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It's a batch file with 1-click behaviour to compress all drivers needed by the driver inf. It compresses all drivers Windows uses during Hardware Installation and copies it to a new directory. You can include that driver folder in the $OEM$ driver part of Winnt.sif for your unattended cd. Driver Compressor doesn't touch setup-infs so this method does also work with digitally signed drivers.

Just copy compress.cmd to the driver dir and execute it.

It recognizes driver files, even if they are compressed yet!

All files are copied to a new subdir so don't worry if something goes wrong :rolleyes:


Thanks for sharing your work with us. As a newbie to unattended installs, I've been reading up on the different methods and possibilities. I'm not a programmer though, nor a very technical computer user.

Although I understand you probably want to spend your time on programming, I'd still like to ask you if you could help me out with some more detailed instructions on how to use your program. Maybe an example or a (excuse the use of dutch language, since I don't know the english word for it:) stappenplan can also enlighten the less-experienced user ?

If you would be so kind to post an example, maybe you can come up with an example that uses the driverpacks by Bashrat: they seem to include all possible drivers and if you can explain where to copy them and then how to use you program, I would be very grateful.

Anyhow, again my thanks for sharing your work and thoughts. It's sharing of work and thoughts that will keep the world turning ! :blink:

nVidia drivers are known to be over 40 MB, but then I noticed the setup.inf method Windows uses during hardware installation copies less files than the nVidia installer.

Now you can trim down your nVidia drivers to less than 10 MB.

Do you mean compressed or decompressed?

After using your batch on nVidiadrivers, three directories were created:

1. A maindirectory called Display

2. Two subdirectories in Display called nv4_disp and nv4disp2

Which directory do I need for my Unattended Disc?

They both have almost the same files but nv4_disp is a little bigger (about 0.02mb).

BTW, I have a Geforce4 TI4200 8x AGP


What is installed by nVidia-installer that isn't installed by windows-setup.inf-method?

Hi, I would like the same answer to this question, with Nvidea graphics drivers i get 2 sub directories, which do I use?

Also, do I just use the files created how I usualy would?

i.e: put them into folders in the $OEM$\$1\drivers\device folders and then point to them in the PnPdriverspath in Winnt.sif?

If so then this tool is brilliant, so handy for reducing bloated nvidea drivers.

Many thanks


@Mekrel, this tool is for compressing the driver files for use with the $OEM$\$1\Driver method. You can change the subdirectory name and copy it to your unattended installation folder. Just follow the steps at http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/drivers.htm after you have compressed the drivers.

For the nVidia drivers I don't know which driver inf you can use. But you can find it out for your hardware in the Device Manager, select your Display card, select to update the driver, point it manually to your compressed driver and press ok, when you leave the compatiblity checked you can see if the inf has support for your card. If not, try the other



Thanks alot mate, got my nvidea drivers down from 57mb, to 17 :D, and gotta delete one of them graphic drivers ones still. Now down to 11.7mb atfter deleteing the nv_dsp2 folder.

:thumbup , good luck with your programing.

indeed a VERY useful batchfile!  :thumbup

this would slim down Bâshrat the Sneaky's driverpacks quite a lot :)

Indeed! I've already sent hp38guser a PM a couple of days ago ;)

I will definetely use cab compression for the winnt.sif method from now!



i have meaby a stupid question, but your batch file cab's the setup.inf to.

does windows uncab it to for the install or must i copy the orginal inf file to in the folder that has bin created


Sixpack, the setup.inf file shouldn't get compressed, unless it's specified in another inf. Windows need an uncompressed inf in the driver directory. Please tell me which driver package caused this behaviour



- now only skips lines beginning with ";"

- prevent compressing main inf and catalogfile

Thanks SixPack

Over an 100 downloads yet


- now only skips lines beginning with ";"

- prevent compressing main inf and catalogfile

Thanks SixPack

Over an 100 downloads yet

your welcome

thanks for the update :yes:

EDIT: it did work correct now



I downloaded the new version this morning but i keep getting this error on several (NOT ALL) drivers i try to compress...

               Driver Compressor Tool

                ®2005 Klaas Nekeman
        msfn.org - for your unattended needs

       Setupfile:      W9X90XBC.INF

       Setup directory:        \Net\W9X90XBC.

       File:   W9X90XBC.INF
       1 bestand(en) gekopieerd.
De syntaxis van de bestandsnaam, mapnaam of volumenaam is onjuist.
       0 bestand(en) gekopieerd.
sourcefile wordt niet herkend als een interne
of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
-1_ wordt niet herkend als een interne
of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
FINDSTR: kan :~0 niet openen
FINDSTR: kan -1_ niet openen
sourcefile wordt niet herkend als een interne
of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
-1_ wordt niet herkend als een interne
of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.


The above errors are in dutch but i'll try to translate it for you:

De syntaxis van de bestandsnaam, mapnaam of volumenaam is onjuist. = The Syntaxis of the filename, directory or volumename is incorrect
sourcefile wordt niet herkend als een interne

of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.

-1_ wordt niet herkend als een interne

of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.

FINDSTR: kan :~0 niet openen

FINDSTR: kan -1_ niet openen ==

sourcefile is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batchfile.

-1_ is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batchfile.

FINDSTR: can't open :~0

FINDSTR: can't open : -1_

guess something goes wrong here...


Ghost82, what do you think this flag nl.gif under my username means ;)

Fixed this stupid thing now. The error happened when no catalogfile was found.

@Mekrel, what files are inside those new created directories. Please give me a link to those drivers

Ghost82, what do you think this flag nl.gif under my username means  ;)

Fixed this stupid thing now. The error happened when no catalogfile was found.


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