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98 SE SP 3.32


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:hello: guys, I added the registry keys for the updated files in the SP. You can view all installed updates in Windows Update Information Tool. This only applies to main updates only.

IE files or optional components canNOT be viewed through Windows Update Information Tool because I didn't add registry keys.

I might add them later. I also removed the 3 updates by WMI/WBEM until I figure out how to get the whole package included in the SP. I will release a new update at the end of the week or sometime next week. I also would like you guys take on adding MDAC 2.8 SP1. Believe it or not we are a few packages away from a final build. Your support is needed. Thanks

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Edited by me Spanish Windows 98SE Service Pack 2.1a Stable :angel

Link to verify MDGx :thumbup

Windows 98 SE Paquete de Servicio 2.1a Estable Español

Editing Windows 98SE Servie Pack 3.0 Beta 4 to Spanish :whistle:

Explicación en Español

English Explanation

MDGx after 1 year could check that my contribution to add in: http://www.mdgx.com/web.htm#98SE

PROBLEMCHYLD I can unpack the internal files http://www.htasoft.com/u98sesp/ translate to Spanish and post here the translation in Spanish packaging with modifications to adapt the warrant fails to translate files and are incompatible with Windows 98SE Spanish (Example KERNEL32.DLL 4.10.2225)?

NET Framework can be integrated Flash 9, Shockwave, Java Runtimes 1.5.0 Optional U22

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I hate to change the subject but I'm really getting fed up with the 98se networking and internet features. I'm wanting to replace it with win2k or even ME'S network and internet. But I forgot if that can be done, can someone help me on this. And maybe it could be in the SP or it can be an individual pack.

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I hate to change the subject but I'm really getting fed up with the 98se networking and internet features.
??? Have you tried starting another topic and telling what your problem is? I have no problems with them...
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??? Have you tried starting another topic and telling what your problem is? I have no problems with them...

Yes I did, but with that topic I talked about something alittle different. Its called Wifi connection issues in the main page of the 9x forum. But there I talk about

how my adaptor likes to crash and also how Opera crashes sometimes for no reason. I suspect the most problem here is with memory leak control, these programs are

not being set to any memory limit. Which is why I also propose a program created alike kernelex which has a tab that can give you the control to limit how much memory a program can use. I believe they have this for DOS programs. Anyway I was able to find better drivers and a better realtek progam for my adaptor. So thats pretty much fixed, and I will try some different versions of opera, but without memory limits there is no telling if it will run and not crash atleast twice a day.

Anyway, lets go back to the project at hand above which is spanish support and if anyone likes the idea of a memory limit program so we can try an get a handle on 98's memory leaks and memory address errors (BSOD), Please start a new topic. I am just learning programing so I wont start that topic. but someone more skilled can, I dont care who takes credit just as long as we keep making 98 better. Thanks and sorry for the interuption.

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mrsk565, you talked about .bat files, which can be launched with all sorts of options stored in their .pif shortcut.

I don't know why they restricted that to bat files and didn't extend that to all executables.

That would be great. Bat files take so little resources that's irrelevant now. That was for time when computers worked with less than 16 Mb of ram...

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mrsk565, you talked about .bat files, which can be launched with all sorts of options stored in their .pif shortcut.

I don't know why they restricted that to bat files and didn't extend that to all executables.

It's not restricted to .bat files, it applies to all dos executables as well and it applies only to bat and dos programs because a new dos virtual machine is created when you run one of those.

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You think we're on to something here ? I mean when it comes to programs and how they work we really are not sure when they may decide to crash the system. Many with the web browsers. I haven't had many crashes on other things, and when I have I was working with settings to my wifi adaptor and network stuff (no big deal though i was messing around). I don't know if its a flash issue because pages have alot of flash ads and flashly little clips like from walmart. Whatever it maybe this fix we are talking about may not fix the program from crashing. But it will save the whole system from going down and having to reboot. And lets put in a little pop-up that says this program will crash in 20sec. enough time to save and close without trouble :)

Or set peramitors to not allow any operation a program may do, that may exceed the mem limit set by the user.

PS PJmelect--- Your costumer needs to be somewhat informed of what you put on the pc, and also should know about this site incase he has problems later. If you have the time I would test everything out before telling them. I think its a good idea though and is better then having a plain version of 98se.

Edited by mrsk565
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:thumbup Updated :w00t:

I have recently been asked by a customer to provide a Windows98 SE computer by next Wednesday, would you say that the service pack is good enough to use on a non test machine?

It varies from computer to computer, hardware to hardware, software to software.

I would install it, test for a couple of days then go from there.

PS PJmelect--- Your costumer needs to be somewhat informed of what you put on the pc, and also should know about this site incase he has problems later. If you have the time I would test everything out before telling them. I think its a good idea though and is better then having a plain version of 98se.

Great solution :thumbup

Btw there is an msxml3.dll version 8.90.1101.0 that would appear to be more recent than the one in the current pack and which seems to work OK.

The build from WildBill / tomasz86's 2079403 for Windows 2000 is newer.

Neither version works unless KernelEx is installed. I'll add it later when I add the KernelEx option.

I have downgraded the version in the new release.

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Hi Problemchyld.


Thanks for all this.

Today's latest SP3 version file seems to have suddenly got a lot bigger.

Is that because the versions for those without IE are now included in it, as they don't seem to be offered as separate downloads any more?


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Hi Problemchyld.


Thanks for all this.

Today's latest SP3 version file seems to have suddenly got a lot bigger.

Is that because the versions for those without IE are now included in it, as they don't seem to be offered as separate downloads any more?


Yes both versions of IE is included. They are optional. Same rules apply as before.

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My goal was to try to keep it as small as possible. I know some people was confused about which version to install.

So I tried to make it easier for everyone. Even the people who decide to translate, they would only have to translate one package.

Also I'm working on the kernelex option. The IE files included doNOT affect system performance if people read the instructions.

They are optional, so if you are not 98lite user, you can ignore those two options.

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