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98 FE + 98 SE + ME updates + patches + (hot)fixes

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I just thought Id post this for those who want to try it. (I know its been added then taken out again :) )

Windows ME's My Pictures Shimgvw.dll window in 98se.

The following is not included in 98-2-me as some have complained of incompatabilities.

However I have now got it on 2 computers of different configurations.

Select Option 3 in 98-to-me

To Enable copy shimgvw.dll to windows\system\

then type in Run Regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

then type regsvr32 webview.dll

then finaly regsvr32 mydocs.dll

Go to My Pictures and you should now see a nice zoom in/out box in the left side when you select an image.


P.S. the 2 other steps get rid of the script error about wiamgr.devices...

With rp7 this wasnt required however with rp9.7 it is.

I followed your instructions, and they didn't work for me. Has anyone got Image Preview working? I was hoping to get it working without 98SE2ME, but that didn't happen. I even tried the Windows 2000 version SHIMGVW.DLL 5.0.2134.1 which has more resolved dependencies, but its the same output no matter which file. None of them work for me.
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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, sorry if the answer to my question is somewhere buried in this thread.

I have succesfully changed the size of the onscreen boxes for msconfig.exe or sysdm.cpl so that as much information is directly visible on the screen without the need to scroll up&down and/or left&right.

I was wondering where I could do that for the 'explorer error message box' ? I think enough vertical space for 20 more lines would be enough. Thx, MiKl

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Install VC6 and set it as default debugger. In the error box you should get an additional button called 'Debug' which - when clicked - will open VC6 in debug mode and offer details on the error.

To set VC6 as default debugger, add the following to C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI:

[AeDebug]Auto=0Debugger="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\msdev.exe" -p %ld -e %ld

If for some reason you already have another debugger set, just disable it by placing a semicolon in front of it. For example:

[AeDebug]Auto=0;Debugger="C:\Utils\FineSSE29.exe" -p %u -e %u -vDebugger="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\msdev.exe" -p %ld -e %ld
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  • 2 years later...

I am sorry to bump this but:

It appears that these update patches seem to be the culprit for a problem I've been having recently. When I installed either the autopatcher or the unofficial service packs, at first, everything works normal. However, after a few days, the computer freezes at bootup, either freezes at the splash screen or gives me a black screen with the blinking cursor. Here are my computer specs:

Dell Dimension XPS T500

640 MB of RAM

Voodoo 3 graphics card

Intel Pentium III 1 GHz

Edited by Bracamonte
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  • 1 year later...

For the hotfix 321467:

Have noticed that the patch that used to be available (from the old ftp.isu.edu.tw site), and is included in some of the unofficial service packs/updaters, was a slightly older version. The newer version is still up on the MS website, (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/hotfix/kbhotfix?kbnum=321467)

it is the same as the old patch, but with this additional registry key:

;service key for dmusic.sys
HKLM,"SystemCurrentControlSetServicesClassMEDIA\000x","Enable Q321467",0x00010001,0


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  • 1 year later...

beyond 512mb ram windows 98se gets dicey without system.ini  tweaks.

I had better luck installing 98se applying autopatch 07 full then using millennium step up and then applying the system.ini tweak for it to run with 2gb ram.


Edited by ZaPbUzZ
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  • 5 months later...

thanks so much for all.

some updates can change the Start Menu(for example) and change the language :(
i'm Portuguese and i installed the Portuguese BR Windows. so how can change for get the Portuguese again?
(yes some messages tell me about the language and i accept my language, but don't let my language and change to English)

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/15/2014 at 6:09 PM, TmEE said:

It would be cool if the error handler from 98SE could be somehow inserted into ME. The error box that ME gives is most worthless....

I wonder if the step up edition of Me would address that issue since its mosly 98se

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On 10/18/2016 at 12:12 PM, Bracamonte said:

I am sorry to bump this but:

It appears that these update patches seem to be the culprit for a problem I've been having recently. When I installed either the autopatcher or the unofficial service packs, at first, everything works normal. However, after a few days, the computer freezes at bootup, either freezes at the splash screen or gives me a black screen with the blinking cursor. Here are my computer specs:

Dell Dimension XPS T500

640 MB of RAM

Voodoo 3 graphics card

Intel Pentium III 1 GHz

Autopatcher you need to go through the entire menu to select correct parameters such as the memory / DMA tweak wants to see your pc's memory to allocate system.ini tweaks for that. using Disk DMA can lead to data errors if your hardware doesn't have DMA transfer tech and your 640mb ram hints this. Your swapfile i recommend be a minimum of twice the memory of your GPU this is to do with the arpeture (My advice for all GPU in 98+.)


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On 3/1/2013 at 3:54 AM, PROBLEMCHYLD said:
On 4/11/2011 at 9:59 AM, trevor89 said:

I just thought Id post this for those who want to try it. (I know its been added then taken out again :) )

Windows ME's My Pictures Shimgvw.dll window in 98se.

The following is not included in 98-2-me as some have complained of incompatabilities.

However I have now got it on 2 computers of different configurations.

Select Option 3 in 98-to-me

To Enable copy shimgvw.dll to windows\system\

then type in Run Regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

then type regsvr32 webview.dll

then finaly regsvr32 mydocs.dll

Go to My Pictures and you should now see a nice zoom in/out box in the left side when you select an image.


P.S. the 2 other steps get rid of the script error about wiamgr.devices...

With rp7 this wasnt required however with rp9.7 it is.



I followed your instructions, and they didn't work for me. Has anyone got Image Preview working? I was hoping to get it working without 98SE2ME, but that didn't happen. I even tried the Windows 2000 version SHIMGVW.DLL 5.0.2134.1 which has more resolved dependencies, but its the same output no matter which file. None of them work for me.

rp7 & rp 9.7 in millennium require completely disabled system protection and restore prior to installation and even in the versions of packs that say they disable actually don't. There are script packages on archive.org that allow the disability of millenniums system protections but it can never be switched on again after RP or it's problems time ... would like to see rp pack or simular be structured for millennium to accept as protectable i know there is XML involved. Note: this photo is the step up windows Me on virtualbox 6 and i seriously don't recommend virtualbox i have had it.



Edited by ZaPbUzZ
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why the updates\hotfixs aren't compatible with language?
my Windows is PT-BR, after use the Auto-patcher will be english on some(explorer, start menu and the Shutdown Window).
Can i plug-in the external HDD with 500GB's?

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