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[Desktops] 2006

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Just got my copy of CWOrange, and IMO its a great theme.

Daaaaamn, that's a funky-a** theme! Not my choice of color, but very cool nonetheless.

BTW, what font is that you're using for CD Art Display? May I have a link? I especially like how the text overlaps.

Well done! :thumbup

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Just got my copy of CWOrange, and IMO its a great theme.

Daaaaamn, that's a funky-a** theme! Not my choice of color, but very cool nonetheless.

BTW, what font is that you're using for CD Art Display? May I have a link? I especially like how the text overlaps.

Well done! :thumbup

Font is called Base02


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My mother's desktop! :D


Yes, I managed to make my mother use AveDesk and Rainlendar! :w00t::ph34r:

Coming next : new background, new visual theme. :)

PS: Alexandre is my brother, and I wrote the note.

poor Alexandre :D

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well, not much but heres mine. its just my school laptop, so theres not much on it just so i have the speed of the wondeful 366 :lol: i modified the explorer.exe file a bit to put the windows vista start button icon in, the default XP one was starting to look kinda weird.


edit: changed a few things :P





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