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Maximus-Decim Native USB Drivers

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Do I *have* to install 98SE2ME before MDNUSB Drivers? I don't have ME...
You don't have to install 98SE2ME:


for USB to work, but it is recommended to install it [options 1, 2 or 5], to get more INF files for more USB devices and newer USB system files.

Unfortunately, if you don't have a WinME CD-ROM or setup CABs, you can't install 98SE2ME. :(

This fragment is from 98SE2ME READ1ST.TXT [the "EXTREMELY IMPORTANT" section]:


* MUST install Native USB Drivers (NUSB):


ONLY AFTER installed 98SE2ME options 1, 2 or 5!

IF ALREADY installed NUSB BEFORE 98SE2ME options 1, 2 or 5, MUST REinstall

NUSB AGAIN AFTER installing 98SE2ME options 1, 2 or 5!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just want to thank Maximus for this AWSOME OS update....i recently purchased a Nokia N73 mobile phone and i had no chance to get it to interact with my Win98SE machine because Nokia doesn't support this OS in its latest Nokia PC Suite software & other mobile phone manager type of software need the nokia drivers already installed (what's the point then???) but luckly this phone can work as a USB Mass Storage drive. So i just installed this amazing piece of software and guess what IT WORKS FLAWLESSLY...now i don't have to run cpu/memory hogging mobile manager soft....

THANKS to Maximus-Decim & all who contributed to NUSB. :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

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  • 2 weeks later...

:thumbup I too would like to say thank you for the excellent driver! I found it via the ABi forums whilst trying to make a birthday gift work (my aunt did not realize the mp3 player she kindly got for me needed XP and I only have 98se computer :o ) It has been working since the moment I found one of your drivers and has made us both very happy! I'm having issues with it's conversion software and was trying to find a solution via Google when I landed on MDGX website (which I found last year and have used to greatly improve my old win98se pc) and while reading realized at the first appearance of this link http://www.technical-assistance.co.uk/kb/usbmsd98.php that Maximus was in fact the creator of the driver that let my pc see my mp3player!

Since I have read this entire post I thought I would add in my own info and experience with the driver in the event it could be useful to others:

I have win98se, done up with autopatcher from MDGX site and many other hacks and tweaks from there (too many to remember them all!) I recieved Sansa e280 for my birthday, and already had Nikon Coolpix L4 camera spotted by computer before new Maximus driver.

I admit to foolishness because honesty can help fix errors! I knew nothing about "mass storage driver, flash driver, ums,msc,mtp etc." I had never owned one such so I did not know our camera was one! I just installed software from disc so my mom could use her new camera and it worked no problem... that was a long time ago.

1 month ago I receive Sansa e280, I find Maximus' driver nusb31e and I installed it, but without removing other drivers because I didn't understand cameras were mass storage and I was afraid to remove our HP usb printer driver because it was very hard to get working on usb. That driver would not install and I tried many times, the error said it was unreadable or something - since I had saved it to a floppy on my aunts XP machine and brought it home to mine I thought XP had saved it funny :blushing: So instead I downloaded nusb30e and it installed fine even with other usb drivers still on machine! Now I could see my player as drive f: and its microSD slot as drive g: and I drag music over like crazy-happy-fool!

And fools are foolish so... I did not see "unplug usb device icon" down in system tray for first few days so I was just unplugging it like we do to the camera. I must report that I had no problems with the device and not one BSOD either, nor any hanging of PC. Of course since I have found it I use it because it seems it must be there for good reason!

I am wondering if because I have USBSTOR.SYS 5.00.2195.6655 understanding from earlier in the thread that it was downgraded in ver3.1 (Maximus Decim Native USB ver.3.1 What's new? *Downgrade USBSTOR.SYS (4.90.3000.1), removed wdmstub.sys) if that could be why I could not install the latest version? I think that file confirms the device is there sort of? I ask because although windows explorer sees my sansa and I can paste music in msc mode I think it does not actually register anywhere because USBView (found here) does not see it when it is connected nor does my photo conversion software :realmad: which is what got me searching the internet and landing here to begin with! Only explorer sees it, so I can have music but no movies and no photos because you have to use that *%#@!! software to put on picture/video. Possibly there is someway to make the player no longer invisible by filling in some spot in the registry?

I'm sorry for talking so much :wacko: but I'm hopeful now because I know there are smart people here and this is where the first thing that made my player work came from so maybe someone knows how I can access all it's features?

Thank you so much Maximus and everyone here!

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  • 2 weeks later...

One more, big big thank you, Maximus Decim !

I've just installed NUSB version 3.1 (Fr) on Win 98 SE. No frills, just works out of the box, like magic !

I'm the most amazed, as my MoBo has the SiS USB chipset for which previously /nothing/ could make *USB2* work in windows 98, from the manufacturer or otherwise, and not even a previous version 2.x of NUSB.

This is some miracle !

I would advise any reader with SiS chipsets to try it immediately.

With regards,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm ......

What spurs my modification of NUSB :

I finally got around to rebuild and reinstall a Windows 98 First Edition system ... I thought I'd give it a shot with the NUSB3.1 .... and ..... as I predicted, it doesn't work ..... :rolleyes:

Well, I thought that I'd give it a whack, a hack and a patch or two to see how it'll measure up .... and after a couple of days looking for suitable drivers and test runs .... here it is:

(Historical mirror:)

NUSB 3.11 Alpha for Windows 98 First Edition - mirror

NUSB 3.11 Alpha for Windows 98 First Edition - mirror

Folks, those of you who were wondering and asking and looking here and there if it's possible for your W98 FE to support usb drives .... please have a go and see if it works for you ..... :sneaky:

The system tested on :

Duron 750 on SiS730 motherboard using usb1.1 openhci drivers running Windows 98 1st edition.

The install sequence was :

1. Windows 98FE + plus all required drivers

2. Windows 98FE SP2.3.0

3. IE6 sp1

4. NUSB 3.11 Alpha for W98FE

5. RP7MM

Tested with:

A bunch of usb flash drives by Apacer, Buffalo, etc etc etc .......

Haven't had a chance to test with usb 2.0 or any other usb devices yet, so your mileage may vary .....


- Replaced usbstor.sys with skumss.sys : Seems to be reasonably fast and stable on Win98FE. It was ripped from one

the drivers on the net and I couldn't remember where as there were several more that I played around with. AFAIK,

it seems to be based on the free usb sample driver in MS DDK somewhere ....

- Replaced usbmphlp.pdr with skpdr.pdr : The mini port driver to make the magic work ...

- Usbntmap.sys is now used to trigger the usb event notification to make systray eject icon appears ...

- Added batmeter.dll : This one's taken from stock win98se for systray to properly behave. What can I say ?

And as usual, no warranty bla bla bla no bla bla bla ....

I just wanted to see if it will work as I thought it should ..... :rolleyes:


My apologies if I didn't get to you first on this ... If this one's a dud, I'll take all the flak ... that's fine ... If it works good for others, then the ....

Credits goes to Maximum-Decim :hello: for the original NUSB 3.1 for Win98 SE ...


Native USB 3.20 for Windows 98 First Edition English Release & mirrors :

NUSB 3.20 English for Windows 98 First Edition - mirror

NUSB 3.12 Beta for Windows 98 First Edition - mirror & info

Changes/updates for 3.12 beta:

1. Usbstor is now working on windows 98 FE. Previous plans of using Umss have been dropped.

2. Usb 2.0 support is now working on windows 98 FE. Test runs on via usb2.0 indicates everything is functional.

3. Updated explorer ver 4.72.3612.1700

4. Corrections to ATI usb2.0 inf section.

5. Patched disktsd.vxd 4.90.3000 update.

6. USB FDD support re-enabled. Test runs on mitsumi usb fdd confirmed it to be fully functional.

Updates for 3.20 (stable):

1. Powerbutton not working on ACPI systems. Fixed by replacing acpi driver.

2. Minor changes to usb controller and storage classes.

Edited by PassingBy
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- Replaced usbstor.sys with skumss.sys : Seems to be reasonably fast and stable on Win98FE. It was ripped from one

the drivers on the net and I couldn't remember where as there were several more that I played around with. AFAIK,

it seems to be based on the free usb sample driver in MS DDK somewhere ....

- Replaced usbmphlp.pdr with skpdr.pdr : The mini port driver to make the magic work ...

It seems like that driver is from PQI:


GOOD work! :thumbup


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This is probably the most used update I've ever had on my 9x machine! I have multiple flash drives, only one of which previously worked with Windows 98. Thanks to this, I now can use all of them, along with MP3 players and digital cameras too! Keep up the good work :w00t:

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  • 2 weeks later...

After Dr. Hoiby's Windows Explorer 256 color TrayIcons Patch and Wijono's hot removal of USB device SYSTRAY.EXE ( Patch, both already included in NUSB, I now offer you:

:w00t: dencorso's USB FDD DiskTSD.VxD Patch, that allows NUSB to work with FDDs without a BSOD!

Do you remember this post by Petr? [Petr, where are you??? :hello: ]

I played again with Mitsumi USB FDD and I found the solution of the blue screen problem - to use DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3000 and the old DISKTSD.VXD (4.10.2223) to rename to DISKTSD1.VXD. But not 100%.

Just replacing 4.10.2223 by 4.90.3000 does not work, the system won't boot and in the bootlog appears:

[00151BDA] Dynamic load device  C:\WINDOWS\system\IOSUBSYS\disktsd.vxd
[00151BDA] Dynamic load failed C:\WINDOWS\system\IOSUBSYS\disktsd.vxd : [00151BDA] Not a valid device - possibly corrupt

After installing nusb, inserting the USB Floppy causes blues screen with error in DISKTSD.VXD.

After renaming old and copying new disktsd.vxd I was able to use the USB floppy with no problem.

BTW, in Windows Me everything works fine.

Then I tried to use 98SE2ME, at first the option installing just the USB drivers, second time option 2 - install everything.

In both cases plugging the USB floppy into the PC did not cause the blue screen, but in the device manager appeared yellow exclamation mark and the FDD did not work. The above described procedure with renaming and copying DISKTSD.VXD did not help.

I have shortly looked into the 4.90.3000 code and there are only very few differences in comparison to 4.10.2223 so it is possible that the 4.10.2223 version could be modified to work correctly - but I don't know how. [...]


Well, it set me thinking... My first though was: how so? Win 98SE will not allow one to rename and substitue a file in use! But I tested, and in fact Win 98SE does allow it, at least in this case: it works as Petr described.

The downside of Petr's solution is that if one forgets to exchange back the DiskTSD.VxDs before shutdown, or has a system crash, the system will refuse to boot due to the failed dynamic loading of v.! :wacko: And it'll be necessary to boot in DOS to do the renaming, before the system is able to boot up normally again. :blink: So, a way to have v. undergo successfully the dynamic load was a must that simply had to be found... ...and here is it:

1) Fetch DiskTSD.VxD v. from inside your Win ME installation CD (it is in WIN_20.CAB), and extract it to a new folder named, say, PATCH.

2) Rename DiskTSD.VxD to DiskTSD.PAT and extract yet another copy of DiskTSD.VxD from WIN_20.CAB, so that now you have two identical files in the PATCH folder, differing only in the name extension.

3) Open DiskTSD.PAT with your favourite HexEditor and search for the hexadecimal sequence 00005A04, which you should find only two times, in two different places (at offsets 140 and 866).

4) Change, in both places hexadecimal 5A for 0A, and save the file.

5) Now, in a DOS box, set to the PATCH directory, run <fc DiskTSD.VxD DiskTSD.PAT /b> You should see this:

00000142: 5A 0A

00000868: 5A 0A

6) If you saw that, copy DiskTSD.PAT to %windir%\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS, rename the DiskTSD.VxD found there to DiskTSD.ORI and then rename DiskTSD.PAT to DiskTSD.VxD. As Petr found out, you can do that with windows running.

7) If you are using NUSB24 or earlier, that's all. But if you are using NUSB31, now you must got to %windir%\INF, save a copy of USBSTOR.INF as USBSTOR.ORI, and then open USBSTOR.INF in, say, WordPad and uncomment (delete the leading semicolon) all lines referring USB FDDs (there are 8 such entries: one each for Mitsumi, HP, NEC, SMSC, Sony and TEAC, and two for YEData), and save USBSTOR.INF.

8) It's not mandatory, but at this point a recommend you to reboot your system.

It's done! Enjoy using USB Floppy Drives in Win 98SE! :yes:

Of course, the standard disclaimer applies: It works great for me, but YMMV and I can guarantee nothing whatsoever about this patch, and about the use you make of it. By deciding to use it you fully accept that anything you do is of YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY... Also, to use Win ME files you must have a Win ME licence. Moreover, modding files voids the EULA, of course. You have been warned. Hence, if after performing this mod your pc morphs into a purple mushroom and explodes, causing a 10-day worldwide blackout in the process, you know you can't blame me for it!

Edited by dencorso
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Hmmm .....


Essentially, you're changing the version checks to 4.10 to allow it to load .... something like DOS did back then ...

That has given me an idea ..... perhaps these device loaders can be used to patch older win95 too with this method. I'll try these on win98 FE to verify if these can work ... well, as soon as I can find some time ...

If it works then we need to figure a way to tag the original version numbers somewhere else ...


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Hmmm .....


Essentially, you're changing the version checks to 4.10 to allow it to load .... something like DOS did back then ...

Precisely so! At DDK_Version and at SDK_Version. But, in DOS, a guest program asked the OS for its version, while, in Win, AFAIK, the guest program informs the OS which Win version it was meant for. But, at the end of the day, it has the same result.
That has given me an idea ..... perhaps these device loaders can be used to patch older win95 too with this method. I'll try these on win98 FE to verify if these can work ... well, as soon as I can find some time ...
Go for it! I do believe it may work im many cases. As it was back then, programmers still today have the habit of implementing unnecessarily over-restrictive version checking.
If it works then we need to figure a way to tag the original version numbers somewhere else ...


No, we don't. :) The version numbers are unchanged in the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Structure. That should be enough, don't you agree? It's us that need to know which file is which. Windows must not, or it won't work! ;)

Best wishes.

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This is an iexpress installer for dencorso's files:

* Unofficial Windows 98 SE NUSB 3.1 English DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001 + USBSTOR.INF Update:


NUSB31UP [116 KB, English]:


NUSB31UP requires NUSB 3.1 English (see below) already installed!

- NUSB 3.1 [742 KB, English]:




Also linked here:


Details [pops up whenever you install NUSB31UP]:

Unofficial Windows 98 SE NUSB 3.1 DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001 + USBSTOR.INF Update

per dencorso's guidelines


You MUST REBOOT at END of INSTALL to complete properly!



Windows 98 SE Native USB Drivers (NUSB) 3.1 English MUST be already installed for these files to work properly:


also here:



This modded Windows ME DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001 has version check changed to 4.10 [Windows 98/98 SP1/98 SE] to allow USB floppy drives listed in this modded USBSTOR.INF to work properly.

This modded USBSTOR.INF has USB floppy drives manufacturer IDs added back in to allow this modded DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001 to detect them properly.

Everything here applies only to English editions.


Provided 'as is', without any warranties, expressed or implied.

Use at your own risk!


This Update installs these 2 files [%windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS] into:

DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001 = %windir%\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS

USBSTOR.INF = %windir%\INF


How to uninstall this Update and restore original files (if any):

Start button -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> select "Unofficial NUSB 3.1 DISKTSD.VXD + USBSTOR.INF Update" -> click Add/Remove button -> reboot.


MSFN forum: Modded Windows ME DISKTSD.VXD + USBSTOR.INF work with Windows 98 SE NUSB 3.1:


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This is an iexpress installer for dencorso's files:

* Unofficial Windows 98 SE NUSB 3.1 English DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001 + USBSTOR.INF Update:


NUSB31UP [116 KB, English]:


NUSB31UP requires NUSB 3.1 English (see below) already installed! [...]

:yes: Thanks a whole lot, MDGx! You really do rock! :thumbup

Text added 1st November 2007, 06:09 PM

:w00t: Well, in view of the next post, let me say:

Way to go, maximus-decim! You too rock, you know! :thumbup

Edited by dencorso
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Maximus Decim Native USB ver.3.2


*Native (without installation of additional drivers for each type) support USB flash drives, digital photo

and videocameras and other similar devices.

*Universal Stack USB 2.0 (without installation of additional drivers for each chipsets) with uninstall.

1.Remove ALL drivers USB flash drives.

2.Remove ALL drivers USB 2.0 controllers.

3.Remove ALL unknown devices.

4.Install NUSB 3.2 and reboot.

5.After detection new USB 2.0 controllers (if it will occur) too it is necessary to be reboot.

Remember! You install it at own risk!


English: http://rapidshare.com/files/66648662/nusb32e.exe.html

Russian: http://rapidshare.com/files/66648597/nusb32r.exe.html

What's new?

*Add USB FDD + DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001

*Fix USB2.IFX for ATI chipsets

*explorer.exe ver 4.72.3612.1700

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Hmmm .....

I've made preliminary test runs of the version patched DISKTSD.VXD on windows 98 FE (thanks for the tip dencorso!) and so far has found no signs of trouble ... Haven't had the chance to tryout the usb fdd support yet ... will give an update when that's done ...

Native Usb 2.0 does not seem to work on windows 98 FE ... It seems that MS usbhub20.sys is not loaded by ntkern ... Can anyone help determine if this is also due to version checks or hardware related problem ? I'm much rusty on this thing ... any help or hints is appreciated ...

However, replacing with vendor usb 2.0 hub driver then the whole thing works. Tests was done on a VIA 8235 based usb2.0 ... So, for VIA based usb 2.0, only the usbhub20.sys file needs replacing to make it work ... I'm also experimenting with other drivers to see if there's any other possible solution ... I've also made the usb power/bandwidth property tab works but I think most users won't be too concerned (and probably will be left out later) ... I've made minor changes to the driver set to support VIA usb 2.0 ... This makes it sorta not so native ms usb driver ...

For the time being, I'm not updating the win98 FE usb driver set until I can figure out if the the above issues can be resolved.


I was looking at VIA usbhub20.sys file and wondering if it could be a generic hub stack (perhaps it is a reference to MS usb hub driver somewhere) ..... I'm curious to know why it can interact smoothly with the other "parallel" usbport and usbehci driver from MS ... Usually this kind of thing will go "huh?" in windows ...

Final edit:

Yep, the VIA usbhub20.sys seems to be based on MS DDK library ... if anyone willing to "experiment" usb2.0 on win98 FE with this please let me know ... I'll make a patch for you to tryout ...


Edited by PassingBy
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[...]Native Usb 2.0 does not seem to work on windows 98 FE ... It seems that MS usbhub20.sys is not loaded by ntkern ... Can anyone help determine if this is also due to version checks or hardware related problem ? [...]

Yep, the VIA usbhub20.sys seems to be based on MS DDK library ... if anyone willing to "experiment" usb2.0 on win98 FE with this please let me know ... I'll make a patch for you to tryout ...


Well, PassingBy, MS usbhub20.sys is a WDM driver (hence a PE executable), so it's a totally different animal than a VxD... By looking into it with eXeScope, you'll find out it asks for win 4.0 (= win 95) everywhere, so I think version checks are not the problem. But if VIA usbhub20.sys works, you should compare both usbhub20.sys's with eXeScope, MiTeC EXE Explorer, and PEDUMP.EXE by Matt Pietrek, to see what you find. A quick look with dependency walker shows them to have the same dependencies, which is good for a start. Good luck! Do keep us posted on your progresses. And... Keep on the great work! :thumbup
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