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HFSLIP - Test releases


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I got exactly the same. did not change anything in the source directory yet, just ran hfslip-1.7.9_beta_o.cmd instead of hfslip-1.7.9_beta_m.cmd

Only wpdshext files are a .ex_ and a .dl_ (both in I386) but no .re_

the .re_ was there when using 1.7.9_beta_m

Maybe the dutch message is of some use

Same here, but nothing required this file after the setup.

Another problem is, WindowsXP-KB974455-x86-HUN.exe update won't slipstreamed. (XP SP3 hun)

Log file uploaded.


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gluon found a bug. Those two "move" lines should be deleted. It was remnants of a copy/paste I did. My bad.

For those with the wpdshext file copy problem - if you used the same HF fileset and used rev M of the script, does the problem surface? Or is the prob a rev o only?

If it's a rev M and rev N prob - please tell me what hotfix includes the wpdshext.* or wpdshextres.* files? Use winrar to extract them and examine. This would make life easier for me to troubleshoot. I glanced through the script and wpdshext.res is hardcoded as part of WMP11 installer. So I'll assume for now that it's a wmp11 hotfix.

billtodd posted a message about WM hotfixes. MSFT changes their mind with WM hotfixes all the time. When extracted, they decide to use various foldernames instead of standardizing. I'll have to work on that too. Maybe all will get fixed this weekend if I feel up to it.

Edited by tommyp
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For me it's just a rev. O problem rev. M works just fine.

browsing through the updates.. didn't find it yet.

But I'll let you know when I do find it.

It's included in the main WMP11 installer, wmp11-windowsxp-x86-nl-nl.exe

in there is a file wmfdist11.exe and that has it in the locbin folder

Edited by Glowy
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Tommy, read my original post, it only happens with beta o, beta m is fine.

974455 works fine for me. WU is totally happy.

BTW, you should use IE8-WindowsXP-KB974455-x86-xxx.exe if slipstreaming IE8, NOT WindowsXP-KB974455-x86-xxx.exe


Edited by jvidal
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MSFT changes their mind with WM hotfixes all the time. When extracted, they decide to use various foldernames instead of standardizing. I'll have to work on that too. Maybe all will get fixed this weekend if I feel up to it.

Couldn't "FOR /R" be used for those funky WMP hotfixes?

Instead of looking in specific folders, just loop thru all available sub-Folders of the unpacked WM hotfix.

FOR /R [[drive:]path] %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]

Walks the directory tree rooted at [drive:]path, executing the FOR statement in each directory of the tree. If no directory specification is specified after /R then the current directory is assumed. If set is just a single period (.) character then it will just enumerate the directory tree.

Edited by Crash&Burn
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Thanks for the inputs guys. Rev M was ok, so I went back to rev M and re-rolled the changes in. Maybe I had a copy/paste error or accidentally hit something on the keyboard I shouldn't have. Anyway, I still left the rev M in the zip package. Hope this does the trick. Please post results (good, bad or indifferent). I like to see feedback.

Once this is all well and good, I'll try tackling the WMP hotfix issues. The prob with that is that hfslip attempts to discover what WMP you are using and applies the appropriate hotfixes. The hotfix binaries come from inconsistant named files that seem to have no pattern. It's not as simple as you think, or maybe I just think too much. :blink:

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nicely done tommyp :thumbup however for me "msimsg.dll.mui" goes into system32\mui\409 instead of 0409. I'm not too sure if it's an issue.... haven't see any impact.

also line 1884: RD/Q/S TEMP\langspecific gives "file not found" error while slipstreaming. I can understand why the line is there since extraction by 7zip gives the langspecific folder but seems like /X doesn't produce that folder.

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Thanks for the reports guys. I was unable to extract the MSI using a 2k box. I relied on a file extractor and saw the langspecific folder. Like you said, the folder is non-existent. Rev Q corrects both the non-existent missing folder and adds the zero before mui foldername. All should be good to go now.

Are there any issues with the latest set of XP's WM hotfixes?

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