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[Desktops] 2005

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Do You Hear The Silence..??

Wall: Apollo Dark

Skin: Azenis..... (Super Job..JJ!!)

Icons: System and Docks: Universe Metal Premium SUite

Cursor: Pro Tools

WIdget: Picturesque Weather..

Top Dock..Stealth Backing...

Side Dock: Oxidized (Recolored)

Media: Corporate

Large: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/Stetson11/TFFL.jpg

I'm in shock...:o

That's gotta be one of your best desktops I've ever seen!!! That wall is absolutely amazing...

@SiMoNsAyS - Make this a finalist for sure!!!!!!

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I'm in shock...:o

That's gotta be one of your best desktops I've ever seen!!! That wall is absolutely amazing...

@SiMoNsAyS - Make this a finalist for sure!!!!!!

LOL!!.... They friggin well better be good, they cost me hundreds of dollars a year.. LOL!!

I don't do contests...Simon already knows this...So carry on with the finals and finalists, have fun!!

I do desktop/hobbys because....*I LIKE THEM*...Not what others like... Cheers Bud :)

PS: The wall is available at SkinPlant..... ;)

Edited by Dagonet'
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