# Directories # (to remove!)

VALUEADD (Note: But I keep 3 files in SUPPORT\TOOLS folder plus the DOCS folder)

;# Compatibility #




















Not touched!


I don't use this page!






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Look piXelated, I do have an understanding of how this program works.

Lastly, anyone who remove something just because they don't know what it is, is just a plain fool IMO. I don't touch anything in nLite that I have no clue to as what it may effect. If I did, I would deserve what was coming to me later on.

I wouldn't want to contradict my own statement now would I?

lol :rolleyes:

wow Xyberz, your trying to recommend people not use nLite on their main OS when you yourself have no idea how the program actually works, or have taken the time to actually learn what the program is capable of?

nice one :lol:

each to their own mate

When did I ever say I have no idea of how this program doesn't work? I have to have at least some understanding otherwise I'd be in a big mess every time I tried to use it. Like rado354 posted, this is not something for the average beginner.

Of course I'm no expert in Windows and all of it's components but I'm not some type of lame ol person walking off the street without any idea of what I'm talking about. I've been using the computers since the age of 9 and when DOS was the only operating system. Coming up from command line only OS gives you a decent understanding of how things are supposed to work.

Also I have given my fair share of installs with nLite and I'm sad to say that none have come up to at least the same operating standards as a normal Windows installation. I can read and follow instructions given that it's not something like rocket science.

Why is everyone trying to make as if I'm giving the impression that nLite is like a plague and should be avoided at all costs? Is it wrong to let people know the truth? Have I made any false claims or accusations about this program? If so I'd challenge you to go ahead and post it.

This program is meant to change the very most important thing besides the physical hardware in your computer. I don't see why people such as yourself wouldn't take it more seriously, especially if you were trying to recommend this to someone who would use their computer for business purposes or someone who deals with important information. It's different if it's on your second computer and you wouldn't mind something happening and maybe having to reinstall your OS.

Suppressing the truth helps no one and hurts everyone.

Sometimes you gotta live on the edge! But I'd hardly call running an nLitened OS as your main OS dangerous :lol:. Trial and error is half the fun, how else are you gona learn, be spoon fed? How do you think people make new discoveries?!

And there's 100's of members on this very forum whom are willing to do just that, experiment with different nLite installs, remove those extra components, see what happens. I hardly think they're all fools.

Trial and error is fun and of course it leads to new discoveries upon which we all can learn from. Totally that makes sense and man would not be here if it weren't for their insatiable need to learn.

But then again another person unknowingly helping to prove my point. Why should the average person use this, if the trial and error process still needs to be gone through before something truly stable is ready to be released, and have the possibility of losing their personal and important data? I believe that is something that is truly foolish and even though Windows is also far from perfect, but you honestly have to admit it's most likely more stable than using the nLited version at this point in time.

Should I have to even post links the recent problems people have been running into? I mean there shouldn't be problems with nLite's normal operating procedures. I'm talking about even things as trivial as trying to slipstream stuff in that you are supposed to be able to normally do!

This program is definitely for the people who don't mind experimenting with the program and helping it go through the trial and error process. But right now it's not something to be recommending to every Dick and Jane out there in the world.

Like I posted, if this program was to the point where it caused about the same amount of errors or less than the standard Windows operating system, I'd be one of the first to jump in line to make it my main operating system. Seeing that this program has an excellent concept, and a bright future, for me I wouldn't mind installing it on another partition, not my main one, and experimenting with it and reporting my own findings so that it may one day be perfected or come as close to it as possible.

Anyone else having problems understanding that?

I know that this nLite is tackling a very hard problem especially the fact that not everyone uses the same programs or has the exact same setup. This is not a perfect world nor will it ever be. This is a really difficult feat to be attempting and I believe that eventually nLite will come out with a high degree of success.

In a perfect world, everyone would be using the exact same setup and programs. Then of course the task would be much more simpler. But unfortunately we're all individuals with different needs for their different systems. In the end which makes it all that much more harder to make something that will be compatible for everyone.

See that's why I understand that it's hard to even try use this program to shrink down your OS as there are so many variables and so many things that may go wrong should you or nLite remove the wrong components. I can't say that every problem listed on this board is solely because of nLite. There is most definitely a fair margin of the errors on the users end.

I don't even understand why I gotta keep coming back to repeat my point. Why is it so hard to understand. Let me make it 100% clear so that hopefully no one else will mistake, assume the wrong things, or misunderstand me.

nLite is an excellent program that is still in a developmental stage. It's not something that I would recommend to someone who will be using it to shrink down their main OS and who uses it on a day to day basis at this point in time. Also I wouldn't recommend it to someone who is very serious about their data and having the possibility of having something go wrong with their system unexpectedly. Here are the reasons, well at least in my opinion, why the average computer user shouldn't use this on their MAIN OS:

1. Program still needs to go through A LOT of field testing in order to become stable enough for the mass media to use on their normal day to day operating system.

2. Unfortunately all systems are not the same so if you need to fix your errors immediately, don't count on it as like in reason number 1, this program is still in it's trial and error process, so you will need to go along with it's growing pains and growing takes time my friend. It's not something that happens overnight.

3. There really isn't any backup once nLite removes the components that you have checked while shrinking down your OS. Honestly it's not that simple where you can just use your original Windows CD to reinstall what's missing. If it truly were like that I wouldn't have a need to write any of this.

These are the 3 main reasons why you shouldn't be using nLite to shrink down your system if you're the average user and depends on their computer and doesn't have the time, patience, nor the ability to be reinstalling their OS should something go wrong. Please don't mistake me in thinking that once something goes wrong, you will need to have to reinstall your OS every single time. It should only come to that point if once you remove something important and no one can help you reinstall what you need, or if you don't have the time to wait for that help.

Here are reasons why I would use nLite on a second computer, another hard drive, or another partition.

1. To test out and compare differences between an nLited OS and the original OS. I know from PERSONALexperience that it can be significant with speed and overall size. I've seen a version that is about 87MB. I was able to get it down to about 117MB.

2. To have a hand in the development of a program with an excellent concept. What could be more satisfying than knowing you helped to make that program what it is?

3. To find out how much crap Microsoft stuffs into it's OS and trying to shove down our throats. It's amazing to find out how little it takes to run your computer.

I have come to these conclusions from my own personal hands on experience of using nLite, and from the experiences of others like myself who have used nLite to try to shrink down their own OS. These are just my recommendations, not something I'm trying to write in stone and force upon anyone. Everyone has a right to know, especially if it will impact something as important as their Operating System before they go ahead and decide to use it themselves.

Please don't reply if all you wanna do is to make me look like an id*** or to flame me for giving me opinion. Reply if you want to help and be constructive. It's your God given right if you want to use nLite or not and if you want to use it on your main OS. No one is stopping you. I'm just here to help share information to you in your journey to using nLite. Of course I wish everyone the best of luck, including myself, in using nLite to achieve their perfect operating standards for the OS. In order to reach that point, I believe you should have a firm understanding of the whole situation and learn as much as you can. (That's why I will still use nLite on a different partition, so that I may extend my knowledge about it and to help develop it further.)

Hopefully I will have to say no more and need to defend my own right to an opinion. :D

Edited by Xyberz
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I nearly though of adding something here, then decided i couldn't be bothered, as this topic seems to be a waste of time and i can't believe i spent 15mins reading it.

if somebody is willing to read a 300page doc to shrink windows, go ahead and do it

if somebody wants to use nlite, go ahead and do it - less mistakes will be made here i believe

also Xyberz, your not

Just to spread the knowledge.
you knocking something that you deem
very much still in developmental stages and shouldn't be put out as a complete one let alone using it as your main day to day operating system
in that case nuhi would never realise it and we should all go home
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I nearly though of adding something here, then decided i couldn't be bothered, as this topic seems to be a waste of time and i can't believe i spent 15mins reading it.

if somebody is willing to read a 300page doc to shrink windows, go ahead and do it

if somebody wants to use nlite, go ahead and do it - less mistakes will be made here i believe

also Xyberz, your not

Just to spread the knowledge.
you knocking something that you deem
very much still in developmental stages and shouldn't be put out as a complete one let alone using it as your main day to day operating system
in that case nuhi would never realise it and we should all go home

See, what's so hard to understand about my posts? What am I knocking? If my definition of knocking something is correct, then it goes like this.

Knocking - v. Slang. To find fault with; criticize: n. Slang. A cutting, often petty criticism.

What have I posted that makes you feel like I'm trying to knock nLite. Hell I'm even praising them for even attempting such a nearly insurmountable task! I think you need to re-evaluate how you interpret comments and opinions.

I believe that whether you use nLite or Bolder Fortune's methods to shrink down Windows, you will eventually run into problems. No one has perfected the method of doing so YET. The major difference between the two methods is that nLite helps shortcut to the end result. While it is in our nature to try to find the shortest route between point A and point B, sometimes you run into bumps along the way. That's how the world works. And of course from those bumps is where we learn.

Edit: I don't believe that reading all of this is a waste of time. At least not for someone who has never used nLite or has very little experience with it. In a way you can put it like this. YOU WOULD NEVER BUY A CAR WITHOUT ASKING QUESTIONS OF HOW IT WORKS! This is why I am posting my experiences and opinions. So people can learn from it. But I don't want everyone to ONLY take my word for it. Looking at only my opinion and experiences would also be foolish. Find out as much as you can before you dive in head first. You'll save yourself a lot of aches and pains in the long run. It's a very good way to have an outlook on life. Of course there are times and places where the best option would be to jump in head first, but I don't think that this is one of them. :D

Also I see that most of the people responding to this post are ones that have hundreds of posts and probably a lot of experience with nLite. Most likely a lot more than me. See I can see why you might feel offended and have the need to reply. We all get defensive about something that we put lots of time and effort into. I'm not trying to run people away from nLite, just help give them informed information about it. Nothing wrong with that.

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So, Xyberz you came here in the official nLite forum, just to tell everybody not to use nLite?



Nice pic, I can see why you're so disgruntled. Dam N, see it's people like you that make it hard for anyone to give their opinion. ISN'T THAT WHAT A FORUM IS FOR? Never did I say DON'T USE NLITE. I think that if that picture is you, you need to clean the grease out of your ears and listen better and put down the fried chicken.

Why you getting all defensive for? I'm supporting nLite you retard. You must be one of the Dee-Dee-Dee's in this world.

So sad. :wacko:

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@ Xyberz

I've re-read the other replies and I can't see any offence by anyone.

We are JUST saying: Hey! nLite works for us!

Hey that's awesome. I know it must have not been an easy task, then again maybe it was. It's hard to gauge anything as I don't personally know what you have done or not done using nLite. I'd definitely like to get it to work at your level as you seem very enthused about it.

I know that we have different setups and components in our system and I know that I'd have to work at it before I could get it to your level that you have for your comp. Of course if you'd show me how I'd do it all first on my separate partition and then if I can get it good then eventually use it on my main partition and as my main OS.

I've re-read the other replies and I can't see any offence by anyone.

Seems like rado354 is taking some offense, to the point where he has to post up ridiculous pictures. Sorry, I couldn't dignify him with a response to his last pic post. I don't need to stoop down to that level. I'd rather have conversations with people who can be a little bit more civilized than that.

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I am using nLited OSes as main OS for more than 2 years now. Yes, I had problems, some were my errors, but I have an OS that's fast and works without errors. I can play games, browse the internet, watch movies, burn cds, print, I am running Corel, Macromedia, Adobe, Office, and more...

Maybe is just that you DON'T have to remove everything from Windows (using nLite). The average user can use nLite when a clean install of the OS is needed. You can remove the drivers if you add new ones, you can add all the hotfixes (Ryan's pack or direct integration), but you can keep everything else on the disk. As Nuhi said many times, remove what you never used and you know that it won't break something else. If you don't know what it does, don't remove.

Now a reply to your posts...

Yes, this is a work in progress, but hey, look, a new version of Windows just hit RTM. I can bet that it won't be without bugs. Nobody has to use nLite, it is just an option. And yes, you don't buy a car without asking some questions. But again, the average driver is NOT tuning the car into a faster, lighter car.

Have a nice day...

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I am using nLited OSes as main OS for more than 2 years now. Yes, I had problems, some were my errors, but I have an OS that's fast and works without errors. I can play games, browse the internet, watch movies, burn cds, print, I am running Corel, Macromedia, Adobe, Office, and more...

Maybe is just that you DON'T have to remove everything from Windows (using nLite). The average user can use nLite when a clean install of the OS is needed. You can remove the drivers if you add new ones, you can add all the hotfixes (Ryan's pack or direct integration), but you can keep everything else on the disk. As Nuhi said many times, remove what you never used and you know that it won't break something else. If you don't know what it does, don't remove.

Now a reply to your posts...

Yes, this is a work in progress, but hey, look, a new version of Windows just hit RTM. I can bet that it won't be without bugs. Nobody has to use nLite, it is just an option. And yes, you don't buy a car without asking some questions. But again, the average driver is NOT tuning the car into a faster, lighter car.

Have a nice day...

Hey that's cool. See that was my original intention of my thread in the first place, as you can see it clearly says it in the title.

Would you mind posting your last setup so I may check it out? I'm very interested in seeing if it might work out in my situation. You seem to run the things that I normally run and do on my OS. So there's a very good chance that it will be compatible.

In response to your reply at the end. I'm very sorry as I think that this analogy would work better in lite of this situation.

Someone taking their average everyday car (bloated Windows OS), that runs okay and having a shop tune it into a faster, lighter car (nLited Windows OS). You'd want to know what they were doing to your car as you never know what they might take out of it as it still might be of use to you.

I think that that analogy makes more sense than my first one. It seems that it was a little broad in spectrum in comparison. :yes:

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I'm closing this thread, and then i'll read through for any offenses. I saw one just skimming the thread.

EDIT:: Re-opening.

I saw nothing wrong with this thread. I do see ONE user that got a little out of hand.

*DISCLAIMER* I'm speaking on behalf of MYSELF and NOT MSFN *DISCLAIMER*

As a side note, I personally don't like ASPECTS of nLite. I love the concept, and the execution is great. I don't like it when people who have no idea what components are, strip them out and then complain their favorite little program doesn't work. Now, I'm not referring to those who are doing trial and error... I'm talking about those that use nLite because "it's the cool thing to do." With the same regard, I don't like how nLite combining the unattending and removals. Now don't get me wrong, it's great having everything in one place, but at the same time that just brings more trouble. Again...from the people that just jump on the band wagon.

I've always been a fan of the read up on something before you do it. Then find an easier way to do it. You wouldn't go skydiving without getting instruction would you?

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I've always been a fan of the read up on something before you do it. Then find an easier way to do it. You wouldn't go skydiving without getting instruction would you?

I like your analogy! I'd love to see if there is a better way to jump out of a plane. :lol:

I'm just messing with ya. :thumbup

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