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As all you regular forum members know, I have been working on a major upgrade for WPI. It is nearing completion, just a few loose ends to tidy up.

To make it as complete an upgrade as possible, I am asking you this:

  • What new options would you like to see added?

  • What don't you like and needs to be changed?

  • Any strange behavior or bugs to report?

I do ask that you give complete details to what you want fixed or added.

Thanks and be on the look out for v5.0!

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well i used wpi last year, havent looked into it much since.... but:

1. i think its install is to complex, you have to run something first that runs wpi and all that stuff


why not make a wpi nlite addon pack? with that you could:

have wpi addons that add their entries in automaticly to wpi.

eas of use

2. themes. i know wpi has themes avalible but some themes involve moding the wpi code for some features.....

why not make a standerd for theme application? not knowing html im not sure how thatd work.

3. maybe a custom wpi installer? instead of relying uppon runonce ex to install make a nicer (graphicly) install sequence that matches

theses are my suggestions for wpi, contact me if you have any questions

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1. The WPI.cmd file has been eliminated. All options are handled internally. As far as install goes, extract the archive, copy the folder where you want it, done. The time consuming part is adding in all your programs.

2. I do have an idea on how to keep a "standard" theme. I will break it up into several files: name html core, side panel, bottom panel. It may work, may be too limiting. I will be making some themes with new gadgets for people to build on. They will at least have a place to start.

3. I made an internal installer, RunOnceEx and kTool are no longer used. The only drawback to this is that mshta.exe stays open so your desktop will not come up until the install process is complete.

Thanks for the mesage. Those are the kind I am looking for.

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I had some issues with the dependencies within the menu. Selecting all applications would only select the dependent applications after the primary dependency. (i.e. only the applications that were alphabetically or categorically after the main dependency). This forces me to adjust my categories and alter the name of the main dependency (with an astix or number) to get all of the applications to be selected.

Additionally when I have Installed an application and I use the grayed out condition met. The defaults or category selection checkboxes still select the applications behind the scenes, and they try to install.

Is there anyway to remove the delay when you load up the config within the gui itself?

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To make it as complete an upgrade as possible, I am asking you this:

* What new options would you like to see added?


* What don't you like and needs to be changed?


* Any strange behavior or bugs to report?

I do ask that you give complete details to what you want fixed or added.

glad you asked :D

I'm busy right now to get all of my installs a bit more consistent, so I decided to use the cond and gcond directives. Here is what I planed so far: greyed if app is already installed on my disk. Cond to those apps visible only if the file is on DVD (my project is pretty big by now, so I have to use 2 DVDs or one doublelayer disk) ans I only want to see those apps which are on the current disk.

prog[pn]=['Nero 7.0.82 Premium']
desc[pn]=['Nero Brennersoftware mit Coverdesigner, Backup und Waveeditor']
cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Install\\Nero7082\\Nero- /VERYSILENT']
cmd2[pn]=['echo Nero 7082 Premium wurde installiert (Sequenz 770) >>c:\\install.log']
gcond[pn]=['FileExists("%PROGRAMFILES%\\Nero\\Nero Core\\nero.exe")']

prog[pn]=['Nero Vision']
desc[pn]=['Nero MP4 Videocompressor und Player, PhotoSnap, ShowTime']
cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Install\\Nero\\NVE- /silent /sn=xxxxxxx /write_sn /no_ui /noreboot']
cmd2[pn]=['%CDROM%\\install\\movemenu\\movemenu.exe "Nero" "Applikationen"']
cmd3[pn]=['echo Nero Vision 3.1 wurde installiert (Sequenz 830) >>c:\\install.log']

So far no problem, but it gets complicated when I set an excl rule for an app not currently on my DVD, e.g. I have Nero in version 6 and version 7, so I have an excl rule that only one of them can be checked. Nero 6 is on the second DVD, Nero 7 on the first one. If I start from the first DVD, there is an error for check.js line 444.

I also get errors if I have conditions set for programs already installed on hd e.g. 7zip is installed already, another prog which I want to install is dependend on 7zip (nice for first time installs, so you don't have to check it separately), but gets a error cause I've included a gcond for the already installed 7zip). For 7zip there is no problem to install it again, but for some other apps it could be (full xampp installed, but not the services, and later I decide to install the services as well which are dependend on xampp which itself has a gcond)

I hope you can follow my crude examples :blushing:

Is it possible to find a solution for this ?

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I would like to see an optional log kept (i.e. if I choose to have a log kept I would also like to choose where to keep it) of actions taken.

Something like this:

03:27:12.00 starting uid OPENOFFICE, order 27

03:27:12.03 running cmd1

03:27:13.02 running cmd2

03:27:13:44 finished uid OPENOFFICE, order 27

So some simple timestamp format, an indication that a block is starting and finishing and an indication of when individual commands are run.

In fact the previous poster is using some cmd entries to keep a log, so I'm obviously not the only one who occasionally has to debug their config.js :-)


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Logging actions seems to be desired. I have talked to another user via email about. I will definetly look in to it now. I will add a text gadget to specify a path name; default path will be something like


Or whatever.................

I am finalizing the new installer now, so I guess it is an appropriate time to work on it.

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Does the .hta will support network usage, or an option to map a drive temporaly ?

With .cmd I use a net use command, and some other stuff, can I re-apply this stuff to the .hta ?

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Hi, I would like a sort of admin section and user section.

So when you start it with the right paramaters, you can edit the scripts and install everything.

But when you start it without options, you can only start some basic installations.

Now I have to use 2 versions on an other location and update the scripts twice.

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Hi, I would love to see some way to integrate WPI in a CD/DVD automatically.

Something like this:

Adding an compile/build/integrate button (in the above mentioned admin section?), which would than ask for a directory which contains the root of your windows cd. So it copies all the neccesary WPI files and edits the winnt.sif file. After that there might be an option to build the CD/DVD, like in nLite so you can edit the attributes (for those of us that want to).

Does this look like a good idea? Would anybody else like to see this?

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