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Posted (edited)

A note to myself:

Add manual column and page breaks.

Add possibility to keep categories together (no splitting with colbreak).

Manually set the number of programs + cat-headlines per column ?

partially done, see boxes.js

Better handling of linebreaks in program/category - names.

Option to have page-flipping or automatic scrollbar. Let the user choose.


Edited by hasi001



I am having a hard time tying to understand what you are trying to do that needs extra install files per application. What installer files are you needing? With my setup I have like 20 apps in my wpi and each one is a simple unattended install of each program and does not need extra installer files. They are just a check and go install. Curious why yours is different?




Some programs do need more that one command line. I have programs where i install the exe first, then put a language pack over it and a cleanup file, so that would be 3 cmd lines already. If i need to register or activate the program with something like an AutoIt or VBS script then that would be 4.

Take a look at something like Nero reloaded if it comes as seperate parts.

I have seen at least 5 parts to Nero.


Yeah, my Diskeeper entry looks like this:

pn=7    // start value ******************************************OK
prog[pn]=['Diskeeper 8 Professional']
cmd2[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\Extras\\Diskeeper\\DK\\DPE.msi /qn']
cmd3[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\Extras\\Diskeeper\\DKU\\DPEup.msi /qn']

And I will have to break my "Windows XP PowerToys" entry into separate components if it grows. But gentlemen! We are off topic, so let me bring it back by wishing you all a Happy New Year.


I must have a mental block because I still dont see your point. I too have many installs with up to 4 cmd lines, some I do seperate cmd1 cmd2 etc and some I just put all in a batch file and then call the batch file. Some I rar up and use winrar to self extract and run the commands. But none of this explains the need for a pre install sfx that needs to be hidden as blinkdt mentioned. I guess I dont follow what he is trying to do. Why would you need anything to install besides the 4 or 5 commands just because someone chose an app from wpi? Maybe you can explain this better because I just am not following this :)



@dlevens Wow, you're right, I've never tried to run commands from within an SFX. Looks to me like you are already in a modular mode, and my old method--the $OEM$ "drop it all on the hard drive" and then run the installs--is no good for WPI. As of this moment, all of my installation files are RAR'ed as a single archive. This was a stopgap measure adopted in recent weeks because I was running out of room on my CD.

As you note from longstanding practice, and as I only recently surmised, it is much better to archive each install individually if necessary. Then one can extract/install/delete in one shot. I am only now migrating to WPI and need to rework a few things, but when done there will be no "Extracting setup files.../Removing setup files..." entries in my WPI interface. Clean and simple, that's the way we likes 'em. :lol:

But I still think it would be a good idea to have hidden Before/After install options built into WPI, just in case.


cool well at least I am not going crazy. Grab the most reacent copy of winrar, use solid and locked archives and create sfx file and put all your commands in the run after. I have most of mine extracting to temp if I do not need to reuse the files, but for office installes etc I have it extract to C:\Support\Software\Office etc so the source files are left behind.


winamp 5.08


a minimum of 5 or 6 commandlines.


prog[pn]=['Winamp 5.08']

desc[pn]=['Winamp is a very popular media player used to play MP3 files.']

cmd1[pn]=['msiexec.exe /qb /i %cdrom%\\Applications\\Winamp\\Winamp508.msi INI=%cdrom%\\Applications\\Winamp\\winamp508.ini&quot]

cmd2[pn]=['XCOPY "%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\Winamp.ini" "%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\Winamp\" /E /Y']



cat[pn]=['<font color=FF9900">Audio</font&gt]



that's only 2 command lines...not 5 or 6...

also, i agree with the above comments - i do NOT like this 'pre-unpack' idea... seems like an unusable feature only being used because one person simply hasnt finished organizing the SFX archives...

PS - sorry hasi, i couldnt resist :P


new stupid cosmetic wish:

categories should not be 'category name' followed by the line-break (<HR>?). Rather, it should be the line-break, followed by the category name.

As far as any complaint that it will not be recognizable as a category name, even without changing the color of the category name (which is possible with simple HTML), it is easily discernable, since it is more left justified than the checkboxes.


ok, hasi.

here's my idea:

I severly dislike the 'options' and 'config' pages in WPI. As an old-school WPI user, I always found it easier to set these options/configs myself. I mean, how hard is it to type "true", "false", "yes", or "no" in the options page????

That said, I do understand why it is useful.

Would it be possible to include these 'wizards' in a seperate .hta file in a seperate folder (which can be deleted by the user if he wont use them - meaning they have no direct impact on ay other file, they are simply a conviniece to be used, if desired)? [And therefore remove the 'options' and 'config' buttons from wpi.hta] If I understand correctly, they are merely writing the options for the user to the files anyway...






..|--wizards (deleteable, if so desired)




The logic behind this idea is to keep the WPI.hta as simple and universal as possible, and keep WPI itself as stable as possible. This way, any bugs related to the wizards don't need to effect all of WPI.

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