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Simple Easy to Understand What To Install Post?


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Man, I've searched through some of these posts, and you'd really have to know your way in and out of windows to know what to disable or not to disable. Isn't there ANYTHING or any post that caters to the people in laymen terms?


Remove This

What happens if you remove this

Programs that will be affected. (Not only programs included with Windows, also future programs you want to install later)

I mean this post is cool and all, but obviously not everyone will be able to know what the hell is going on and what they're talking about.

I've seen a stripped down version of Windows to the core, but unfortunately I had problems even trying to install my spyware software because of things that were missing, but weren't absolutely necessary to run to OS.


How bout a thread with other people's nLite settings available to download and explained. Example:

Xyberz Version

This version is basically stripped down to operate as quickly as possible and to be compatible with just about any software out there that the average person may use.

All unneeded languages and keyboard versions removed except English.

All drivers removed except for basics to start up. (Make sure you have all drivers for all your computer parts ready)

etc. etc. etc.

Also in laymen's terms so that everyone that visits this forum may be able to understand. A cool step by step method would also work fantastically as any id*** that can operate a computer should be able to do.

Just my thought. nLite is an excellent program, unfortunately it's not explained very well since there are so many options. I don't mind reading, I'm not lazy.

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If there was only 10 options to nLite, you'd need a guide that describes the behaviour for 1024 different possible XP installations. :wacko:

nLite removes part of the OS for good. If you don't know what an option does, don't use it, the program will play it safe for you. And yes, you have to know your way in and out of Windows to use it. I think you are better off buying a book than searching bit by bit on the forums from scrath.

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nLite removes part of the OS for good. If you don't know what an option does, don't use it, the program will play it safe for you. And yes, you have to know your way in and out of Windows to use it. I think you are better off buying a book than searching bit by bit on the forums from scrath.

exactly... 5 star reply :thumbup

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Very true. I finally understand it now. I've been reading over at Bold Fortunes site and it made me realize that nLite is still very far from perfect.

It also makes sense that using this method because it is still very flawed and applying it to your main operating system isn't the best idea. It's really good to help beta test nLite and help this program become something truly great with minimal amount of bugs.

It's very unfortunate that windows is so extremely complicated and still very user unfriendly. I guess that's why Linux as been picking up in popularity these past years. I hope that for their sake, they don't turn out and make the same mistakes as Microsoft has with their operating system. I highly doubt it as it's open source and some of the best programs have been open source programs. i.e. The best MP3 encoder is LAME, which is an open source program.

Well thanks for the reply, but I'll think I'll use Bold Fortunes method as the theory to shrinking Windows makes more sense to me at this moment. Install the full Windows operating system but keep the files you don't want in a backup folder in case you do happen to run into some problem so you may be able to replace it. Unlike nLites method, remove it and get screwed if you happen to need it later (which seems to be the case for a lot of people, if not everyone who has used it. You may not find a problem immediately, but there is a high percent chance that you will and eventually soon.).

Not trying to bash on nLite or anything so please don't flame me. As a matter of fact the reason why I write this is because I am using a shrunken down version from nLite and it's already caused me problems as I couldn't even install my spyware software. The version I am using are settings that strip down Windows to it's bare operating system. Claim was that it's fully functional without any of the Microsoft bs included. Unfortunately it's not the case. I'm also having problems using some other common software out there that an average user might use. Definately something that I might not return to for a while but will keep an eye on with high hopes.

Good luck to all who use nLite at this time. My recommendation is if you use nLite,use it on a seperate partition and not on your main operating system that you will be using. :D

Also one last thing. For the sake of all the people who are new to nLite or don't know, don't list your versions as final. IMHO nLite is still in the testing stages. It is clearly stated that of course the newest version is a beta but there's a listing for a stable version of the program. That's kinda misleading in that people might think this program is to the point where it's fully functional with a minimum of bugs in it.

Edited by Xyberz
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Good luck to all who use nLite at this time. My recommendation is if you use nLite,use it on a seperate partition and not on your main operating system that you will be using.

well, i'm using the XP i nLited last week right now, theres just one program i have yet to install. its a 38.1GB HDD, i'm using 3 of those gigs, with 10 programs installed. all my music and pictures are on a seperate drive. i actually plan on transferring all this to a different hard drive, and for the computer i have upstairs, i'll be using a 6GB HDD. an nLited XP can be easily used as your main OS, unless you really mess it up, its just smaller and faster than what you had. it installed in 20 minutes, thats less than half the usual time for XP to install. using this now makes me not want to go back to the full thing, because this is lighter, and easier for me, everything i don't use is already gone, i don't have to get rid of it post-installation.

basically, the point i'm trying to make is that nLite doesn't make XP any less than what it really is, it just kinda puts it on a user-based diet. for instance, i do lots of audio editing, so i left in certain media programs, whereas someone else installs their own, and saves room by getting rid of the media programs. i removed OOBE because i just skip through it, whereas someone else may have to keep it for their activation. its turning XP into something specific to your needs, not something anyone could install and use.

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That's good to hear that you have good results from using nLite.

It's just a fact that nLite is still very far from perfect. Just to be fair, you can't put all the blame on nLite from not working as it should either. Obviously Windows isn't the best operating system in the world to be working with and probably never will. It's just happens to be the most widely used. Luckily Linux is coming along at a much faster rate and has picked up much more popularity in the past few years.

See you have to really look at it to understand why nLite is so hard to perfect, even though it's been out for quite some time now. It's hard to modify something that doesn't run near perfection. Microsoft has a hard time trying to fix all their bugs and unfortuantely they don't before they decide to move on to the next version.

It's just my recommendation that you don't use an nLited version of your operating system as your main one as you will almost undoubtably run into a problem sooner or later. It's only because it's hard to know exactly what nLite removes all the time when you use the shrinker. They don't list every file that is in Windows and it's probably safe to say that nLite doesn't know what every file in Windows does, is associated with, or might be associated with later on. If they did, they could make tons of money with Microsoft and we probably wouldn't even need such a program as nLite as they would have perfected Windows, and we know how that's not gonna be anytime soon.

I will most likely keep a nLited version of my OS on a seperate partition though as I really like the idea of what this program is trying to accomplish and I would very much like to see them be able to pull it off as much as possible. It would only help everyone out there that is running a version of the Windows operating system.

Also my full version of Windows XP w/SP2 installs in about half an hour or so. Not very much longer than your nLited version. Secondly I don't plan to keep my full install of Windows as bloated as it is. I'm going to be using Bolder Fortune's method of doing so, as I said it seems to make much more sense to me at this time. That is most definately only until nLite or a program like nLite comes along and has perfected it a little bit better. Please don't mistake me by thinking that I believe that Bolder Fortune's method is 100% stable or anything. They admit over there that even after over 4 years of constant testing and 100's of installs later, they still haven't gotten everything right yet. It's just that using that method they have something to fall back on as it has a backup folder for the things you want to remove. It's better to have a backup plan and being able to replace what you need in a short period of time rather than having to start all over again and taking much more time and causing you much more frustration in the process.

With that being said, I'd have to recommend that to nLite. Even though it is far from perfect at this point in time, have all the files that you don't want into a seperate backup folder and should any problems arise, whalah there it is! If they did that, I would not hesitate in using an nLited version of my OS on my main partition. :D

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It's just my recommendation that you don't use an nLited version of your operating system as your main one as you will almost undoubtably run into a problem sooner or later.

You should stop with this bul***** story :angry:

It ain't funny anymore...

Go to http://www.linuxquestions.org/ and tell them they better not install Linux as their main OS as they will almost undoubtedly run into a problem sooner or later.

Edited by rado354
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it's probably safe to say that nLite doesn't know what every file in Windows does, is associated with, or might be associated with later on. If they did, they could make tons of money with Microsoft and we probably wouldn't even need such a program as nLite as they would have perfected Windows, and we know how that's not gonna be anytime soon.

Do you think anybody in the world knows what every file in Windows does ? Do you think Bill Gates does ? Do you think anybody at MS does ? Have you counted them ? Do you think Nuhi has a list of 10.000 files somewhere in his head ?

Do you think MS woul be happy to sell people tons of different versions of XP ? XP is bloated because MS wants to sell it to everybody on cheap PCs with everything in it. Now first you call it "MS bs" but now you say you can't live without it. To be honest, your posts are too long and they don't make sense at all. Like a formula 1 driver that would say his Ferrari is not perfect because you never know,... it might be raining soon and there's no roof to it !

nLite does work as it should. And it's free. "Run into a problem sooner or later ?" Have you ever used a standard XP ? Does it not ?

As for your advice, what's the point in reducing Windows if it's only to waste a partition, "not the one you'll be using" ? Just leave it. Good luck with Bolder Fortune and your spyware program. Or was it Bold Fortune and anti-spyware ?

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With that being said, I'd have to recommend that to nLite. Even though it is far from perfect at this point in time, have all the files that you don't want into a seperate backup folder and should any problems arise, whalah there it is! If they did that, I would not hesitate in using an nLited version of my OS on my main partition.

uhm. didn't you start off saying you wouldn't recommend nLite? im not going to play devils advocate either way, but honestly. pick one opinion and stick with it. if you're going to change, don't sound like you're bashing anything in the process.

heres the thing you can do, like i have done, keep the windows XP CD handy, and if you run into a problem with an nLited version, you have the full version at your fingertips. can it be any simpler than that? at all? that you can simply put in the CD if theres a problem and install it? "its so easy even a caveman could do it."

honestly. i'm 15 and i feel like i have more common sense.

Edited by bonestonne
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It's not as easy as sticking in the original Windows XP and reinstalling it should something go wrong if you nLited your OS. See that's one of the major problems. If it were that easy I'd definately say go with nLite rather than Bold Fortunes method. Like I said, it's not like his method works perfectly either.

First off it's over 300 pages of info to shrink down Windows using his method. That is something that you just don't step into lightly. He doesn't have it perfect either and I highly doubt that him nor Nuhi ever will as Windows will be coming out with Vista soon and will probably change again before either of their work is complete. With each new version comes new problems and different methods in order to tweak and shrink it down.

Also for the record, I didn't tell anyone to use Bold Fortunes method of shrinking down Windows. Please double check my posts. It's clear that I didn't suggest it at all.

I'm not bashing nLite, most bashers make false accusations and in most cases they know little or next to nothing about it. I've had some experience using it myself and been reading through this forum about all the problems, have you read some of the problems people are having? They range from very simple to of course extensive ones to the point where they have to reinstall their OS. I'm pretty sure most people here love reinstalling their OS when something goes wrong.

No one can honestly say that nLite's method of shrinking down Windows is stable enough for everyone to use at this point and time on a very serious day to day basis. Lets use this scenario as people would consider it differently if it were to hit closer to home. Say for instance you favorite uncle in the world or your closest brother and sister owned and operated a multi-million dollar company and computers were a big part of their daily operations. Would you then recommend it to them knowing what stage this program is in?

Windows isn't completely flawless either but I'd bet it's safe to say someone who has nLited their OS would probably run into a problem sooner than someone who just installed the whole bloated thing. Don't think that I talking about someone who used nLite just to remove the extra languages and keyboards in their OS. I'm talking about someone who wants to remove components to actually make a difference in the OS's speed and overall size.

I support nLite and their purpose and I want them or someone who is making a software like them to succeed as soon as possible as this is something that is truly needed in this world. :thumbup I totally agree and I'm pretty sure everyone including Bill Gates would feel that Windows is bloated with crap that everyone doesn't need.

It's awesome that nLite is free, but do you think it will always be that way when the day finally comes where they can say, we've done it? I don't think that they're doing to not eventually make a profit. It's very unfortunate that in this world you can say that nothing is for free. It's probably free now because of the fact that it's still in constant testing.

Am I being clear enough now? Is it easy enough for you to understand? I'm not trying to over explain myself in any way. I'm not a complete id*** and I wouldn't be saying these things if I didn't have personal experiences myself nor the evidence to back it up. The evidence would be all the posts of problem after problem that I read in my inbox of my email account as I'm subscribed to this section to see everyone else's problems and progresses are. I'm also pretty sure that anyone who has run into a problem using nLite, isn't an id*** either.

Sorry about these long posts. I promise that there will be no more of these, but it's not something that's easy to explain in just a couple of sentences. I just wanted to get my point across to people. You definately don't have to take my word for it, just read around and see what problems everyone else is having.

My apologies if I should have offended someone as it was never my intention. Just to spread the knowledge.

P.S. To Bonestone. You quoted me saying that I wasn't clear about sticking with nLite or not? Why did you get confused. I said I would without a doubt use nLite if they had saved all the files into a backup folder instead of completely removing them. Even though nLite isn't perfect yet, it would be a nice failsafe for them just in case. I don't see how I was contradicting myself in anyway there.

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The main idea behind why nLite came to existence is TO Reduce The Source Size of Windows!

By the time, more features were added to nLite just to reflect peoples' needs.

nLite has been always refined for bugs, when found. I think nuhi is quite responsive.

But you're talking about nLite as if it's To Modify Windows.

Surely, there's a program you can use, after installation; to remove Windows components. I think it's litexp or xplite or something.

Using nLite, you should ask yourself: "I need more space left on my CD so that I can add more software to it. What are Windows components that I'll NEVER use?"

As for me, Lang folder alone is reduced 55 MB.

Removing some other components makes a total reduction of Windows source of about 163 MB (including that of Lang folder).

You do not have to remove something just because you don't know what it is.

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Honestly removing certain files will modify Windows in the way it operates. I don't mean as if it's going to change the code in Windows or anything.

I like this saying:

The main idea behind why nLite came to existence is TO Reduce The Source Size of Windows!

By the time, more features were added to nLite just to reflect peoples' needs.

nLite has been always refined for bugs, when found.

You are just proving my point. This program is very much still in developmental stages and shouldn't be put out as a complete one let alone using it as your main day to day operating system. When the day comes where nLite is running at about the same error rate Windows does, then I would tell everyone to switch. Why not right? It couldn't be any worse. But nLite is just not there yet. Understand?

I totally understand that you use nLite to remove components that you think you will not need while using your OS. My point was pretty clear that nLite is not perfect at removing the exact things that you think it will. Sometimes nLite removes files that due to programming, thinks it should be associated with what you want to remove and takes it out and later unknowingly causes an error.

Lastly, anyone who remove something just because they don't know what it is, is just a plain fool IMO. I don't touch anything in nLite that I have no clue to as what it may effect. If I did, I would deserve what was coming to me later on.

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lol :rolleyes:

wow Xyberz, your trying to recommend people not use nLite on their main OS when you yourself have no idea how the program actually works, or have taken the time to actually learn what the program is capable of?

nice one :lol:

each to their own mate

Edited by piXelatedEmpire
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lol :rolleyes:

wow Xyberz, your trying to recommend people not use nLite on their main OS when you yourself have no idea how the program actually works, or have taken the time to actually learn what the program is capable of?

nice one :lol:

each to their own mate

Wow, you obviously must not know how to read. I have used it and I understand what this program does and what it does not do. I wouldn't speak out of inexperience you fool. It seems like you're the type of person to run their mouth off without finding out all the facts huh?

Let me guess, you must have 100% perfect understanding of nLite and have gotten it to work for you 100% without no problems what so ever right? I'm sorry you must be the master as even Nuhi would have to agree that his program isn't perfected yet.

I'm glad that there are people around like you who's foolish enough to jump into any situation without a clear understanding of the consequences. Should I need to ever do something new and dangerous that hasn't been tested, I know who to call on first.

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