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hasi , what about collapasable catagories?

like having to click a [+] to expand "System" or "Multimedia" this would be good 4 me as i have alot of applications & it keeps them neatlt organized


Any chance there will be options in the next release...

I need something like this:


Microsoft Office 2003



CD Burning



Easy CD

Great work already!



ONCE AGAIN: R(ead) T(the) F(uckin') M(anual). or just search the forum. Perhaps it's already done.

Why should others help you, if you do not spend a little bit of your precious time with reading and searching in the forum ?



This thread is getting long. Maybe we can start a new thread and just paste the current suggestions on your list in the first post.

Anyway my suggestion to make wpi even better would be something I briefly mentioned before where there is a check box next to the category name so that when you check it it auto checks all apps in that category. This becomes very useful for department apps where we can make a category for that department and all their apps are listed and can be checked all at once instead of one at a time. Seems like it would be easy to implement and with an option to show or hide the cateogory check box feature would keep those who wont use it happy.


ONCE AGAIN: R(ead) T(the) F(uckin') M(anual). or just search the forum. Perhaps it's already done.

Why should others help you, if you do not spend a little bit of your precious time with reading and searching in the forum ?

Tried to find something about "Option buttons" (again), but couldn't didn't find anything on the forums... Can someone point me in the right direction?


Thanx, that will do the job. But is not as nice as I would like it to be, because "the other" checkbox is disabled, when the first is checked. For me it is no problem, but my UXP CD is also for some n00bs.. eh... friends

It would be nice when checkbox 1 is unchecked when I check checkbox 2 :blink: ... Or just some optionbuttons...



i`m using the wpi as autostart program for a cd.

This tool is great, but i`m missing an "already installed" extension.

In my mind there`s something like if c:\program files\Nero\Nero.exe exist then extend the ProgramName with "(already installed)" and grey out the checkbox.

This would be very usefull to me. I know i can use the cond statement to grey out the

checkbox but then i don't know why.

I hope my wish is clear.

thx t2x


thats not really good, if u could read a reg value to get version info, anything under version whatever is greyed out.. else keep open :P


Some friend i lend my unattended cd with wpi asks for some kind of progress bar.

I know that this is not possible cause we just launch many installer independently.

So i thought that it would be nice if there was a field labelled "approximate installation time" and in some place of the choosing page the total value of what user has choosed.

This won't be real installation time but at least it gives to the user some hint.

what do you think about this?


This is a variation of my earlier request to have wpi scan for programs and if they do not exist to grey them out or hide them, making it much easier to use one config package of wpi for many different things like an unattended CD, and unattended DVD, a pen usb flash drive etc. This way the same package minus the actual install files will work everywhere, any apps that are missing are simply greyed out.

this shouldn't be realy dificult to make ....

if you wold use a dinamic checkbox list...

look at this... and correct the errors (im not that good at scripting but can give you the basic idea... http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=251424

and add some code to look for the existance of the setupfile first before writhin the checkbox to your file...


how about wizard of WPI that can make a WINNT.SIF instead of writign the script for command dose? so that they can put in a serial number and lot's of other stuff too


I think adding the ability to chose which config you'd like to use might be very useful.

(e.g.: home pc's, IBM workstations, Dell workstations, ...)

How it should work?

Very easy (well, it sounds very easy :P ): a main config file in which there are links to other config files:






What else would we need? Of course the required changes in the other js files (I can't explain that precisely, because I don't know JS) I guess you could simply add another button (choose config), a new windows appears and you can choose between the config files listed in the main config file (config.js)

Sorry if this has been posted before, didn't want to read the entire topic/forum...

P.S.: Superb program! Congratulations ;)

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