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Please, write ANY comment (If it even works properly, write it).

I'm setting up a 98SE test box made with 98lite preview to remove Internet Explorer and Windows Update. Upgraded USB, added drivers for network card and external hardware. Windows Installer 2.0.2600.2 and vcredist 4.71.1015.0 were installed next, then my security apps (SSM free, Kerio 2, Proxomitron), SeaMonkey, Java, Xsetup, and basic tools.

Installed the SE SP 3.0 alpha 3 to this package. No problems with the install. So far, everything works properly. Performance is good considering the hardware specs. I haven't finished installing what I need yet and haven't checked what else needs updating, but so far, so good. Seems to work well on units without Internet Explorer installed.


to prevent the file version popups, put either ",,,1056" or ",,,32" after certain files listed in the SPUPDATE.INF file.

Example > "hh.exe" should be "hh.exe,,,1056" or "hh.exe,,,32"

Please make a note of this Gape, if you really want to prevent the Version Conflict popups.

And files listed like this "Snmp.exe,,,1024" in the SPUPDATE.INF file; change it to look like this > "Snmp.exe,,,1056"

ANY files listed that have ",,,1024" after it should have ",,,1056"

and files like "Msasn1.dll" should be listed as "Msasn1.dll,,,32"


Service Pack 2 changed Windows logo in the system-wide About box. The new picture was an ugly 16-color WinXP logo. Perhaps it is not a good idea to apply XP artwork to 98?

Service Pack 2 changed Windows logo in the system-wide About box. The new picture was an ugly 16-color WinXP logo. Perhaps it is not a good idea to apply XP artwork to 98?

It was very old version of Service Pack (1.x). I am sure that all versions of Service Pack 2 and 3 doesn't change About box logo.

98 SE SP 3.0 BETA 1 :w00t:


* Added OLEDLG.DLL [5.0.1601].

Thanks Gape for the beta.

The version of OLEDLG.DLL in this beta seems to be 1.0, not 5.0.1601. That is what's reported in the file properties window. The "Product Version" is 2.01.


I noticed you are using KRNL386.EXE ver 4.10.1999. MDGx has a newer version (4.10.2000) that claims to fix some kind of memory corruption bug. I love that your service pack is slim and not bloated. For people who want a kitchen sink approach, there is the excellent autopatcher. You solution, while not as comprehensive, is much lighter, and dosen't install unnecessary stuff.

I am sure that all versions of Service Pack [..] 3 doesn't change About box logo.

Thank you.

It was very old version of Service Pack (1.x).

Shell32.dll in v2.1a has the altered logo.


Hi, Gape!

Very nice to see that you are still updating uSP! Very nice job.

I had posted a long time ago (see previous pages) the list of fixes found and those not found in uSP3. HTHed.


Posted (edited)

Excellent news that SP3 Beta 1 now includes support for +137GB hard drives :thumbup

Did you decide to use version .2222 or .2225 of LLXX's ESDI_506.PDR (Hopefully .2225)

ANSWER: It is .2225 and its in the SP2.cab file (perfect for slipstreaming) THANKS GAPE!!!! :thumbup :thumbup

Edited by galahs

Hi Fred,

Already included in Beta 1:








Will NOT included in uSP:


TOOLS9X.EXE -- 3rd party files

PNGFIX.EXE -- IE 6 specific

Q222930.EXE -- IEAK 4 specific

Q909363.EXE -- XML3 specific

Q920213.EXE -- no idea

COPY2GB.EXE -- this problem is fixed by another fix which is included in uSP.

vcredist_x86.exe -- which version ?

Will probably include in the next beta:


Thanks for this info, Gape.

That's a good thing to know what will NOT be included so that we won't ask why it's not there in the future.

I'll check this out once I have time.

Could you please clarify

"Did you decide to use version .2222 or .2225 of LLXX's"

That's important because some system, like mine, supports only the .2222 version, while others prefer the more recent .2225 version.

Using an unsuitable version cause hard drive to work on Dos compatibility mode (until ad-hoc version are reinstalled). It's an annoyance detected since uSP 2.01a.

As it may be difficult to automaticaly detect which version each computer requires, idealy there should be a place where the user could choose and/or the possibility to manualy replace one file by another if the problem appears.


The version of msvcrt.dll included in uSP is older then mine - I have 6.10.9359.0 - any particular reason to not include that in uSP?

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