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Driver Compressor


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got an idea:

Would it be possible to make the script search for inf's in multiple folders?


running the script from <root> scanning subfolders:

<root>\iiyama Drivers\CRT Monitor\<model1>

<root>\iiyama Drivers\CRT Monitor\<model2>

<root>\iiyama Drivers\CRT Monitor\<model3>

etc etc...

the output folders would still be:

<root>\iiyama Drivers\CRT Monitor\<model1>\<folder with compressed files>

<root>\iiyama Drivers\CRT Monitor\<model2>\<folder with compressed files>

<root>\iiyama Drivers\CRT Monitor\<model3>\<folder with compressed files>

This would really help me as I have a whole bunch of drivers that I pulled from serveral CD's and I want to compress them for integration...

Edited by Ghost82
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This is a amazing tool. Can you make a version that compress all the files into one folder and copy all the inf's into that folder. Because some driver installs share alot of files, with the current method it creates semi-redundant folders.

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I'm having problems using compress.cmd with Intel INF files.

I followed the instructions form this post

and copy the 68 files (.cat & .inf) to a new folder.

The I ran compress.cmd and got this resulting screen.

               Driver Compressor Tool

                ®2005 Klaas Nekeman
        msfn.org - for your unattended needs

       Setupfile:      815.inf

       Setup directory:        \System\815.

       File:   815.inf
       1 file(s) copied.
       File:   815.cat
       1 file(s) copied.
) was unexpected at this time.


Only 815 gets created.

Following the post, isn't suppossed multi-inf directories could be parsed?

I have attached (7z) the intel_inf folder for your testing.

(it is based on 1012 chipset inf from intel site).




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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW this is a cool tool :thumbup

I tried it on all of my drivers that I have on my 2000 CD and my ISO is now a 100megs smaller!


I still have to test it yet though I'll let you know how it turns out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had an interesting idea...wouldn't it work if you went through and changed the destionation directories to a predefined output directory and just processed the inf as if you were installing the driver. Of course this would only work on the system with the hardware but you would get the required files for installation for your specific configuration.

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After tring it on a lot of diferent drivers I have found a few gliches....

On SIS video driver the driver does not like the file SiSInst.dll compressed on install win2000 said could not find file. To fix it I just restored this file to original.

On ATI (and some others) there is a sub folder B_09006 were part of the driver is stored. Your utill reports thoughs files as not found. I copied all filles in that fold together with the rest and run the utill again worked fine, but on the install it came up looking for the files in this folder and I had to change the location. After install was complete the driver install did not work.

Any ideas? :blink:

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Here is the one for ATI: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894

When you d/l the driver and get it to unzip I go to .\wxp-w2k-catalyst-8-111-050222a-021277c\Driver\2KXP_INF this is were I run your utill but the missing files are in \wxp-w2k-catalyst-8-111-050222a-021277c\Driver\2KXP_INF\B_21349.

If I don't have the B_21349 with the files in it I get ask for location of the files.

I hope this helps.

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BaTLeZone, I suggest you to copy the infs in wxp-w2k-catalyst-8-111-050222a-021277c\Driver\2KXP_INF to the 2KXP_INF\B_21349 directory and run the compress.cmd from there. It's not a big issue

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So you are saying that I should use the B_21349?

so I would use...


instead of..



Runnning the util is not the problem the problem is when I do an auto install and a window come up saying can not find files in c:\DRIVERS\v09\.\B_07315. I have to keep changing it all the time. Or am I still doing something wrong?

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To answer the previous post using ATI drivers if not figured out yet.

My files, yours maybe different do to updates and what not.


Uncompressed files






You Don’t need atiiseag.ini (I don’t think and also .cat files are only for windows file protection so if you disable might as well delete.)

copy C2_20455.inf

Copy CX_20455.inf

Copy compress.cmd

To: B_20132\

Run.. ignore errors..

Delete all in B_20132\ except folder Display (this is the new folder).

Explore the folder created if there is only an inf, delete (or ignore) that folder

if there are other files in the folder with inf select all except inf.

cut and paste to original B_20132 directory when finished delete

the Display folder.

This way items are still in original place but now compressed and extraneous

items have been removed.







etc…….. compressed files

005_ATI \




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Yes, you can actually create compressed drivers by moving the inf's to the right directory. Driver Compressor doesn't look for files in other directories than where it's run from.

P.S. What happens if you choose Windows to update your ati videocard and choose manually for the directory the installinf's are located. Does Windows look in subdirs to find files?

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