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Everything posted by maxximum

  1. This script is working fine with Alcohol 120% trial Change version inside script to .... that should work.
  2. Install is MSI based (once MSI uncompressed in %temp%), so : msiexec.exe /i "VMware Workstation.msi" /qn /quiet
  3. [b]Alcohol 120% trial[/b] Attached script should work fine with trial version (based from Daemon Tools script).
  4. Includes 10/10 updates. windows_xp_x86_fra.zip
  5. [b]Daemon Tools 4.06 HE[/b] Updated script from 4.00 script. [codebox]#region - Daemon Tools v4.06HE install script - (Automated with WinExists functions) Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) ; Installer. $executable = 'daemon406-x86.exe' ; Show progess. $splash = 0 ; Default catagory folder in startmenu. $group = 'Burning software' ; New catagory to move the default folder into. $catagory = '' ; Installation folder in Program Files. ; $directory = 'DAEMON Tools' $directory = 'Daemon Tools' ; Allowed time for installation. $allowed = 300 * 1000 ; The next setting should be 0 unless you want to reboot imediately. ; Auto or manual reboot. (either choice will runonce the installer at next reboot). $auto_reboot = 0 ; The next setting is not used if $auto_reboot = 1. ; Desktop Reboot. (Set to 1 if you want the script to handle the reboot into the 2nd part of install) $desktop_reboot = 0 ; ** README "" ; Check values above and "Remove shortcuts" section below are correct. ; This is a 2 part install. The 2nd part automatically happens on reboot at HKCU\RunOnce ; which is when the Startup folder is processed and the Desktop is active. This script ; is set to manage both parts of installation automagically. ; Spyware is unchecked for installation. ; Main Window Titles. $title_dtools = 'DAEMON Tools 4.06HE' $title_sptd = 'SPTD setup V1.29' ; Run the installer. If $auto_reboot And StringInStr($cmdlineraw, '/postrun') Then If WinWait($title_dtools, 'Welcome to the DAEMON Tools', 30) Then $pid = $executable Else $pid = _Install() EndIf Else $pid = _Install() EndIf $time = TimerInit() Do Select; 1st 3 windows are messageboxes. Case WinExists($title_sptd, 'This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct') Sleep(1000) ControlClick($title_sptd, 'This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct', 'Button1') WinWaitClose($title_sptd, 'This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct', 10) WinWait($title_dtools, 'Setup must restart Windows', 5) Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'Setup must restart Windows') _RunOnce() If $auto_reboot Then $choice = 'Button1' Else $choice = 'Button2' EndIf ControlClick($title_dtools, 'Setup must restart Windows', $choice) WinWaitClose($title_dtools, 'Setup must restart Windows', 5) Exit Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'You must reboot after previous operation') _RunOnce() ControlClick($title_dtools, 'You must reboot after previous operation', 'Button1') ; Desktop Reboot after 20 seconds if set above. If $desktop_reboot Then Sleep(15*1000) MsgBox(262144, $title_dtools, 'System restart commencing now', 5) Shutdown(2) EndIf Exit Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'Welcome to the DAEMON Tools') ControlClick($title_dtools, 'Welcome to the DAEMON Tools', 'Button2') Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'License Agreement') If WinWait($title_sptd, 'This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct', 2) Then ContinueLoop EndIf ControlClick($title_dtools, 'License Agreement', 'Button2') Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'Already Installed') $text = 'Update the automated installation script for uninstall or upgrade support' MsgBox(262144, $title_dtools, $text, 5) _Abort() Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'Choose Components') ControlFocus($title_dtools, 'Choose Components', 'SysTreeView321') ControlSend($title_dtools, 'Choose Components', 'SysTreeView321', '{DOWN}{SPACE}') ControlClick($title_dtools, 'Choose Components', 'Button2') Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'Choose Install Location') ControlSend($title_dtools, 'Choose Install Location', 'Edit1', @ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory) ControlClick($title_dtools, 'Choose Install Location', 'Button2') Case WinExists($title_dtools, 'Completing the DAEMON Tools') ControlCommand($title_dtools, 'Completing the DAEMON Tools', 'Button4', 'UnCheck', '') ControlClick($title_dtools, 'Completing the DAEMON Tools', 'Button2') ExitLoop EndSelect Sleep(1000) If TimerDiff($time) > $allowed Then _Abort() Until Not ProcessExists($pid) ; Remove shortcuts. If _MainShortcut('DAEMON Tools.lnk') Then FileDelete('Uninstall.lnk') _Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk') EndIf ; Delete spyware installer. If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') EndIf ; Remove Autorun entry. RegDelete('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 'DAEMON Tools') #endregion Exit Func _Install($path = 'Default') ; Run the installer in Default Script directory. Dim $splash, $processblock If $path = 'Default' Then $path = @ScriptDir If StringRight($path, 1) <> '\' Then $path = $path & '\' If StringInStr($executable, '\') Then $path = '' If Not FileExists($path & $executable) Then Exit(1) If $processblock <> '' Then Call('_' & 'ProcessBlock') If $splash Then _Splash('Installing:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) If StringRight($executable, 3) = 'msi' Then Return Run(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & $path & $executable & '"') Else Return Run($path & $executable) EndIf EndFunc Func _Abort() ; close process if exists then exit. Dim $pid If ProcessExists($pid) Then ProcessClose($pid) Exit(2) Else Exit(3) EndIf EndFunc Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Func _MainShortcut($shortcut, $rename = '') ; Change working directory to correct StartMenu\Group directory. Dim $group, $catagory, $splash If $group = '' Then Return 0 If FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) ElseIf FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Else Return 0 EndIf ; Wait for main shortcut. If $splash Then _Splash('Waiting for shortcuts') For $i = 1 To 20 If FileExists($shortcut) Then ExitLoop Sleep(500) Next If $splash Then _Splash('Cleaning up:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) ; If catagory not assigned anything, then return. If $catagory = '' Then Return 1 ; Move the group folder into the catagory folder. If FileChangeDir('..') And DirCopy($group, $catagory & '\' & $group, 1) Then If DirRemove($group, 1) Then ; If optional rename parameter is used, then rename the group folder. If $rename <> '' And FileChangeDir($catagory) Then If DirCopy($group, $rename, 1) And DirRemove($group, 1) Then Return FileChangeDir($rename) EndIf Else Return FileChangeDir($catagory & '\' & $group) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _QuickLaunch($shortcut) ; Delete a Quicklaunch shortcut. Local $subdirs = '\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch' If FileExists(@AppDataDir & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@AppDataDir & $subdirs) And FileDelete($shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@AppDataCommonDir & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileChangeDir(@AppDataCommonDir & $subdirs) And FileDelete($shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Func _Splash($text = '') ; Shows a small borderless splash message. Dim $splash If $splash Then If $text Then SplashTextOn('', $text, 500, 25, -1, 5, 1, '', 14) Else SplashOff() EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _WinClose($title, $text = '') ; Close a window with further attempts. For $i = 1 To 10 WinClose($title, $text) If Not WinExists($title) Then Return 1 Sleep(500) Next EndFunc Func OnAutoItStart() ; A 2nd script instance will exit. Local $interpreter If StringInStr($cmdlineraw, '/dummy') Then Exit $interpreter = StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & ' Script Interpreter' If WinExists($interpreter) Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle($interpreter) EndFunc Func _RunOnce() ; Add 2nd part to installation. Local $key = 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce' If @Compiled Then RegWrite($key, '_DTools', 'Reg_sz', '"' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /postrun') Else RegWrite($key, '_DTools', 'Reg_sz', '"' & @AutoItExe & '" "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /postrun') EndIf EndFunc [/codebox]
  6. All office updates can be applied without slipstreaming. - uncompress update - edit "ohotfix.ini" to change settings for UA install - apply update by running "ohotfix.exe" Tested & validated with following KBs : KB887616, KB907417, KB913807, KB914455, KB916518, KB917151, KB917334, KB918419, KB920907, KB921566.
  7. Uncompress setup; then with msi file : msiexec.exe /i vegas6_enu.msi /qb- install also media manager (in subdir "mediamgr") : msiexec.exe /i mediamgr_enu.msi /qb-
  8. Files updated for WUD 2.23 Beta Build 649 : - exchange-2003-x86-fra.ul - office-2003-x86-fra.ul - windows-2000-professional-x86-fra.ul - windows-2003-server-x86-fra.ul - windows-xp-x86-fra.ul WUD_FRA.zip
  9. Can you add : - Show date of KB - Search by KB's date - Link to go directly to KB page on MS website. Thanks !
  10. I've updated "windows-2003-server-x86-enu.ul" with three KBs missing : KB890830, KB916281, KB913446 windows_2003_server_x86_enu.zip
  11. Some news : - Updated french language for Windows XP French, - New : french language for Windows 2000 Pro French, - New : french language for Windows 2003 Serveur French. Some KBs are maybe missing in 2000 & 2003 .ul file ... I will check that later. Windows XP .ul file should be complete. windows_2000_pro_x86_fre.zip windows_2003_serveur_x86_fre.zip windows_xp_x86_fre.zip
  12. Here is french ul for Windows XP FRE. windows_xp_x86_fre.zip
  13. I can make French .ul file ... for Windows XP x86 and Windows 2000 Pro x86.
  14. RogueSpear has his own forum to support ScriptPack. Check here !
  15. Maybe you can try BTS DriverPacks ... for all your drivers needs... and Post Install ScriptPack to enhance your unattended install.
  16. You can make a vbscript which checks your hardware using WMI (as it's not recommended to edit MSI files) and then installs (or not) your MSI. Have a look at Script Center. I'm using Windows XP Post Install ScriptPack V1.03 and it's easy to add custom scripts.
  17. Try : Windows XP SP2 Post Install Script Pack V1.02 ! It can rename your LAN connection with script "200_ConfigNetwork.vbs" found in the pack.
  18. I've tried with GSX 3.2.1 and VMtools from Server 1.0 .... and it does not work very well. I use VMtools included in differents VMware versions. Maybe VMware workstation 5.5.1 is more "tolerant" to latest VMtools than GSX Server 3.2.1 ! Create a new script with this code : On Error Resume Next Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objShell.Run "%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"
  19. Go to macromedia website, choose the player you want, then on the download page, on the right chose "redistribution". After accepting developper licensing, you can download the packages.
  20. I've made a little script to change CD-rom drive letters. It has to be run as the last script as it changes CD drives order. ChangeCD_RomDriveLetters.zip
  21. I'm using successfully "compname.exe" found here ! I've put a line in "cmdline.txt" and it does the job very well.
  22. I've integrated it in my XPCD : it's such a great tool :) Many Thanks. I've changed 070_VMwareTools.vbs, as VMtools are differents and incompatible between VMware workstation 5.5.1, server 1.0 and GSX 3.2.1. '********************************************************************** '** Subroutine; Install VMware Tools if this is a VMware Machine ** '********************************************************************** Sub InstallVMtools Dim strComputer, objWMIService, colBIOS, objBIOS, i strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS") For Each objBIOS In colBIOS If Not IsNull(objBIOS.SerialNumber) Then If Left(objBIOS.SerialNumber(i),6) = "VMware" Then If Left(objBIOS.ReleaseDate(i),8) = "20040421" Then If fs.FileExists(OEM & "\071_VMwareTools-gsx321.exe") Then ws.Run(OEM & "\071_VMwareTools-gsx321.exe"),0,True End If If Left(objBIOS.ReleaseDate(i),8) = "20060417" Then If fs.FileExists(OEM & "\071_VMwareTools-srv10.exe") Then ws.Run(OEM & "\071_VMwareTools-srv10.exe"),0,True End If If Left(objBIOS.ReleaseDate(i),8) = "20050729" Then If fs.FileExists(OEM & "\071_VMwareTools-wks551.exe") Then ws.Run(OEM & "\071_VMwareTools-wks551.exe"),0,True End If End If End If Next End Sub VMtools*.exe were made using 7z auto-exe, using FAQ posted on MSFN.
  23. I'm using successfully latest DPs on my nF4 ultra (gigabyte K8N-ultra9) + geForce 7900 GT system : - BTS_DriverPacks_BASE_V6034 - DriverPack_Chipset_V6031 - DriverPack_CPU_V603 - DriverPack_Graphics_B_V603 - DriverPack_Graphics_C_V603 - DriverPack_LAN_V6032 - DriverPack_MassStorage_V6031 - DriverPack_Sound_A_V603 - DriverPack_Sound_B_V603 - DriverPack_WLAN_V603 I have replaced DriverPack_Graphics_A_V603 with two home made DPs (FAQ here): - DriverPack_Graphics_A-ATI_V63 ==> ATI Catalyst 6.3 desktop + custom made mobility .inf with DHmodtool3. - DriverPack_Graphics_A-NVIDIA_V8421 ==> Forceware 84.21 needed for latest 7xxx series. I have no more BSOD , and I had some before (check this old topic).
  24. Nvidia 7600GT is listed in "nv4_disp.inf" of forceware 84.21 WHQL (so, no need to use beta driver). I had to make my custom pack to support 7900GT. You can easily do the same to support your 7600GT.
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