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[Desktops] 2006

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I know I'm a cpl hours early....Just liked this one so much,, Had to post it..

Thanks...Simon :):hello:

Unreal 3d Graphics Brought To You By,,,Gateway's FPD2185W..

Current Display :1680x1050 pixels at 60 Hz in True Colors (32-bit)

Skin: Glass 3 (Recolored..Blinds 5)

Icons: Crystal

Wall: Aquarium Screen Saver..(Modded To Wallpaper)

Widgets: Silica..Weather..Calendar

Cursor: Pro Tools

Windows Media Centre: Playing The Shania Darlin...

Upper Task..Alien

Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/Fishy.jpg


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