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  • 3 weeks later...

Posted (edited)
With the new 81.19 drivers from nvidia i get the error that says it cannot find setup.inf.

Please help.

I tried out the new nVidia 81.98 English drivers for Windows XP and they work fine. Final footprint is 8,03 MB, against 22,2 MB of the original files (compressed). Meaby you can use them.

Thanks for all bug reports. When I have finished Dutch translations of RyanVM's Update Pack and Unofficial Windows 98SE Service Pack 2.1a I'll have time to look at it.

Anybody tried latest ATI Catalyst drivers yet? I have not received any user feedback so far about this..

Edited by hp38guser
  • 3 weeks later...

anyone tryed to do nForce2 drivers? because when i start the tool it does the 1st few things then just says it cant find lots of files that are in the same directory as the batch file (where they were when i extracted them from the origional driver installer).


Nice Tool.

But i got the same problem as Nick. The compressor script has some trouble with some of my VIA drivers. The problem with one driver solved itself by getting a newer version, with another i got again "file not found" errors, although the files are in the same folder.

This is the driver i have troubles with:


I think you know how to get the files out of it, without executing it.


7-Zip will extract the files, winrar probably can too. i had ago at compressing your driver and it only lost one file. not sure how this thing works exactly so dunno if you can just makecab on the missing file and copy it into the folder the tool created.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I had some problems with this program and couldn't change it to a working batch file. I was doing a project in NSIS, so I decided to try this in NSIS. Here is my result. Anyone cares to try this?

DrvComp version 2007.05.15


- Driver compression: This works only on drivers with .inf files!

- Multi directory / multi inf files

- Recompression cab files

- Driver version check

- Class/Provider dir structure creation

A new topic has been started for this:


Edited by Roufneck


thanks for creating this tool. I hope you could benefit from the batchfile I wrote, originally idea was to somewhat automate driver compression and for myself to learn all Dos Batch functionality.

Problems I currently experience with my own batch compressor is flexibility in code management. Every change to the code can break the program very easily. I recommmend developers to start using a code language more flexible than batch scripting, especially for larger projects :)


I learned some Batch commands as well now. The flexibility in code management is exactly why I changed to NSIS. The hardest part is processing the inf files because there is almost no standard and every vender writes in his own style.

Any ideas for more functionallity?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


i have downloaded printer drivers from here

and tried to compress them but it went wrong :wacko:

Setupfile: i250.inf

Error: Class in i250.inf not found

Errors occured processing one or more drivers.

Please check these drivers manually before usage.

Edited by maniaq
Posted (edited)

I've tried Driver Compressor on many Canon printers (i965, IP4000, IP4200, s750, s900 ...) and none works, with the same "Class error" message.

Classname doesn't seem to be found in this section :

:: // Detect Class for use in dirname

ECHO. Setupfile: %filename.inf%

FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:= " %%i IN ( 'FINDSTR /B /L /I /C:"Class" "%filename.inf%" ^| FINDSTR /L /V "ClassGUID"' ) DO (
SET classname=%%j
GOTO :endloop

Then i've tried with the new DrvComp NSIS based : it works with Canon printer drivers ! :)

Any ideas for more functionallity?

YES : maybe add an option to remove some (or all) languages in a driver, in a way like nvlite tool does it (more info here) [even if whql is lost]

Edited by maxximum
Then i've tried with the new DrvComp NSIS based : it works with Canon printer drivers ! :)

tnx, it works for me too :lol:

I had some problems with this programm and couldn't change it to a working batch file. I was doing a project in NSIS, so I decided to try this in NSIS. Here is my result. Anyone cares to try this?

DrvComp version 2006.02.09.1132

If you only use the drivers for your system, it shouldn't give any problems.

Hello Roufneck,

Tested your tool with ATI (6-2-30152 device driver download) 6-2_xp-2k_dd_30152.exe

The generated destination shows the 3 .vp files compressed as .v_

The problem is when Windows autodetect the driver (I'm usin PnPSetup) could find it: it expect file to be named .vp_

Will be good if you add your progam a way to detect if extension is less than 3 characters, just add the underscore to it instead of replacing last character.

btw, compressing Realtek HD Audios took 42 minutes and copied 450MB, compress size was 150MB :wacko:

Thank you


  • 2 weeks later...


When I use Driver Compressor (NSIS version, thanks Roufneck and hp38guser for putting time in this project) with the latest BTS Drivers Packs, I get a lot of warnings at the first stage of the process (Warning! Cannot find [file]). Is it normal? Will the compressed drivers work anyways?

I only check the [copy catalog] option before proceeding.

Keep the good work!

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