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Hey Guys

I made my own oemlogo and I followed all the direction and when I put both of the files into C:\Windows\System32\

and then I go to my system property to see my logo, I don't see anything. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong.


oemlogo.bmp (110 x 110)


P.S. Fusion

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Hey Guys

                    I made my own oemlogo and I followed all the direction and when I put both of the files into C:\Windows\System32\

and then I go to my system property to see my logo, I don't see anything. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong.


oemlogo.bmp (110 x 110)


P.S. Fusion

I have my oemlogo.bmp at 180 x 114

and oeminfo.ini with this code below

[Support Information]
Line2=Windows XP Personal Edition

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set ini like this.... OemSpecific doesn't work




[support Information]

Line1=For Support and Requests for External Service




Line5=Ontario, blah

Line6=Phone: blah

Line7=Email: blah

Line8=Website: blah

Line9=To Serve is our Pleasure :-)

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You can import your customized OEM Information and Logo unattended.

To do this, you need to create 2 files - oeminfo.ini and oemlogo.bmp

» oeminfo.ini

Open Notepad and Copy and Paste the following example, then edit it accordingly:

Save it as oeminfo.ini

» oemlogo.bmp

Create a new image with a pixel size of 180x114 (width x height), customize your logo to how you would want it to look, then save it as oemlogo.bmp. Its a good idea to keep it transparent so it blends into the color of the System Properties window!

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We can use the $OEM$ Distribution folders to do this. Create a sub-folder called $$ if one doesn't exist already, then create another sub-folder within $$ called System32. For example:


Copy both oeminfo.ini and oemlogo.bmp to the System32 folder explained above. When Windows XP Setup is run, both of these files will be automatically copied to Windows' System32 directory, no matter what the Windows folder is called.

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  • 2 months later...
oemlogo.bmp (110 x 110)

110x110 will not work, u must use 180x114

also note that even it is a bitmap, you can create transparent background...

but make sure it is in 256 colors for this to work

The actual logo size can is 172x172 it can be smaller, but not bigger. See section D in this article.


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ive always wondered if there was a way of hacking the size limit of this file to make it larger, ive been working on it off and on for a year or so now and still no luck :(

@ gee the file size can go up to 180 x 114

so thats a pinch bigger then 172

just thought id point that out

Edited by Lost Soul
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holly mackrle thats sweet, ive seen a few pics on this but i was never sure how to inlarge the size... hey benners can you tell me how to make a image transparent for that, im trying in paint shop pro 9 and im not having any luck

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@Lost Soul

What I have done in the past is create a new image 16 million colours sized how you want with a background colour, RGB value of 255,0,255 or HTML of #ff00ff.

Use the freehand selection tool with point to point as the selection type to carefully cut around the image you want and maybe add a feather the selected image.Use Ctrl +C to copy the selection and Ctrl + E to paste it into the new image with the Pink background and finally reduce the colours to 256 using Optimized Median Cut and Error Diffusion

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